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Part 1 11:03辰偉把采翎放下時,我怎麼好像有聽到”甘你屁事啊”的聲音??
after all the lagging in the drama, i like how this episode has a lot of RF & Jim and CW & XY scenes….sigh…..everytime Jim does sumthin for RF, i keep thinkin if only she chose him instead in the beginning, she would be the happiest person in the world instead of this crap with LZF
i want RF and Jim together!!!!!
手語老師的聲音根本就是那個慧慈 抱著娃娃蓮花指的慧慈
那天她跟姊姊如麗前去逛街,如芬為了閃躲路上奔跑嬉戲的小男孩,撞倒了路邊攤販的推車,攤販破口大罵,膽小的如芬當場愣在原地,如麗頻頻道歉,但攤販卻獅子大開口的要求天價賠償!如麗氣不過,當場和攤販吵了起來,但卻越吵越沒重點,引來一群人圍觀。眼見如麗節節敗退,如芬嚇得發抖,這時,一個樣貌清秀看似嬌弱的女孩出現,充滿正義的幫如麗如芬主持公道,於是衰事接二連三接踵而來, 一波未平一波又起 波波相連到天邊,究竟,這個帶賽胞還會帶來多少的災難呢?讓我們看下去。
woo hoo
由於李正方母子的自私和愚蠢而摧毀了兩個美好的愛情(RF&Jim, SY&CW)。如芬對婚姻的容忍和對老公的姑息讓這兩個愛情遙遙無期。
RF, don’t listen to QM and make your move on your crappy and lousy marriage…..this is a matter of trust in a marriage…..No matter how LZF, the beast wanna change and make up of the marriage, he is still a person of mean miser….
QM is so…. unbearable
why there are so many shitty things happened on RF’s older brother?! Dont focus on RF and ZF anymore…tired!!! I rather to see RF and Jim or RF’s brother and his love!!
AAAHHH!!! CAN’T…WAIT…FOR…NEXT…EPISODE!!!!!! Looks so exciting
agree… WML and mum are really TOO MUCH. such terrible and horrible characters…
Jim and RF should marry and bring RF’s daughter to the States. RF’s daughter needs good parents to take care of her health and to provide a healthy family.
Yes yes.. U.S has way more services provided for special ed kids for FREEEEEEE
holy crap, 清美居然还支持让如芬跟正方在一起。。。。。
this is not the time to distinguish who is the winner, this is the matter of trust in a marriage. If LZF can’t be honest to RF and always comes with conditional, it’s difficult to build up the trust and mend the relationship…..Besides, you can see that LZF always likes to point his finger to somebody and show no responsibility to resolve any problem….a piece of trash!!!!!!!!!!!!1
離了剛好而已 畢竟結了已經輸了
She is annoying. Freakin B*tch
She is annoying. Freakin B*tch
really dont like 清美, it’s because of her “good decision” that 如芬跟正方marry
Thanks! This is so fast, right after the 43 ep.!