TIP1: Try both Google Chrome and Firefox
TIP2: How well does your browser support HTML5?
TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found". July 31, 2011 Tipster Rednimer
i like Xiao Yan Zhi but here i feel that she doesn’t use her brain to think… i mean okay her idea and her thoughtfulness is great, but why does everything always backfire? i mean she should listen to herself and her own words, but yet she does the complete opposite? i don’t know if to feel happy for her or feel mad at her, or feel sorry for her? *sigh*
erkang is so mean…
xyz is so sad already and he said something that will make xyz sadder!
i like Xiao Yan Zhi but here i feel that she doesn’t use her brain to think… i mean okay her idea and her thoughtfulness is great, but why does everything always backfire? i mean she should listen to herself and her own words, but yet she does the complete opposite? i don’t know if to feel happy for her or feel mad at her, or feel sorry for her? *sigh*
或許就能省去很多麻煩事了 XD
no offense but i think they should have let qing er be zi wei…qing er is pretty!!
qing er is so pretty!
瑜妃好不貴氣… 有點路人樣= =”
晴兒好漂亮 :d
怎麼改的爾康很誇張呀 連跟小燕子聊天都要一直護著紫薇
不管舊版新版 我還是比較愛小燕子 沒心眼
其實她腦袋很聰明的 鬼點子多
只是從小孤兒 為了討生活 早就已經跟書本和規矩遠離了XDDDD
why the volume is so weak
晴兒 最漂亮!!