New My Fair Princess Episode 94 S3 Ep.20

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200 thoughts on “New My Fair Princess Episode 94 S3 Ep.20

  1. As long as two person r in love, their status, knowledge, etc. doesn’t matter. As long as they are in love n tgt, they could live happily. There’s no who is better, who is worse such thing.

    • I know what you mean.. but relationships are just illogical.. sometimes a person can logically be so much better, but there’s just no feelings.. no spark..  but yeah.. poor Benji

  2. 杏茸最破天荒徑爆台詞就是 — 

  3. 新還珠播完之後   我就不信沒有厰商找演杏仁的闞清子代言性感内衣和内衣。 That’s what the actress is wearing/promoting throughout the ENTIRE SHOW that she has a part in. Oops, maybe this show is  sponsored by lingerie companies!

  4. 這部劇
    最喜歡的就是晴兒!!! 可愛有才又善良大氣 本身演員也非常討喜可愛啊害我一直搜尋她!! 
    蕭劍: 好想要一個這樣的好哥哥!! 眼神中充滿了戲!
    令妃:也是個迷人的角色,演員本身也好美 很喜歡 真的好像很疼小燕子和紫薇的好娘娘!! 



    紫薇:我得說在瞎的那段真的演得不好 感覺真的看的到 會懂得避開危險物 這個需要她叫另外一個人拿dv拍然後她真的蒙眼,去比較兩者得不同! 真實眼精的地方應該可以去看很多片子去揣摩!


    但是!導演和演員們都很敬業!!我有觀察到 即使是站在背景的僕人都有稍稍演戲@yahoo-YMEQ6XQHIX7OF5STN43HSWIGPY:disqus 

  5. 燕子真是懂事的讓人心疼,永燕真的比我想像中的勇敢和理智。 。 。到頭來,大家都得到了所愛的,我的燕子呢。 。 。千瘡百孔的燕子讓我心酸的不行。 。 。小五你不如放手吧,何苦2年約定啊。你身邊有母親老婆兒子,這樣的所謂​​:責任,到頭來你給了兒子也不能盡到父親的責任何苦呢。 。 。不想說了~大愛這版的小燕子!獨立、勇敢、無畏!充滿了感情!充滿了對生命的理解

  6. 我想阿姨是被Prince Charles 給影嚮, 才會覺得靈肉分開是正常.
    這部戲除了杏茸惹人厭 紫微的呆目不那麼有才且較像香妃外我最難忍受就是小燕子的彆氣尾音 聽來每每都像要被掐死的感覺小燕子個性一點都不大咧咧 是個比較完美的小燕子 不過演員比環三好disney式的配樂-一開始不習慣 之後也覺不錯感動時都是音樂惹的這些新歌都很動聽最亮眼的還是晴兒男演員多半出彩 班杰明算難得的不錯了

    她創造了真燕子 其他都變成山寨版了

  7. 我壓根不在乎“圓房” 和“全新永琪” 或“出乎意外的完美結局” 了!乾隆接他們的情節對我來說已是最好的結果!全劇終!

  8. I feel that YQ made a wrong move. He went back to the palace without actually telling XYZ what he’s gonna do with XR and he just reassures himself that XYZ will understand. Also, by leaving XR and his kid, he’s gonna be an irresponsible father. Hais 🙁

    • I agree with you. I understand that he wants to fulfill his duty and make his mother happy. But the way he chose to do it was wrong. He should of told xyz what his plans were….

    • i totally agree with you. xyz doesnt understand and dont know that hes way of doing his duty is actually making a baby with xr. sigh…

    • i couldn’t agree more! i find yq is disgusting in thinking this is the solution, but how about the poor baby he’ll leave behind & the lies he hid from xyz? if i was xyz, i would hate him if i found out. there are other ways to do things. why bring an innocent child into the world not knowing who the father was! if child ever finds out that he or she was born out of a loveless relationship, it would be very painful. xyz would feel even more burden & wonder if yq love is real or not to have sex with some you have no feelings for.
      i really really hate this ending. love the old one better.

  9. xin rong disgust me… her eyes and expression when 5th prince wanna fufill his promise, aka do it with her, she looks so happy and excited to do ‘it’. gross max!!!!!!

  10. 乾隆:超讃啦!九五之尊也为燕子伤心和放下身段, 有哪位娘娘格格阿哥有这种魅力让皇帝喂药,还视如己出?
    尔泰:演員不錯。本剧的最大遗憾!台词少的可怜,本来期待他和永琪来个 “君子之争” “夺燕大战”。。。没想到琼瑶偏爱班杰明, 所有人的台词都由老外说!
    爾康:演員不錯。但角色腦殘,只為紫薇而活。我覺得他彷彿像在看戲一樣, 雖然有幫燕子出氣, 但少了大兄長的氣度和風範。只怪瓊瑤只愛“班傑明在清朝的日子。” 請向燕子磕頭謝恩, 把紫薇帶給你!永琪:你別跟爾康,爾泰, 蕭劍,柳青,乾隆比:你肯定輸得徹地!你連高明, 高亮, 和四大才子都比不上!面對愛情, 親情, 友情:晴兒, 柳紅,金鎖都比你大氣和瀟灑果斷!

    • “班杰明:真是多馀角色。给一点皇宫里的镜头就行了!每一场戏都有一个超级大电灯炮。”說得真好!!!

    • shes always wearing her sexy 睡衣…its just under that outer layer….its not considered sexy cuz thats wat ancient ppl used to wear as their undergarments

      • if anyone notices, it looks like she’s the only one in the palace wearing the sexy night clothes.. the other ladies don’t wear anything thing so skimpy as her so maybe they are trying to symbolize something with the clothes… 

  11. 對於新還珠, 因為要下檔了所以我有資格批評一下:燕子: 演員不錯。付出最多,可得到的回報最悲慘, 她帶歡樂笑聲給大家, 大家給了她煩腦和無奈。紫薇: 演員失敗。海陸不適合這樣的角色, 倒是“明月” 的扮演者於瀅瀅可以演紫薇。全剧就妳最吵, 瞎子也演的不太逼真!海陸跟“金鎖” 孫耀琦倒像桿架的。紫薇不要忘:妳今天可以嫁爾康認乾隆完全要感謝燕子!
    晴兒: 演員和角色都讃!好眼光!百分百真女人, 配得上蕭大俠!金鎖:丫環騎到主子頭上了!燕子一值對妳客客氣氣, 妳能嫁給重情重義的柳青, 妳要向燕子磕頭謝恩!柳紅: 演員和角色都讃!好眼光!江湖兒女, 義薄雲天, 行俠仗義!皇后和容嬤嬤: 本來準備了爆米花和汽水, 要破口大罵,沒想到,我還滿喜歡妳們!
    明月和彩霞: 演員不錯。忠心又可愛。香妃:演員不錯。漂亮但可惜劇情不完善。不過看得出她很愛燕子喔!令妃:演員不錯。這樣的女人才配當太后,兒子當了嘉慶皇帝!

    • 我也覺得不知如何的很著迷新版的燕子
      雖然她闖禍率真的較高  可是她的善良認真樂觀  真的令人不著迷
      雖然希望她成熟  但等她真正成熟的時候
      SO 我也很肯定演員>ˊˊ”<

    • 我也覺得不知如何的很著迷新版的燕子
      雖然她闖禍率真的較高  可是她的善良認真樂觀  真的令人不著迷
      雖然希望她成熟  但等她真正成熟的時候
      SO 我也很肯定演員>ˊˊ”<

  12. 我已不在乎“圓房.” 我倒想看看瓊瑤要用啥結局來隬補我們這些可憐又忠心仁厚的粉絲!老娘只看最後一集.

  13. 反正我們都被阿姨給騙了!!

  14. 永琪為何要回去圓房,他不覺得回去圓房後,他就配不上小燕子了嗎?

  15. 其實…我原本一直期待這版的小燕子和紫薇最後能夠在一起,雖然當初是兩個世界的人,不過走過了這麼多風風雨雨後,也算是生死之交了…可如今…瓊瑤還是把他們給分了…這讓我多麼的失望阿~而永琪一再打破他的誓言,卻要小燕子苦等他兩年….永琪離開小燕子是讓我很心碎沒錯,但是他最後卻要和欣榮圓房!(而且還是自願)天呀~這到底是什麼灑狗血的劇情阿

  16. 真的….我想這也太濃縮了….當初我一直糾結…希望她到最後能把結尾搞好….如果虎頭蛇尾我一定會大怒的!!那就枉費我follow了這麼久…

  17. 最後永琪單獨一個人騎馬去雲南大理找小燕子(簫雲)..
    那年永琪應該25歲 這個原因可能導致歷史寫永琪25歲就死了!!他應該25宋就改其他名字了!!

  18. 看到永燕離別的時候,心都碎了!
    相愛是為了彼此守護 不該讓你我憔悴
    我知道我並不高貴 但是我絕不卑微
    要不是我們緊緊相隨 離別讓你我心碎
    我知道我並不高貴 但是我絕不卑微
    只想問一句天大地大 人兒何處歸
    聚散變成選擇題 為何我們必須面對
    如果你一去不回 我也會瀟灑的面對
    只想問一句天大地大 人兒何處歸~

  19. 心平气和看这戏,结果一肚子火。。。
    结婚生子都欣荣先。。。永琪啊,你就抱着欣荣跟你娘过一辈子吧,既然要有孝道那也不能少了对妻子的责任 (既然妥协娶了就要负责)

    • 真的不懂阿姨为什么要把永琪妈从棺材里挖出来。还有老佛爷和紫薇你们也太假了吧!还好燕子没有回去,不然应该回吐!

  20. 即将要分开两年,甚至永远,这永琪也太淡定了吧!一滴眼泪都没有,也没难过的表情?他到底爱不爱小燕子啊?燕子都快哭死了,他一点反应也没有。鱼肥一哭二闹三上吊就哭得那么夸张,回到宫里看到鱼肥杏仁又哭得那么惨,他也没离开多久啊!可恶,瞒着燕子回宫跟杏仁OOXX,还要燕子等两年?你他妈的又不是处男了,为毛要燕子等呀?燕子冰清玉洁,又漂亮,她能找个比你帅,比你潇洒,比你强的男人在一起。你当燕子是夏雨荷吗?燕子没有多余的青春给你浪费!最后燕子要跟你回宫,你还不让,是神马意思呀?怕燕子知道你那两年是要跟杏仁OOXX吗?每次的承诺都没兑现,不娶杏仁?结果娶了,不跟杏仁圆房?结果圆了,每次都说空话!还让班杰明帮你照顾燕子两年?还不许他介入,你凭什么呀!班杰明默默地为燕子做够多事了,保护她,珍惜她,安慰她。你做过神马呀!

    • 好像他們是最先拍第三部(演習技巧還待磨煉,演員們還不夠入戯,對彼此也不熟),所以演技就差了點咯。

      • 這幾級 好像她們剛拍沒幾級 第二部 演戲有好一點了
        後來 海陸 臉部演的比較有感情  以前只是用嘴在演戲~~

      • 分別戲的確是第一個禮拜拍的,那也是睿晟拍的第一幕吻戲,當時他們都還不太熟,的確看起來比較怪,有點生疏,不像相戀兩年的情人~~

  21. 看到這來.只能說我有滿肚子的髒話想飆出來




    • 真的!!終於有人說出來!!

    • 我跟你一樣



      欣榮瑜妃的腳色 根本就像台灣本土劇為了灑狗血拖戲的腳色

  22. 什麽跟什麽嘛!!!



    This is so ridiculous. So Granny Qiong Yao is trying to tell us it’s hard for 5 either way to do the job or not to? 

  23. 老佛爺一直說她自己也不容易,被宮裏規矩束縛什麽的。我呸。
    根本就是自己發覺最疼愛,最親的晴兒竟然一句話也沒交代,私奔去了。覺得自己身邊再也沒有別人能伺候她,就扮可憐無辜來拉攏親孫女,讓她后半輩子至少能有孝順的紫薇照顧著,不會孤零零。 要不是晴兒走了,老佛爺才不會多理會紫薇呢。虛情假意!!! 呸!

  24. screw the relationship b/w xyz and yq….i just CANT BELIEVE that the writer even separated ziwei and xyz…now thats OUT of character….this whole show was about how they are good sisters and the whole runaway time period was about how they cannot split from one and another…now ziwei is going to get married and xyz wont be part of it! i mean she doesnt have to return to the kingdom, she can stay in beijing, at least for awhile for ziwei’s wedding….QingYao not only ruined yq and xyz but she also ruined the friendship b/w xyz and ziwei. ruby and vicki’s version was sooooo much better, it was more obvious that they cared for one and another and are inseparable

    • don’t forget 70% of the new storyline is abour benjamin lolll daz wat qiong yao meant about 70% of the storyline is new 70% = all benjamin

  25. 我一直覺得舊版的結束在還珠二就很棒了,還珠三根本就太多餘,不是換演員的問題,小說我一樣也是看不下去的!!還以為這次新還珠會改得好一點,沒想到還是有欣榮的存在,還多加一個愉妃…我的天啊~看得我真的很難過!還不如不要拍算了= =

    • 瓊瑤寫到第三集應該就差不多經盡人亡了,十多年前的觀眾真的有那麼好騙嗎?瓊瑤難道還真的以為我們還有那麼好騙嗎?瓊瑤砸了自己的招牌囉

  26. 好了今天一直恨永琪完了一点:有人觉得新版紫薇很假吗?一直想努力讨好老佛爷。觉得她一直想回宫当格格,没有旧版的紫薇那么关心小燕子。

    • yup!!! Ziwei is really a fake……throughout the whole drama I thought that even Qing er understands and loves XYZ more than she does.

      • i noticed too that throughout the drama i get the feeling that everyone actually likes xyz more. other than ErKang, everybody seems to like ziwei only because the like xyz. the king, for ex, is constantly thinking back on memories of xyz and not of ziwei….when XJ brought QE along to run away and they caught up with the group QE screamed for xyz and hugged xyz but not ziwei. the same with 香妃, when she saw them come to the house after being rescued, screamed for xyz. AND not to mention 四大才子 and 两大美女 obviously loves xyz the most, they wanted to stay out of the kingdom to stay with xyz rather than serve ziwei…its only cuz xyz told them to take care of ziwei that they really care…what ive seen is that other than ErKang, everyone else likes ziwei because of xyz…oh and also ziwei is such a goody-2-shoe, she resembles all the other 格格s in the kingdom, i doubt the king would have liked her as much as he claims to now if it wasnt for xyz

      • 我很喜歡新還珠格格,不過我覺得還珠格格iii本來有所期待劇情會改變結果沒有,因為舊的還珠格格iii還是詠其跟知畫圓房有小孩了,然後拋下了娥娘去跟小燕子在一起,沒想到新的還珠格格卻也走上

    • XYZ is so unfortunate….why go through all this crap in the beginning for Ziwei? And got hurt from YQ…..then these two so-called “love XYZ the most” assholes left her. one left her for mommy fish and bitchy wife and one left because she wanted to be waited on hand and foot. At least XYZ has Xiao Jian and Qing Er’s love and support and the Emperor’s care and attention…..

    • ziwei may be okay and decent to some people but XYZ treats everyone the same way, look at how she treats her four talents and two beauties! I doubt that Ziwei has that kind of character! For god’s sake, Jin Suo kisses the ground she walks on and she was a servant to her. Any servant will be lucky to get XYZ as the master.

  27. 嘆, 小五,你沒有爾康的深情穩重,愛薇成癡, 他心裡只有紫薇!你沒有蕭劍的大俠風笵,江湖豪情, 他對晴兒說:蕭夫人!你沒有柳青的男兒氣慨,重情重義, 他給紫薇一句話:我要了金鎖!三個大男人說一是一, 尊守誠諾, 非她(們)不娶!你連爾泰都比不上!爾泰都比你瀟灑穩重,柳紅都比你爺兒們, 比你敢做敢當!對, 你很孝順, 你很為難, 你是皇子, 你無可奈何, 你老母可憐又可恨, 她那條爛命還是燕子救的!含香白白浪費了一顆凝香丸!欣榮還是假哭呢!
    你答應燕子的事你都沒有辦到!你他媽的還有臉說那麼多廢話,還要等你倆年?你當燕子是回收拉稀啊?你圓不圓房已經不重要了, 你不守誠諾, 還講那麼多有用嗎?也許爾康的父母深明大義, 有心成全, 蕭劍和柳青可以自己做主,但你也太娘了,太懦弱了!一點主見也沒有, 你老娘還希望你可以當皇帝!真想穿越告訴她:令妃的兒子才是皇帝,令妃是太后, 妳想都別想!

    • 我要替你喝采!
      說得太對了, 把我胸中的鳥氣也都說出來了~
      怎麼知道我 “心有千千結”?!

  28. 我看到永琪回到永和宮 愚妃娘娘出來 不知為何 他們看起來很難過 可我一點也不難過 充滿在我心的全部都是所謂的 心酸心酸心酸心酸心酸心酸心酸心酸心酸心酸心酸心酸心酸

    • 愚妃說她感激所有一切能夠讓永琪回來的力量, 她應該萬萬沒有想到小燕子就是永琪回宮的力量吧. 這個自私的女人根本就不知道什麽才對永琪好,什麽才可以讓永琪開心.她真的折磨死自己的兒子,為的只是自己.她好可怕.

  29. 真是的!我最近看到魚(瑜妃)和杏仁豆腐+連容月餅(欣榮)會想吐。 。 。我爸媽還以為我少根筋有問題!看到魚和腥肉(欣榮)。 。 。 。天呀! ! ! !

  30. Let me continue…..I have to let my anger out….
    小五:你沒有爾康的深情,沒有簫劍的武功,沒有班傑明的無悔,沒有明理的母親,在民間沒有生存的本事,諾言從來沒有兌現,你有什麼,到最後你拋妻棄子,丟下母親,你還有什麼,你不能自己在外生存,就連一個乾淨的身子都沒有,小燕子要你何用? ? ?

    • 說得太好了!
      滿嘴諾言 + 滿身的窩囊
      對!就連個乾淨的身子都沒有, 真的TMD爛透了
      簡直就像現在一般在外面搞外遇的男人, 開給小三的空頭支票!
      “你知道的, 我最愛的就是妳, 再給我一點時間, 我一定會跟我老婆離婚的”
      Blah Blah Blah

      虧我覺得他長得還有那麼點貴氣, 但是越到後面真的是自毀形象!
      我要再重新回去看蘇有朋的五阿哥! 那才是真正的五阿哥~
      這一版的是洋人班傑明回憶錄的五阿哥 XD

  31. 不是父女 勝似父女………………這版本的乾隆和燕子的感情真是超好感覺比五阿哥紫薇還要深得多……

  32. 不是父女 勝似父女………………這版本的乾隆和燕子的感情真是超好感覺比五阿哥紫薇還要深得多……

  33. 看了一晚的虐戲,只為乾隆跟小燕子泛舟話別那場戲感動了,不得不說乾隆跟燕子太有愛了,反正不是親生的,回去當皇阿瑪的雲妃娘娘吧,氣死瑜妃跟杏仁,要小五叫你額娘,在生一個十六阿哥搶皇位,讓瑜妃杏仁眼紅死,不是要狗血麼,狗血到底吧,皇阿瑪也不老啊,雲妃娘娘很有愛的。 。 。再捲土重來把皇宮鬧得風起雲湧雷電交加,我早就看出他們倆之間有愛了。 。我覺得皇阿瑪比五阿哥更加愛小燕子,這段時間受的刺激夠多了,在湖上泛舟的時候,我真的有一剎那以為,小燕子會為了皇阿瑪回宮的。 。 。五阿哥是誓言太空泛了,太不成熟了,男人啊,有時候還真的要成熟點好,小五是十全十美家族裡男生年紀最小的,難免啊。 。 。不過他今天的話真的刺激到我了,什麼叫我跟小燕子沒有緣分,事情都到了這個地步,還在懷疑你們倆之間的緣分,當初誰說為了小燕子特色放棄這個放棄那個,老娘一封信過來,就動搖了,我鄙視啊。 。 。 。 。 。本來還想重頭回溫的,現在再看回之前的戲,那叫一個諷刺啊。 。 。 。 。

  34. 全世界只有瓊瑤認為這結局完美。觀眾的忿怒聲音有聽到嗎?為什麼結局可以爛成這樣,瓊瑤你老了,無法做出觀眾愛的故事。只會把主角搞壞,把永琪搞成”空話哥”,一直對燕子說:我保證。結果,擁其保證的事都沒實現過。虧我之前還為了永琪跟燕子哭,現在想想我哭屁阿,不值得。

  35. 全世界只有瓊瑤認為這結局完美。觀眾的忿怒聲音有聽到嗎?為什麼結局可以爛成這樣,瓊瑤你老了,無法做出觀眾愛的故事。只會把主角搞壞,把永琪搞成”空話哥”,一直對燕子說:我保證。結果,擁其保證的事都沒實現過。虧我之前還為了永琪跟燕子哭,現在想想我哭屁阿,不值得。

  36. 沒辦法, 劇情到了這邊, 我只能邪惡。 。 。 。是小燕子把大家連在一起的!蕭劍和晴兒特好! ! !哥哥和嫂嫂真給力!現在大家要回去了。 。 。 。還有臉說是“大家庭” “好兄弟姐妹嗎?”

  37. 皇阿瑪你就把燕子娶了吧,讓小五喊一聲額娘,讓他給燕子孝順孝順,捏死小五。 。越看後面的劇情越狗血。還不如看燕子嫁給皇阿瑪的好。 。 。 。這部劇除了簫劍,就是皇阿瑪最愛燕子了!又不是親生的,香妃的年紀也是父女啊再說了,我覺得皇上對燕子比好多人都好比對紫薇好多了!皇上萬歲萬歲萬萬歲!讓永琪嚐嚐等待是空的日子吧!我覺得皇阿瑪比永琪還要愛小燕子!皇阿瑪有情有義!撿日不如撞日,就今天吧 。反正這版的燕子已經腦殘了現在都開始玩憂鬱了,已經不是那個非永琪不嫁的燕子了,咱不稀罕了!皇阿瑪對小燕子比對他任何一個兒女都要好很多倍,你看他這次來接孩子們,主要都是為小燕子準備的東西,主要是想接小燕子。而小燕子也說了,她掏心掏肺地愛這皇阿瑪。她對永琪,班傑明都沒啥愛,就是對皇阿瑪很有愛!

  38. 燕子, 你去嫁給你皇阿瑪讓小5喊你額娘吧! ! !他不是孝順嗎?讓他孝順你! !燕子! !然後跟皇阿瑪生個兒讓皇阿瑪把皇位傳給他倆的氣死那欣榮!對讓他對你“盡心盡力”與其兩年之約不如嫁皇上……
    皇阿瑪和燕子遊湖那一段, 皇上說:”如果你現在是我的媳婦, 那你就賴也賴不掉, 跑也跑不掉了.”
    皇阿瑪說的是而不是………… 哈哈!!小燕子和皇上才是真愛!

  39. 那個變態才能想出這麽變態的情節,五阿哥回北京當兩年的種馬然後就拍拍屁股走人,這什麽TMD情節

  40. f**k, why is Benji there everytime just to ruin the moment ><, the part where he started to play the happy song on his violin when xyz is having her moment was just soo stupid and annoying! wongah ma can't you doing something to help xyz and yong qi? i mean, there has to be something you can do…oh and just to mention, i feel like there zi wei and xyz haven't really bid their good byes i mean, they're inseperable and yet zi wei doesn't say much to xyz or nor does she do anything for her. zi wei should be the one who understands xyz most but zi wei doesn't comfort her in any way *sigh* this better not be another rushed ending.

  41. 沒有小燕子一切都變了 郎教士也可以算是班鳩的親人了 為什麼班鳩能為了小燕子留下永琪不能呢?或者我更希望他們大夥都留下(紫薇爾康永琪金鎖柳青柳紅甚至連才子美女都留下)或者 小燕子後來趁馬隊還沒走遠和班鳩蕭劍晴兒策馬狂奔追上回宮 他們怎麼捨得離開小燕子呢 再不然大家捨命相求也要把小燕子求回去阿

  42. I really, really, really don’t want sad ending. Oh please. This drama was a funny and full of happiness, I don’t want to have a sad ending. Their love and sacrifire for each other is so wonderful, is they don’t have a happy ending that would be pitiful. They deserve to have love and marriage, live happily for the rest of their life. Why not? They don’t have to follow the rules in the palace. XYZ doesn’t have to. They can escape from the palace. Just like Romeo and Juliet, but I hope they deserve to have their own live and don’t have to depend on their mom and the palace.

  43. what the f*ck is the point of having a baby with xinrong? It’s not like the kid will have a complete family. The child will grow up knowing that the father doesnt not love the mother, why make a child suffer like that? This whole child situation doesnt make sense to me. I think it’s just xinrong’s selfishness. 

    • the point is that if he has a baby with her…..then his mom wont hang herself again if he leaves cuz she will have the baby to care for…like putting their love for xq on the baby instead wen he leaves…..then xq can finally be with xyz without worrying about his stupid mom anymore

      • i think the whole thing is the fucking mom, she need something to relay on other wise she s gonna hang her self. she just doesn’t get it. the whole imperfection of this drama is the mom.

    • I don’t think xingrong is selfish when she was making the bed she still did the with an extra cover separation. I bet anything yonqi will tell her that he wants a kid with her and i mean she always wanted a kid with him, so since he offered u think he is going to say no?  

  44. I don’t get it, why does it always have to be the women that wait and sacrifices. can antie qinyao write something new? come on it’s 21st century, we need new ideas, it doesn’t always have to be the women. it’s lame  

    • Well the show is not 21st century, the setting is in the old day so u can’t change otherwise it just messes up the story and history and in the old day it was like that. The women always have to wait, just be grateful that u are living in the 21st century.

      • If the setting is of ancient days, then why were there other elements in the show which can be said that it’s of the 21st century..Others were able to marry according to their choices but not YQ & XYZ ..? So the whole concept wasn’t really all did incorporate 21 st century ideas and elements because Qiong Yao did say that the reason she rewrote the story was mainly aiming at those born in the ’90s..So where is it?

        • i think the point is that even that the story is not set at the 21st century but it’s written in the 21st century, wouldn’t it be more creative to write something new other than always the women waiting and sacrificing 

  45. Am I the only one that feels Benji shows up at unnecessary moments way too often? xD Like in this episode, it should have been XYZ’s time to reminisces…but there he was xD I get that he cares for her ALOT like a little too much considering he has to go home to his country some but hey, come on man xD I see him way too much xD

    • nope…i’m with you…you should read my previous posts……he is everywhere, in every episode….the lines that YQ, Er Kang, Er Tai, Xiao Jian were supposed to say, he said it….Qiong Yao’s job is to promote him as male lead and create this perfect image for him… fact she said she changed 70% of the storyline…..Benji IS the 70% change and was created because she loves him so much….way too much….

    • agree…i mean…i do feel for him…but hes just there at the wrong time….like in the last few eps or so…the scene where xyz woke xq was suppose to be sweet moment btw them two…but since he was there..being all sad…really ruin the mood

  46. 永琪 = “永”遠舉”棋”不定

    還有, 這劇名應該叫: 班傑明的回憶錄之還珠格格與我
    為什麼他台詞這麼多? 比爾康永琪還多,
    越看越想叫他shut up!

  47. 看到這一集,知道五阿哥要回去跟欣榮圓房給她個孩子之後,突然有很強烈的感覺,覺得五阿哥最好兩年後不要去大理,成全小燕子跟班杰明吧!(搞到最後原來欣榮根本不用下藥)

    • If the letters are one for each day, why is it that XYZ mentioned 365 days when it’s for 2 years..? Shouldn’t 2 years be like 730 days..? HAHAHAHA…A lot of mistakes here which were overlooked..
      This “new” thing was just a decoy and a deceit for us to be drawn into the series..There is nothing “new” in the story, I repeat, nothing “new” except characters and new cast..
      What a let down…!! Shame on Qiong Yao…!!

    • If the letters are one for each day, why is it that XYZ mentioned 365 days when it’s for 2 years..? Shouldn’t 2 years be like 730 days..? HAHAHAHA…A lot of mistakes here which were overlooked..
      This “new” thing was just a decoy and a deceit for us to be drawn into the series..There is nothing “new” in the story, I repeat, nothing “new” except characters and new cast..
      What a let down…!! Shame on Qiong Yao…!!

  48. i like the letters idea. it’s cute. one of the few things that i like about this tv show. (that’s saying something :P) but i don’t approve the two years of no yq part. terrible idea. oh well, “zhe jiu shi tian yi” *shrug*

  49. 其實小五不應該給燕子2年之約,到時候你能回來就回來,不能回來就不能回來,現在有了2年之約,燕子就有了盼頭,如果不能回來那燕子情何以堪,但是如果沒有2年之約你回來了也就回來了,是驚喜,如果沒有回來燕子也不會有盼頭,這不是更好嗎?

        • The translation in my opinion.. English is not my first languange.. XD

          Love is protect each other, not to make us weak
          I know I’m not a noble, but I’m not resentful either
          If not because of we are so attached, separation break our heart
          I know I’m not a noble, but I’m not resentful either

          I know that there’s nothing perfect in this world
          We have met, laughed, loved, traveled
          I’ll keep all of it in my heart and rewind it
          With smiles and tears without regret.
          I just want to ask, the universe is so big, where’s the returning point

          Parting become a question that we have to face
          The four cardinal points, where’s the returning point
          If you go and don’t return, I’ll gracefully accept it
          Mountains and rivers, where’s the returning point

  50. its so sad how YQ is gonna yuan fang with XR first and not XYZ. I feel bad for XYZ and the child who is just there as a replacement… 🙁 UGH….Stupid XR and Yu fei…their sences were really gross and fake to a point that its funny

  51. what the hell is that 希望?! i don’t like the sound of it. isn’t it a bigger mistake than getting married. bringing a new life to the world just to compensate their pain and loss. i will really pity the baby. it’s another tragedy! 

  52. 4 more episodes to the end *cries*

    anw. the way xin rong runs when 5th prince is back is so kua zhang, plus the way she ran looks horrible. maybe bcuz of her character, everything she does irritates me. lol! man.. i really dont want the bed scene. sigh..

    and i love the dowager here, shes much more ren ci than the ones in the old series. now i cant wait for qing er and xiao jian’s happy ending, and zi wei and er kang’s!! and hopefully, the reunion of yq and xyz. pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee dont let it be a sad ending.

  53. the scene of yongqi and his mother crying and hugging and screaming “ni hui lai le!” is so dramatic i was laughing!! hahaha…

    • i agree! he seems like such a mama’s boy and not “prince” like at all. the thing i dont like the most about this yongqi is how hes so in love with his mom. its fine to be grateful to your parents for raising you but his is so over the top and makes him seem like such a weakling!

  54. Q口Q   小燕子 就這樣跟永琪分開了!!!  Q~Q

    • Ya it is so sad to look yq and xyz separate but if we think deeply actually this is good for them as well becoz if xyz back in palace she have to face many thing we know that yq will not able to divorce xrong coz of the father was one of the minister for the emporer it’s hard for the emporer to do so although yq don’t love xr but at the end he really have to responsible for her and if xyz back in palace she will be the second wife and they have to share a husband no matter who yq sleep with first at beginning so why not take this two years as a test for their love see how strong is the true love coz they both love is not depend on sex they are loving truely from heart,the song already write nobody is perfect in this world that’s what this new hzgg trying to tell us rather than make xyz as second why not give her a man which only belong for her for the rest of life if the two years can exchange with freedon and forever love that is really worth, as we know also yq only give his body but soul and love is following xyz to da li so what xr get only empty body without love and soul aren’t she’s more pitty at the end save the best for last that was I am hoping for at the end of this story might be that was what the new hzgg try to bring for us ….

  55. 現在的皇宮真是應對了一句話,冷清,更是沒有任何放肆可言了。

    • can they just cut the part with xr so i don’t have to fast forward my self. seriously, I dont want to throw up when watching drama.

  56. Don’t anyone think YQ is a bit too selfish? I know that he wants to make sure that XYZ is well taken care of, and the only person he trusts with this job is Benji. But isn’t it too cruel for Benji to see the woman he loves pinning for her lover, which ISN’T him? And for TWO freaking long years too.. Poor Benji.. T_T

    • to compensate in the bed scene is that the directors put XYZ in the scene though in the end its still XR. At least we knw that YQ’s body , mind and soul is doing the bed scene with XYZ not XR.
      Of course it would be better if XYZ and Y have the bed scene tooooooooooooooooooo !!
      I believe the ending will be good ….cos he wants to be with XYZ for the rest of his life !!!!
      That would be our hope and wish !!

  57. i would rather all of them go back to the palace instead of separating 🙁 xiaoyanzi should go back with yongqi to the palace too.. and then just kick out that stupid xinronglanrong!!

  58. i cry the whole freaking time, but when i saw yufei and xr, almost throw up and break my computer. but er kang made me laugh at the end…

  59. 下集又要看在那邊賣弄自己的身材…..哀  我只能說我喜歡舊版的劇情….至少五阿哥的第一次是給了小燕子而且沒有俞妃這個人物的出現…..新版的劇情有點讓我無法接受…….我有點覺得自己花長時間看好像沒什麼意義….

  60. ok this is contradicting. i wanna see the palace scene cause of zw and ek and i hate the palace scene cause yq and xr is gonna dongfang. arg. i think i will just gonna forward that part lol

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