New My Fair Princess Episode 50 S2 Ep.14

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47 thoughts on “New My Fair Princess Episode 50 S2 Ep.14

  1. 不太喜歡班傑明在這戲裡…總覺得永琪和小燕子的感情不應該有人可以介入其中…而且戲份還這麼重….

  2. I wan to see more Yong Qi and XYZ… Less Er Kang and Zi Wei!!! Their relationship is too boring! The other two are more funny and sweet. The older version is better, especially when they’re running away.

  3. Sometimes, i dont get why dont they just tear the god damn paper when they had the chane, thn they wont have any paper to ‘hua ya’ what~ lol lol

  4. omg, it seems like er kangs and zi wei’s love story is stronger and more emphasized that yong qi and xyz. WHY?! i with they would focus more on yong qi and xyz and establish their relationship more…

  5. i just realized they changed the lines. ziwei was the one said the poem originally and xyz said zw was still able to make her laugh at a time like this.

  6. I AM SO HAPPY TO SEE that this new Zi Wei is stronger and more brave.  The older version Zi Wei was super weak and fear to speak up. 

    • that’s not true. i think the old zw was very brave n strong when she needed to be. and in this scene, the new zw and old zw did and said the exact same things so how can you say new one is stronger? I actually think the old one had more personality when she fought back (in this scene and in the one where she is tortured by rmm)

  7. OMFG! xyz is soo stupidd!! O: whythefawkk would she bring up what she did to the guy at 宗人府! that’s just gonna make him whip them more -____-xxx!!!!

    • I know! I remember in the old one – the evil guy recognizes them and wanted to use it as a chance as revenge before xyz fights back verbally (since they were all tied up to be whipped) it made sooo much more sense = =;;;;

    • 不要什麼都只會怪XYZ! 她常常不全是自己的錯也承擔! 今天四大護衛還不是太衝動跑來 無論如何都要先去宗人府 他們這樣劫持一半 XYZ ZW 他們的立場更慘吧…~~  

  8.  don’t like yongqi’s mom. don’t understand why must add her in this new version? she only causes yongqi and xiaoyanzi to be further apart! grhhhhhhhhh


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