New My Fair Princess Episode 62 S2 Ep.26

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53 thoughts on “New My Fair Princess Episode 62 S2 Ep.26

  1. this is kinda irrelevant but does anyone think that qing er’s mom is really irresponsible. how could you just commit suicide and leave your FIVE YEAR OLD CHILD like that? no matter what happened to your lover, you still have a freakin CHILD to look after. why would you do that to your daughter? its sad enough that she lost her dad, what good is it to commit suicide and leave your daughter all alone in the world… 

    • well, same thing happened with Xiao Jian … Guess the women in the old days are like that when they are in love… maybe they think the child will be taken care of by others so they didn’t think much … 

  2. i kinda wish the actor for er kang = xiao jian
    and the actress for zi wei = qing er

    I think i wud b more invested in their romance if that were the case, but now im more into the qinger/xiao jian couple cuz of their actors..

  3. 皇后真是such a bitch!!那群嬤嬤都是下賤老妖怪!!真該把它們全殺光!!紫薇千不該萬不該求情!!

  4. exactly… if it wasn’t for the efforts of the nice people putting up these videos for us to watch, where would you guys be even able to put all these comments on here? just patiently watch and enjoy the hard work 😛

  5. 老佛爺 妳真的太不適合這名字了  污辱了佛 污辱了信仰
    尊重信仰 那就不會瞧不起人家了 
    老佛爺只是嘴巴說說 但事實上從來沒接受過 就連對紫薇燕子都是
    皇后雖然壞 討厭 但是不用特地去討好她 或是在她面前說說好話稱讚她是佛 不用這麼虛偽
    可是對老佛爺  卻需要…
    就因為它是皇上的媽…  每次都要看到大家熱臉貼冷屁股
    還要一直恭維她  那老太太還不領情= =

    前途前途 不要打著”都是為了你好” 這句標榜 一直強迫兒子
    與世無爭? 呸 那還要自己兒子去爭皇上
    不要裝好人 卻盡作相反的事情 -.- 跟太后同一路子

  6. == 話說

  7. Queen Dowager PRICED her education of a FINE and FLAWLESS princess Qing-er. BUT Qing-er was so “shameless” (shameless as in Queen Dowager’s point of view and women in those olden days) to have confronted the guy she liked of her feelings. Rmb how Queen Dowager reprimanded ZW and XYZ for being shameless to have a relationship going on with Kang and 5 before they got married/were ordered to get married to Emperor’s choice. AND Qing-er just did that!!! AT LEAST but ZW and XYZ never confronted the guys of their feelings, it’s the guys who revealed their feelings to them and asked for acceptance (lol, rmb how XYZ was like,”what r u saying, i treated u guys like my buddies!”.

    (p.s. I see nothing wrong with Qing-er’s confrontation!! so cute, but it was just so WRONG and SHAMELESS to the Queen Dowager YET her CLOSEST did just that) 

    • 老佛爺我呸。敢拔香妃的衣服!!! 事後還怕事,怕皇上跟她翻臉,做了縮頭烏龜說算了?! 呸。不配做母儀天下的太后! 根本就是兩种臉! 至少皇后還比較帶种, 皇上前後同一個惡樣!!!!

  8. Ha. I love rong mo mo more than gui mo mo. She’s cuter, though she’s really mean.. Did your notice that gui momo is jealous of Qinger? 

    Still hate yufei a lot, hmm.

  9. When did this drama turn into a musical???? HAhahah they really should stop singing so much because it just doesn’t feel right. But anyway, Go xiao jian and qing er! 😀 In the first version, a lot of the story between these 2 are skipped bc the author set the 3rd series 4 years after the 2nd, so I was rly disappointed.

  10. 皇上那句:來人阿!把這些嬤嬤一人卸一條腿下來!!哇!!!!讓我好感動阿!!!

  11. Looking from a comical point of view, this is kinda like the Asian remake of High School Musical and the Mandarin version of a Bollywood movie minus the dance. lol! 

  12. after a while of watch’n the parts with the dowager, and the queen, i still hate these two bitches…-_-” cuz the’ll never ever understand the “good” in some ppls hearts, plus they’er just so frigg’n old fashioned, like they’er always say’n u can’t do this, or u have to act a certain way or watever…>__> i mean the least they could’ve made’em do was some extra hard labor as punishment, instead of have’n to physically hit’n them till they’er in so much pain…>:/ UGH…i hated dat episode…DX

    plus wtf gives the dowager the right to say dat xiangfei acts like benjimen when she bows, i mean just cuz benji and xiangfei are from 2 totally diff. places, doesn’t mean dat their bow’n as any diff…cuz ya’ll know how benji does the england way of bow’n with one hand over his chest, and xiangfei bows with 2 hands over her chest, and the dowager sais it looks the same…its like  WTF?! o_O its TOTALLY DIFFERENT…*eyeroll*

  13. I like qing er and xiao jian pair the best! qing er is so shy when looking at xiao jian hahahaha, although they love is not 轟轟烈烈, but slow and steady will win the race!!!  fighting!!!

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