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47 thoughts on “New My Fair Princess Episode 64 S2 Ep.28”
omg I laugh sooo much at RMM!
I mean she’s suppose to be scary like the old one.. but this one seems more like an comedy RMM hahaha
her emotion are totally.. hahaha xDDDD
so stupid. they should choose a better RMM than this one tho.
WTF suddenly the mood was ruined! Wad “from son/mom becoming enemies”!? Whose fault is that? Can’t you just let your son marry the woman he loves? Why can’t you look at XYZ’s strong points? Because of her, he talks sweetly, because of her, he became caring, because of her, he understands more about women. Aren’t children’s happiness parent’s blessing?
LMAO. RMM in the background while huanghou is talking down at xyz (around 8:50) is HILARIOUS. she’s smiling and trying to look mean, but it just comes off as ridiculous lmao… not like how she should b at all..
Even though, i’m Vietnamese, don’t understand what they say? But, I still understand what’s happen?
I love XYZ and Wu aka. They so funny.
I’m waiting Ep .29…….hixhix. When have Ep.29?
By the way, thank updated.
i wonder if the bees r *real* or just digital ones like the butterflies? o_O ik ik some of ya’ll make think its a dumb question..lol but i just had to ask…*sweatdrop* ^^b
they look down on women!!
omg I laugh sooo much at RMM!
I mean she’s suppose to be scary like the old one.. but this one seems more like an comedy RMM hahaha
her emotion are totally.. hahaha xDDDD
so stupid. they should choose a better RMM than this one tho.
WTF suddenly the mood was ruined! Wad “from son/mom becoming enemies”!? Whose fault is that? Can’t you just let your son marry the woman he loves? Why can’t you look at XYZ’s strong points? Because of her, he talks sweetly, because of her, he became caring, because of her, he understands more about women. Aren’t children’s happiness parent’s blessing?
And because her 5th prince HAVE CHANGE HIS 公子病
Huang Hou and Rong Mo Mo so funny!!! Finally, retribution!!!
Wahahah with the pig soup and huang hou’s pills, i can guess what kind of trouble they’ll be in :<
Wahahah with the pig soup and huang hou’s pills, i can guess what kind of trouble they’ll be in :<
that was such a cute scene when they all delivered medicine to benjamin 😀
RMM has a comical face. looks lyk shes spasming
太后跟愉妃也是為了兒子著想嘛 大家不要太激動了
LMAO. RMM in the background while huanghou is talking down at xyz (around 8:50) is HILARIOUS. she’s smiling and trying to look mean, but it just comes off as ridiculous lmao… not like how she should b at all..
如果永琦也一氣之下昏倒, 皇帝不知道要救哪一個
受不了 整天女人女人的叫
女人就不是人嗎? 看還珠格格最讓我明白的就是
女人的悲哀 你看看受苦受打受邢的永遠是女人
前面原本為了皇帝對永燕婚事的堅持 而感到感動
但是後面說的話 實在太令人生氣了
一邊是母親 一邊是兒子 是很為難沒錯
都利用孩子們的心軟善良 又一方面看不起女人
如果燕子以死湘逼 大概會被罵死不懂事吧?
part one 10 mins why did ming yue call rong mo mo ‘gui mo mo’ and no one noticed! lol
xinrong is a hypocrite !
为什么benjmen 有打火机阿?
好皇帝 !!
老佛爷都那么老了,永棋还有一辈子啊 !!
老佛爺一直認為晴兒喜歡爾康 所以要晴兒跟紫薇效仿娥皇女英
What about episode 29/65??
Can one of the organiser for this website answer us why ep 65 not out yet??? I will appreciated it alot!
why dont have ep 69? ];
I hate good cliffhangers. 🙁
Even though, i’m Vietnamese, don’t understand what they say? But, I still understand what’s happen?
I love XYZ and Wu aka. They so funny.
I’m waiting Ep .29…….hixhix. When have Ep.29?
By the way, thank updated.
poor xiao yan zi..
琼瑶阿姨真厉害。。 走这一步棋。。 小燕子真的没办法了!
is ep 65 coming up?? )))))))): cant wait!
Yay! Gooo Huang Shang!!!!!! …. but they still married. T_T
just because some person fainted.
Haix i keep refreshing till ep 65 is out.. Am still waiting~~ Today have 2 epi right?
i’m waiting tooooo
愉妃啊愉妃, 这几集下来, 我是越来越恨你啊..皇太后, 这个老巫婆..看看XYZ和ZW对的你好..
i wonder if the bees r *real* or just digital ones like the butterflies? o_O ik ik some of ya’ll make think its a dumb question..lol but i just had to ask…*sweatdrop* ^^b
digital ones of course! they might not be able to control real bees and real stings might occur..
那個”杏仁格格”跟”愚妃” 表情真討厭!!
where is ep 65?
常太醫什麽態度, 什麽又來找我了. 太過了. 他這樣早就被斬頭了.
他是屬於那種‘他人笑我太瘋癲.我笑他人看不穿’的性格. 而且皇帝又很好人所以常太醫才會這樣啊.
Xin Rong is sooo “rou ma”
wow… the actress for Rong Mo Mo obviously can’t act the character…. she tries to… but she’s too nice.
alright, I really want to see xyz and benji together Lol hahah….