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131 thoughts on “New My Fair Princess Episode 71 S2 Ep.35”
I’m not sure which is more pathetic from XR, asking forgiveness from his friends, or blaming XYZ and ZW for all the unhappiness she’s getting.. either way…. I think, were’s suppose to feel pity for her, but I’m just disgusted.. I want to keep throwing darts at her.. anyone with me? 🙂
I’m not sure which is more pathetic from XR, asking forgiveness from his friends, or blaming XYZ and ZW for all the unhappiness she’s getting.. either way…. I think, were’s suppose to feel pity for her, but I’m just disgusted.. I want to keep throwing darts at her.. anyone with me? 🙂
why can huanshang speak like that to lao fo ye and stand up for person he loves and yongqi cant? why cant huangshang understand how much yongqi loves xyz like the way he loves xiangfei…..
I kinda think they just wan to make the xingfei part faster.. let xiangfei n maerdan fast2 leave the palace.. seems like they packed all in very fast 20 mins n settle.. Its like, now xiangfei have smell, then suddenly dont have.. And i think next episode, will leave the palace.. Kinda rush.. Dun hv any feeling watching it.. And i do hope that the Xinrong n yongqi part fast2 finish like this xiangfei.. Huh..
xyz is the one that save everyone, she is so innocence and she doesn’t even think about it when she save people like when she save yufei. i feel so bad for her that she have to go through all that crap, she deserve a better guy, i think xiaojiang is right, she will be better off with benji, because she will never be happy when she is in the palace
I think this xiangfei is very pretty and well..foreign looking lol (suppose to be I guess) and she was hot when she first perform dance in front of the king, but I like the old Xiangfei better. She was much more beautiful and more natural.
When she was dancing at the first time in the welcome ceremony, very very sexy with short tight cloth showing chest and her eyes and gesture. In those days, who was dare to wear like that? If I were the king, I would love to see her sexy body more and imagine about it. also foreign looking..different taste…
Anyone else thinks it’s quite unfair that 常壽 gets all the credit for saving Yu-fei and Xiang-fei when he’s just administering the meds. XYZ was the one who rmbed the pill and went thru all means (run till she collapse/lip-to-lip) to see them swallow it.
Poor Qing-er, she witnessed her mother’s death, witnessed Yu-fei’s near death and witnessed Xiang-fei’s drinking of poison. That’s TOO CRUEL to Qing-er!!!
The story of YQ having a wife is so heartbreaking but thats is part of the storyline whereas just waiting for the time when they’re away frm the palace and I hope the ending better be a good.
Wishing XYZ and YQ get married while they’re away frm the palace and starts a new life together. this part of the marriage to XR will for these few episodes i hope , can’t stand XYZ and YQ to be sad.
Gosh ! really drawn into this drama. I love NHZGG and old version HZGG too. Both series i love them, no matter who are the actors. They’re great in their own way .
laofuye is rather…useless, seriously, she can’t seem to make up her mind most of the time, so easily swayed. at the same time, annoyingly, she still thinks she has the brains to meddle in other ppl’s business. seriously, get a hobby lady and let your children and grandchildren live their lives!
they did say that the laofuye, the queen, xr, and yu fei all have very similar characteristics. all they know are what women are suppose to be like and do during their time. like little puppets who are told of what’s right and wrong. never question about what’s really right. :/
hmmm in the old version I think she is evil too, but because there is yufei in this version, i don’t think she is that evil, i mean, at least she show her evilness, unlike yufei, only know those stupid suicide and fainting trick, i think that’s more evil.
you know…… i just hope that xin rong isn’t going to do anything really stupid that is going to make yong qi hate her more than ever witch by that, if she actually did do something stupid…well some thing tells me that yong qi is going to slap the hell out of her…..
when i watch the old version, i hate huanghou so much, but now even she is still mean and stuff but i don’t hate her, maybe it’s because i hate yufei more….
i wonder will yq ever give up and just have sex with hong xin.. I hope yq divorce her and hope they don’t get a baby together because the old third version is too sad when he left his baby and wife behind
CPR is for heartbeat. XYZ is just trying to “blow” the pill into her throat so she could swallow it. But I think even the Emperor was like WHAT ARE YOU DOING in his head. Cos it’s female-female. LOL.
it;s impresive that 含香 suddenly woke up. thank god. i really like this new version. so dramatic and i realized even you are one of royal menbers. but they still need a nomal love.
This is torture man, why leave us hanging and don’t finish an episode, I swear the episodes are getting shorter…. now have to wait another 24 hours…. 🙁
那麼珍貴的凝香丸竟然給愉妃 ! !
…….. 怎麼覺得有點浪費了阿ㄏㄏ
真的好感動 ~~~~~~~~~ 含香 ♥
grrrrrrr each time i watch get this cheap lian rong i angry already ==
1)讓yq 和xyz 都不幸福,不快樂,還說什麼為yq好!放屁!
3)跟zw說什麼配不上ek!qe 才配的上!還qe不高興也讓zw和ek傷心!
lucky Qing er was there otherwise they wouldn’t even know she died.
i hate lian rong!!!LOL!!!!;)
I think Yufei is kinda crazy lol. O.O
Yufei is really pissing me off.
LOL er kang and benjamin are so awkward when yong qi is fighting with xin rong hahaha
If i were YQ, i’ll stab myself and bleed myself infront of my mom. GAHHHHHHHHH *blood boils*
How is the rating of this series everyone?
why can’t yq juz smack dat fucken bitch and teach her a lesson he shud stop being a gentleman in front of that bitch
His mom is Physco!
死蓮蓉黏個屁呀!!她以為她是誰,真希望永琪一拳把她打死!!What a bitch!
every appearance of xinren gege makes me want to slap her bitchy face hard! grrrr….
the way yq and the king talk to/give last warning to their mum abt their love of life is so similar.
dont u think the lines in the show is a bit too modern.
like 结婚 老婆 shouldnt it be 成亲?
然後靜靜的在那邊承受 輕利輕微
哈哈哈哈 不過至少永琪會愛她一點,也會幫著她
沒有教養的老百姓!你就有麻?要殺就殺 == 說話那麼毒一點都沒有老佛爺的架式
欣榮福晉 求求你
== 神經病
欣榮自打嘴巴 ,說自己不會跟後宮爭寵 ,做出小鼻子小眼睛的事。小燕子都還沒入門 就爭寵爭成這樣子
ha! love e way yq thrws her arm away lol
麥爾丹的「獅吼功」真厲害 能把香妃吼活
His mother is another annoyance in this drama….let YQ and XYZ be together! >.>
I’m not sure which is more pathetic from XR, asking forgiveness from his friends, or blaming XYZ and ZW for all the unhappiness she’s getting.. either way…. I think, were’s suppose to feel pity for her, but I’m just disgusted.. I want to keep throwing darts at her.. anyone with me? 🙂
I’m not sure which is more pathetic from XR, asking forgiveness from his friends, or blaming XYZ and ZW for all the unhappiness she’s getting.. either way…. I think, were’s suppose to feel pity for her, but I’m just disgusted.. I want to keep throwing darts at her.. anyone with me? 🙂
she is purdy pity for living a life as a robot
woah! Moonlight sonata??
I’ve heard it too:)
而且 欣榮也挺變態的
明明都知道永其全都是被強迫的 她好像都挺爽的 自己沒尊嚴還敢說燕子他們= =
除了可愛善良的主角群們 其他皇宮的人每個都口是心非 說話矛盾
皇上說太后如果不了解他和香妃的感情沒關係 但是讓香妃難受 就別怪他不肖 吶皇上怎麼就不知道永期的心呢= =…
太后 太多能講的了 連螞蟻都不殺還會用刑有夠厲害的 說燕子紫薇不檢點 卻要永其大方的跟欣榮肉麻 還要管行房 不是說燕子他們太誇張嗎 我覺得這老太婆管的才太over
餘妃 根本就是個變態 跟欣榮作媳婦 簡直就是得了她的意 好讓那欣榮整天利用永期的孝順…
這兩位= . =… 最想看他們喝鶴頂紅了
我想问一下她凭什么讲面子和尊严啊? 不要脸
杏仁從來就沒可憐過-.- 當然不需要同情她
她婚前說一堆”似是而非”的話 還罵紫薇燕子晴兒 婚後反而是自己做盡了罵他們的話
不強求愛 覺還要人家跟她圓房 看不起女人 但是她自己也是女人呀 所以她是最下等的人
假裝示好 但語言中一直暗示指責他們的不是 還故意說的好像都不是為了自己
多大愛一樣 我都快吐了
如果她沒這麼雙面 沒這麼愛說大道理又自己做不到 沒那麼自以為是…
妳看看晴兒紫薇勸她的時候 她什麼態度
後來又跑去找燕子消遣 大家早就跟她說過了 她自己硬要嫁 怪誰呀 最討厭打人的喊救人了-.-(更何況她還加上自打嘴巴)
why can huanshang speak like that to lao fo ye and stand up for person he loves and yongqi cant? why cant huangshang understand how much yongqi loves xyz like the way he loves xiangfei…..
不知道為甚麼杏仁在怎麼可憐 我就是沒辦法可憐她 -_____-
她真的是個神經病~ 跟愚妃一樣都病了
對啊! 皇后根本就是明來= . = 就壞心眼
老佛爺餘妃欣榮 就是那種想裝好人 卻盡講些自己做不到的事情
連枝螞蟻都不殺? 吶怎麼可以處罰燕子紫薇?
說人家青樓女子 結果自己哈的跟什麼一樣
與世無爭? 還不是要爭皇位…
xin rong’s voice…LOL
Qing er u did a good job <3
O shut up yufei T.T xyz is the one who saved u and ure calling her a 惡魔?
finally is out
ep 36 is out .. but part3 is still not up yet
so so so so sleepy now, but wanna wait to watch the next ep T_T it’s late today
does anybody know when part 3 will come out? o_O i can’t wait 2 c wat’ll happen next! X3 lol..xD
when meng dan shout han xiang, it seems so robotic. seem no feeling involved. old md did btr
欣榮自打嘴巴 ,說自己不會跟後宮爭寵 ,做出小鼻子小眼睛的事。小燕子都還沒入門 就爭寵爭成這樣子
很期待晴兒與蕭劍的發展 太吊我胃口了
I kinda think they just wan to make the xingfei part faster.. let xiangfei n maerdan fast2 leave the palace.. seems like they packed all in very fast 20 mins n settle.. Its like, now xiangfei have smell, then suddenly dont have.. And i think next episode, will leave the palace.. Kinda rush.. Dun hv any feeling watching it.. And i do hope that the Xinrong n yongqi part fast2 finish like this xiangfei.. Huh..
There is another way to watch it for the one who want to watch it directly on MangoTV. http://live.imgo.tv/live/live.html
i really want to know how does XiangFei smell like lol
lolz me too x3
xyz is the one that save everyone, she is so innocence and she doesn’t even think about it when she save people like when she save yufei. i feel so bad for her that she have to go through all that crap, she deserve a better guy, i think xiaojiang is right, she will be better off with benji, because she will never be happy when she is in the palace
you are so right!!!
is it b/c sugo is lazy (or doing it on purpose)?? or is it b/c they broadcast it this way??
Mango TV do it.
wa~ getting from bad to worst. From 2 ep per day to 1 3/4 ep to 1 1/2 ep per day!
damn xiangfei scared me when she suddenly poped up…
any one think xiangfei is hot/beautiful?
I think this xiangfei is very pretty and well..foreign looking lol (suppose to be I guess) and she was hot when she first perform dance in front of the king, but I like the old Xiangfei better. She was much more beautiful and more natural.
shes philipino. 🙂
no she’s not! LOL she’s chinese…just from xinjiang or something
yes she’s from xinjiang
LOL she is not filipina. she is from where she is supposed to be from. haha
um…i don’t think so…
where did you get that info XD She is Chinese 🙂
When she was dancing at the first time in the welcome ceremony, very very sexy with short tight cloth showing chest and her eyes and gesture. In those days, who was dare to wear like that? If I were the king, I would love to see her sexy body more and imagine about it. also foreign looking..different taste…
why are there less and less parts each day?? 🙁
There aren’t less parts. It’s just that they can only post up to where Hunan TV stopped because Hunan’s the one that’s the farthest.
but if they have more eps can’t they just post them all? I’m sick of waiting ahh
Anyone else thinks it’s quite unfair that 常壽 gets all the credit for saving Yu-fei and Xiang-fei when he’s just administering the meds. XYZ was the one who rmbed the pill and went thru all means (run till she collapse/lip-to-lip) to see them swallow it.
init!!!! XYZ is always being ignore!!!
Poor Qing-er, she witnessed her mother’s death, witnessed Yu-fei’s near death and witnessed Xiang-fei’s drinking of poison. That’s TOO CRUEL to Qing-er!!!
she didn’t really witness yu fei’s near-death.. she and tai hou were only informed the next day
The story of YQ having a wife is so heartbreaking but thats is part of the storyline whereas just waiting for the time when they’re away frm the palace and I hope the ending better be a good.
Wishing XYZ and YQ get married while they’re away frm the palace and starts a new life together. this part of the marriage to XR will for these few episodes i hope , can’t stand XYZ and YQ to be sad.
Gosh ! really drawn into this drama. I love NHZGG and old version HZGG too. Both series i love them, no matter who are the actors. They’re great in their own way .
I know right ): so much people hating on the new one. its sad.
laofuye is rather…useless, seriously, she can’t seem to make up her mind most of the time, so easily swayed. at the same time, annoyingly, she still thinks she has the brains to meddle in other ppl’s business. seriously, get a hobby lady and let your children and grandchildren live their lives!
they did say that the laofuye, the queen, xr, and yu fei all have very similar characteristics. all they know are what women are suppose to be like and do during their time. like little puppets who are told of what’s right and wrong. never question about what’s really right. :/
the emperor;s face was priceless when xyz was giving cpr LMFAO
Man the queen is really evil, you see how she smiles in pleasure as xiang fei drinks the poison and the old queen looks away
hmmm in the old version I think she is evil too, but because there is yufei in this version, i don’t think she is that evil, i mean, at least she show her evilness, unlike yufei, only know those stupid suicide and fainting trick, i think that’s more evil.
For people who don’t understand chinese or just want to review, there’s a blog starting to recap the episodes: http://asiandramanut.blogspot.com/
nuuuuuu…part 3’s gonna continue tomorrow? D: awww…can’t wait..ahaha XD
you know…… i just hope that xin rong isn’t going to do anything really stupid that is going to make yong qi hate her more than ever witch by that, if she actually did do something stupid…well some thing tells me that yong qi is going to slap the hell out of her…..
it’s sad to say but i think she will do something stupid, but he will not slap her cuz the mother is gonna suicide or faint again sigh, how pathetic!
when i watch the old version, i hate huanghou so much, but now even she is still mean and stuff but i don’t hate her, maybe it’s because i hate yufei more….
Lol. too handy to have such a pill around, better than first aid and CPR!
i wonder will yq ever give up and just have sex with hong xin.. I hope yq divorce her and hope they don’t get a baby together because the old third version is too sad when he left his baby and wife behind
I just hope YZ won’t have those accidental miscarriages after she and YQ got marry. Cause its really sad for a woman to lose her baby so many time.
I’m pretty sure they had a baby together, it was in the character introduction before the series released, unless that is untrue??
CPR is for heartbeat. XYZ is just trying to “blow” the pill into her throat so she could swallow it. But I think even the Emperor was like WHAT ARE YOU DOING in his head. Cos it’s female-female. LOL.
This part is just ridiculous!
I started tearing once the hanxiang’s 2 servants started saying their farewells..
这新版真是越看越喜欢,精彩极了!!! thanks for updating 😀
it;s impresive that 含香 suddenly woke up. thank god. i really like this new version. so dramatic and i realized even you are one of royal menbers. but they still need a nomal love.
Goodness.. now only 2 parts!
This is torture man, why leave us hanging and don’t finish an episode, I swear the episodes are getting shorter…. now have to wait another 24 hours…. 🙁
when i was a little kid watching the old hzgg with my family, and this scene where the 2 girls kissed, the room went totally silent, so awkward.
i cant stop laughing when 含香 sat up like zoombie….hahahaha….so ridiculous!!!
hahahaha, me too!
Cant agree more. Hahahaha :
終於要結束了這一部… 快點進入第三部 不然我每看一次欣榮就很想打他~~~~~~
me too ~~~ 還有那桂老鴇!! 看的就想打~~~ 奴才沒奴才的樣子!! 該死!!
老鴇? 哈哈哈 我聽過最好的形容 哈哈
吶欣榮不就是她帶的小姐 -ˊ- 滯銷品
Can’t helping myself to laugh loudly.
This is such a tease but now xyz and the others can leave the stupid palace.
we only have 20 mins to watch on the sec one?? 🙁 thats just torture!!
so good, and thanks
so good, and thanks