New My Fair Princess Episode 74 S2 Ep.38

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114 thoughts on “New My Fair Princess Episode 74 S2 Ep.38

  1. 晴儿也真猛因為如果她沒去送小燕子与紫薇就無法讓箫剑決定要不要帶走了

  2. somehow.. i dun like yq holding xr’s hands, although it is becos of leaving but i still prefer yq only holding xyz’s hands…..

  3. 不是要『杀无赦』吗?怎么会变成『保护人犯』呢?真是摸不透人心!不过皇上也太好被牵着鼻子走了吧?就皇后几句话,就下令『杀无赦』?

  4. 這一集,雖然已經知道會發生什麽事,可是感動得稀哩哇啦,哭得眼睛都腫了(明天還要怎麽見人),太轟轟裂了了。13年后還是被震撼感動了!

  5. laofuye has become one of my least fave characters in the series. lady can’t seem to make up her mind at all! it’s nice that she has a kind and merciful side, but seriously, she jumps to conclusion ALL the time and then goes “but….they are nice girls and we should be kind…” JEEZ! who practically wanted to execute them on the spot just a few days ago?!

  6. lol i think the director should put the er kang and his parent scene right after the yufei one, so we can see the big difference between erkang’s mom and yufei 

  7. 屁啦~~~我要改寫!!!永琪才不會對該死的杏仁那麼溫柔!!!xxx!!!xxxx!!!看得我都快吐血了!!他應該甩開她的手,他應該殺了這bitch!

  8. 箫剑返身抱住晴儿逃跑时,我沦陷了~~ 要不要那么浪漫啊,要不要那么完美啊~~看得我小鹿到处乱跳。。害羞 害羞! 不过我最期待的亡命天涯终于来临了,哇哈哈哈哈,,从此就有好戏看喽~~

  9. as much as i loved the original one.. i must admit… the part where they save them and all the peasants kneeling in front of the cart scene was A LOT better made than the original.. sometimes when they sang random songs in the original one, it felt a tad awkward… i’m glad she took parts like that out…. 

  10. this is the last episode of season 2, quite a happy ending =)
    but i don’t really know why there’s a scene in the beginning song that yq and xr seemed to having sex…?

    • Maybe, Qiong Yao decided to remove that part which is not relevant to the story line which is that YQ keeping himself for XYZ when XYZ lost so much already.? I really hope so..!

      • I really hope so too! But if that one part is removed and they did film Xiao Yan Zi’s reaction how will that work out?

  11. 哇最近这几集都好催泪呀!!看得我一把鼻涕一把泪,太感人了!《新还珠格格》实在是感情超丰富的一部佳作,无论是才子美女对主子的忠心耿耿,金锁对紫薇的不离不弃,小燕子和紫薇的姐妹情深,还是他们轰轰烈烈的爱情故事,还有宫里宫外所有对他们有情有义,拔刀相助的朋友,就像尔康所说的,所有的奇迹都发生在他们的身上了!


  12. 尔康的娘比愉妃伟大太多了,为了儿子的幸福鼓励他和心爱的人远走高飞,哪像愉妃只会棒打鸳鸯,用阴谋诡计拆散永琪和小燕子,就算牺牲儿子的终生幸福也要把他紧紧地绑在身边。 

  13. zi wei is such a bad actress, i don’t even know how they picked her, she is sooo annoying everytime i see her face i get sick. I love qing er though she is sooo cool i think she is sometimes more cooler than xyz. 

  14. i feel that they r rushing a lil in this series, like han xiang part was like ‘get over it’ very quickly, and the beheading part was abit rushed too. maybbe cuz they r combining 3 seasons into 90+ ep [is it 90? i dont know.] but well~ i still love it.  at least theres alot more new stories and excitement~

  15. ling fei is the best:) lovely person, lovely heart:) one of my fave characters in the series! and the actress is so pretty~

    • seriously right!!!! she is so GORGEOUS!!! and I LOVE her character… so accepting to everyone… like when the king wanted to make zw one of his many concubines, as sad as she was, she was still so willing to accept her… GOD I love Ling Fei!

  16. for what i am guessing is that yq was trying to be nice to xr and his mother before he go and benji wrote a letter to his teacher to tell him that he is really sorry and ek idk what he said to his parent though….. 

    • Er Kang’s parents are the best..they told him to follow his heart and at all cost must save XYZ and ZW…good of them. Ling Fei is from the same mold like them, a family..

    • Actually, the Emperor did give some instructions to stop the executions at the very last minute when they reached the execution grounds. Since the Emperor already sent out the edict decreeing  their deaths, he can’t retract it. The only way to stop the executions was that some one else who has the Gold Badge that decreed immunity from death sentence by the Emperor can stop it. One of the ministers has it and it will be used at the very last minute but then to the friends who wasn’t aware of  the secret plans of the Emperor, they took actions and rescued XYZ & ZW….(this was according to the old version,so I think this will still be kept in this version, because I saw the Emperor whispering something to the Minister when everyone was pleading for him to retract his edict.)

  17. qing er and xiao jian is too awesome!! this couple bring wuxia elements into a palace drama! hahaha xiao jian here is like spiderman saving MJ ahhaah

    • i agree, it’s so touching that everyone except for huang hou asked for them to live. can’t believe huang shang still wants them dead. i was wishing that he would forgive them. but i guess if he did that then there wouldn’t be all those adventures that will happen afterward.

      • huangshang didn’t wish them dead, he did it purposely knowing that erkang yq benji will go save them, this is his way of saving them and let them leave the palace.

        • In the old version, he did the same thing but he only wanted to scare them…he already had another order ready and waiting to save them once they got there. But maybe this time it’s different and he really did want them to have a peaceful life out of the palace 🙂

  18. why is there a need to divide into 3 seasons? haha.. each of the last episode of the season don’t look like last episode! 
    anyway i don’t understand why the emperor whispered to fu heng? my own explanation: he told him to wait at the beheaded area to save the princesses?then how come the imperial edict is kill at all cost?my own explanation: to scare xyz and ziwei?why like so strange.. the old version was because emperor found out that they saved er kang so he was angry and ordered to behead the princesses… this new version like not very clear on these details…

    • In the original, after they’ve escaped and the emperor was missing them, he told Ling Fei that there was really no reason for them to escape because Fu Heng was there with his Mian Si Jin Pai that would have saved the princesses anyways. I think in this version, it’s because he is emperor so he can’t go back on his words, but he didn’t really want to kill the princesses, so he told Fu Heng to go and save them.

      • I think he will use the same method like in the old version by using the “mian si jin pai” or the immunity from death gold tablet..

  19. 太好的一集 (除了XR和愉妃的那部分)
    他們為皇上怎樣也要處死他們時的那種絕望和失望, 做得太好了!

    • totally agree!!! i fast forward all those xr and yufei scenes, i love er kang’s parent especially when his dad said that of you can save zw, go far away…. and his mom is so understanding and accept their love  

    • 爾康的父母真的讓人很感動…尤其是他爸爸!!他說:「不用管阿瑪和額娘,去救紫薇吧。」真的讓人很感動!!這就是濃濃的父愛阿~~~

    • did you see the part when ling fei and qing er went to visit them in the prison? they brought clothing for them to change!

  20. Jam 8 gw nonton versi original di TV..jam 12an nonton versi remakenya..

    sumpah gw bener2 addict bgt sma ini serial.

    * pst gak ada yg ngerti 😀 *

    • but i don’t really like fu lun… he’s not really nice… remember how er tai accidentally lost qing er?? well, his dad really lost his cool… not really nice. 

      • um…of course? qing er is  a princess…so if u do something stupid and that thing could kill/has a big impact on ur life, is ur dad not supposed to be angry?…

        • yeah, what a nonsense. even if you lose a guest your dad wouldn’t be that cool and say “it’s ok” to you. fu-lun is really nice and warm, and just too.

      • well it was because qing er is an important person in the palace. if er tai lost qing er, then it would have been his fault and the whole fu family would have looked bad. at the end i think er kang is the luckiest, he actually has his family’s consent and permission to take zi wei and leave home. he doesn’t have to worry about betraying his family.

        • I watched the orignal once, when they went back to the palace the war started to broke out. Er Kang got injured and got saved by the princess. He cannot met Zi Wei and Zi Wei thoughts he was died. ect…. I don’t know that they have these scenes or not but he look pitiful.

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