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74 thoughts on “New My Fair Princess Episode 84 S3 Ep.10”
YQ jealous a lot in this new huan zhu ge ge xDDD
last time even no jealous xiao jian o,o
or have?i dont remember already
in the old hzgg doesn’t the emperor find out ziwei lose her sight? in this new version he hasen’t yet. i hope he dose soon! cus then he will feel guilty!
瓊瑤婆婆如果把新版的環珠格格寫成沒有和蕭劍分開過的燕,不知怎麽的闖進了皇宮,5愛上了才華橫溢又熱血又文武雙全的燕, 而劍愛上了老佛爺面前的紅人,該多好啊!!! 最好是不要再加什麽知畫綿憶欣榮,或太淒慘的橋段。 ANYONE INTERESTED IN DOING A FAN FICTION (OUR VERSION!) FOR NEW MY FAIR PRINCESS?
YQ put the meat into his mouth, has a wierd expression on his face. XYZ looks at him, BLINKS HER EYES MULTIPLE TIMES, then asked, “how was it?” LOL!!! XYZ and her eye blinking!!!
yongqi is so mean to xiao jian. when xiao jian is teachin xiao yan zi how to get sheep milk from the sheep, yongqi just get jealous and pushed xiao jian away. ;p
well he has a right, i mean zyx and yongqi are dating. I would do the same, i am happy that yongqi pushed xiaojian. I know that xiaojian is xyz brother, but i mean the way that he is teaching her, i mean even brother and sister looks wrong so…..
i dont get y it’s always benji yq and xyz…. isn’t it kinda weird that all the other couple spend time alone except xyz and yq. i think adding benji is good, but he appears too much in the whole drama
i like them too, and xyz treats everyone [even yq at first] as her brother. she doesnt have those feelings for him, and he knows too. but he just wants to protect her and his buddy, yq. thats why hes always around.
Kathy, I have nothing against the actor. If he was a minor character and stayed in the palace as an artist, I have NO objections. BUT HE is everywhere! In every episode! I said so before: it’s called Princess Pearl NOT Benjamin’s Life during the Qing Dynasty. I want to see XYZ’s growth, not his. Besides, why didn’t Qiong Yao add a Chinese dude just as good as Yong qi, moral wise and look wise? That would be more challenging and fun, wouldn’t it? Yong Qi had to marry XR, why can’t XYZ have someone? XYZ did say that Benji was a foreigner to her brother……….it sounded like the only reason she picked YQ was because he is Chinese!
me too… so sad.. 14 more to go… although i dun wan it to end but i also wanna find out more.. it is like so contradictory! =/
i wanna see the noodles shop and how xiao jian and xiao yan zi acknowledge each other.. =) and qing er’s wedding! is so cool! can’t wait! =)
haha, yup! me too. but i dont want to see yong qi leave xyz in the later part 🙁 it’ll be so sad! and if yq goes back to the palacce, meaning zi wei would go back too? im so confused. cant wait to find out but i dont want it to end. sighhhh
YQ jealous a lot in this new huan zhu ge ge xDDD
last time even no jealous xiao jian o,o
or have?i dont remember already
in the old hzgg doesn’t the emperor find out ziwei lose her sight? in this new version he hasen’t yet. i hope he dose soon! cus then he will feel guilty!
AWWW HAHA yongqi is jealous ! He is so cute even he is jealous LOL
lol i love er kang’s reaction it was like OH S***THE EMPEROR’S GONNA GET US RUNNNNN
whoaaaa, bjm runs sooo fast.
btw, i LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this soundtrack!!!!!
因為生活中無法實現的事太多 所以才需要童話來撫慰我們
就是因為在現實 所以想看看電視裡的童畫就
是現實不美好 才想在電視找美好
香妃喝毒藥都可以復活 愉妃上吊都可以活
每個人都是醫龍 紫葳眼睛失明又恢復了
為何就不能安排永燕一個也很神奇的劇情 讓大家都開心呢?
寫小說本來就是可以很神 為何到結局突然follow史實 為何要執著綿憶 傷了觀眾的心呢?
瓊瑤婆婆拿孝順 責任來塘塞永琪與欣榮的SEX和孩子
有誰能夠接受另一半說 “我要孝順我媽 所以先跟別人結婚生小孩 再回來找你”
誰能接受這種情況? 所以為這件事情 說再多藉口都一樣
不是觀眾不懂得欣賞 而是其實她可以不用多這麼多不必要的劇情
他們可以有磨難 但是硬要留下永燕的汙點… 是不必要的吧?
結果中間卻要安插 欣榮餘妃…
香妃的部分 根本是用趕的…
可是看到第三部的劇情 還有大家的猜測
說真的舊的1.2部人馬沒有演第三部 一直是遺憾
加上天上人間的劇情 真的太慘了 不是要主打至情摯愛嗎?
每次受苦被逞罰 也總是燕子紫薇 砍頭也是他們
如果最後還要燕子養欣榮的小孩 吶簡直比天上人間 還慘慘慘慘慘
aww i thought ti was cute when er kang squeezed zi wei’s cheeks xD
Sick of this version of Xiaoyanzi. Forever creating so much trouble. Sigh…
I can’t look on iPhone anymore, what’s the problem? Uhh :V.
usually its some youtube problem.
I hope so. THANKS SO MUCH.
Today have epi right?
他只是不爽簫劍…所以簫劍的提議他都故意這樣不好那樣不行 哈哈哈
燕琪= 純純的愛,所以幾乎什麽都沒有。除非燕又一直説話反駁他不讓他說話不聼他說的5要堵住她的嘴
紫康=年紀也比較大成熟,常相廝守的愛 + 更多曖昧動作
晴劍= 年紀都比較長/成熟所以一見鍾情的愛+很多曖昧動作。
瓊瑤婆婆如果把新版的環珠格格寫成沒有和蕭劍分開過的燕,不知怎麽的闖進了皇宮,5愛上了才華橫溢又熱血又文武雙全的燕, 而劍愛上了老佛爺面前的紅人,該多好啊!!! 最好是不要再加什麽知畫綿憶欣榮,或太淒慘的橋段。 ANYONE INTERESTED IN DOING A FAN FICTION (OUR VERSION!) FOR NEW MY FAIR PRINCESS?
當5一臉質疑一臉嫌棄地說,”我們今天的工作是擠羊奶”的時候根本就是和欣一樣的嘴臉!!! 他們幾時有夫妻相啦?! 5不要再驕縱了!! 不要和那個狗眼看人低自以爲自己有多高尚別人都是奴才的欣一樣!!!
AWWW… YQ got so jealous and angry that XJ was so closely teaching XYZ how to milk a goat and his eyebrows became 八字眉!! Haha. 萌!
Part 1 00:06
YQ put the meat into his mouth, has a wierd expression on his face. XYZ looks at him, BLINKS HER EYES MULTIPLE TIMES, then asked, “how was it?” LOL!!! XYZ and her eye blinking!!!
爾康最後一幕說,”你讓我寫寫字抒發一下吧.” —>不行。因爲我們還要繼續看下去 !!!!!
AWWWW!!! SO CUTE 劍貼身教燕擠母奶!!! 可惜劍是哥哥。再來一個喜歡燕默默守著燕的大俠我們觀衆都能接受。大家哥兒們嘛! 而且班也不會那麽孤獨!
LOL @ the 擠羊奶的手替身. 很明顯是有一定年紀的手 (大嬸還是大叔)嘛! 糊弄我們觀衆嗎?! 不懂爲什麽擠羊奶也要替身。可是好笑!
haahahahaha!!! i love what zw and ek says to xyz after they ate what she cooked XD
這 舊版的 不也跟知畫圓房
大家看看就好了嘛~~反正瓊瑤也說了 這是一個新的永琪
damn it’s getting worse now…not even part 3???
ya gotta wait til next day now…
yongqi is so mean to xiao jian. when xiao jian is teachin xiao yan zi how to get sheep milk from the sheep, yongqi just get jealous and pushed xiao jian away. ;p
yep yep .. it’s jealousy after all 🙂
well he has a right, i mean zyx and yongqi are dating. I would do the same, i am happy that yongqi pushed xiaojian. I know that xiaojian is xyz brother, but i mean the way that he is teaching her, i mean even brother and sister looks wrong so…..
跟誰洞房???小燕子嗎?會那就太好嚕~不!!!是一定要洞房!!!如果不會!!我也會像樓主一樣後悔!!我一整個暑假在幹嘛呀??不過看到現在~實在想不出洞房的時機點在哪??? ~”~每多演一集卻沒看到這場重要的戲我就又著急一天!!!都快要急死了!!!還有劇情也有點怪!!永琪也受傷阿!!怎麼沒看到小燕子表現像紫微一樣那麼的擔心ㄋ??感覺最近永燕的親密動作少了!!小燕子跟班鳩.簫劍搞曖昧…永琪吃醋多還有啊…上一集才看永琪沒有公子病的在大街上賣藝!怎麼這集就又開始犯公子病了???
i dont get y it’s always benji yq and xyz…. isn’t it kinda weird that all the other couple spend time alone except xyz and yq. i think adding benji is good, but he appears too much in the whole drama
that’s exactly what i thought… benji is always tagging along with yq and xyz!!
hey i like them ! dont really like yq anyways ….. its kinda weird to see xyz and yq all lovey dovey… dont you think??
i like them too, and xyz treats everyone [even yq at first] as her brother. she doesnt have those feelings for him, and he knows too. but he just wants to protect her and his buddy, yq. thats why hes always around.
oh c’mon be nice, they are friends and besides isn’t it kinda mean to leave him out and don’t forget xyz wants him around so….
Because Benjamin wants to be the 3rd wheel lol
oh c’mon be nice, they are friends and besides isn’t it kinda mean to leave him out and don’t forget xyz wants him around so….
I wanna see them sell the umbrellas!
你看見瓊瑤阿姨幹的好事 沒有班應該永燕有愛會多好多吧 班傑明搶戲一流,用途沒有 事實就是這樣,你去看看評劇的人怎麼說 (一粒老鼠屎壞了一鍋粥),表示支持這句話 為了永燕有愛而討厭班傑明 反正一有燕子和斑鳩我就快進。看著就惱火! 五爺的戲還沒四大才子多!!!!!力捧也不能破壞經典,給他幾個鏡頭就差不多了,一口出不成個胖子。他這樣搶主角的風頭會遭唾棄的,唾沫芯子淹死他!
Kathy, I have nothing against the actor. If he was a minor character and stayed in the palace as an artist, I have NO objections. BUT HE is everywhere! In every episode! I said so before: it’s called Princess Pearl NOT Benjamin’s Life during the Qing Dynasty. I want to see XYZ’s growth, not his. Besides, why didn’t Qiong Yao add a Chinese dude just as good as Yong qi, moral wise and look wise? That would be more challenging and fun, wouldn’t it? Yong Qi had to marry XR, why can’t XYZ have someone? XYZ did say that Benji was a foreigner to her brother……….it sounded like the only reason she picked YQ was because he is Chinese!
對 現在看了有點迷迷糊糊的~”~ 越後面越怪囉~永琪被寫下葯跟杏仁 圓房~~
瓊瑤姨 新版的還珠 有點怪ㄟ!!
要是他們回皇宮之前什麼都沒發生, 回宮後還跟杏仁生了個孩子….天!!!! 我後悔我這個暑假都我在做什麼?
ehhh i hope its not like tht, i kno YQ nd XR r going to have sex, but i dont want XYZ to raise some bitch’s kid. she should have her own kid wit YQ.
I am actually rly cusrious and excited about that part because its gonna be interesting to watch 😛
甚麼意思 ?? 是說性人跟永琪後來會圓房會生了小孩???
不會吧 如果是我要瘋了
瓊瑤,我現在說不出話來. 不得不說我們尊敬的瓊瑤阿姨真的老了!唉, 永燕部分好不合邏輯! 完全不知道幹什麼,蕭晴會擁抱,或者有點曖昧的動作 康薇不用說,有目共睹! 永燕呢?曖昧動作都沒有,連說話的時間都沒有!燕子不是和班傑明聊得起勁就是和蕭劍. 勉強只有幾個對望。表示對瓊瑤阿姨無語 …..
有木有現在還棄劇的? 我表示很後悔看了這個 浪費了我一個半月的美夢時間,一點回報都沒有 !表示完全看不到永燕有愛 ,就看到燕子和班傑明搞曖昧 ,燕子對班傑明的愛完全超過永琪 , 為永琪感到不值! 班傑明,完全就是個會說幾句詞的角色,瓊瑤阿姨想捧他想瘋了,他的存在與否完全不會影響這個劇,沒有他可能收視率會上一大截,表示他就是個電燈泡的感覺(不解釋) 最後就是看到這裡真的覺得這個劇完全就是為班傑明設計的!!!
小聲說: 步步驚心好像滿好看的 哈阿哈
真的! 一定要鎖定啊!
lol, poor yq.
xyz’s gestures are a bit tooooo kua zhang
the hong shao rou part is cute!!
especially the remarks that er kang and qing er make. lol
episode 84 already 🙁 its coming to an end very very soon, i dont want it to end!!! 🙁
me too… so sad.. 14 more to go… although i dun wan it to end but i also wanna find out more.. it is like so contradictory! =/
i wanna see the noodles shop and how xiao jian and xiao yan zi acknowledge each other.. =) and qing er’s wedding! is so cool! can’t wait! =)
what noodles shop?
they r talkin about a noodle shop they have started later on in the story. its in the summery of season 3.
haha, yup! me too. but i dont want to see yong qi leave xyz in the later part 🙁 it’ll be so sad! and if yq goes back to the palacce, meaning zi wei would go back too? im so confused. cant wait to find out but i dont want it to end. sighhhh
me either T^T