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54 thoughts on “New My Fair Princess Episode 85 S3 Ep.11”
people have different ways of expressing their love okay? I admit yong qi gets jealous easily and all but that’s just part of his character in the show. if not, I don’t know when xiao jian would tell everyone that xyz is his sister anyways. his jealous all leads to something, it just completes his characters. there’s no way people don’t get jealous, that would just make it unrealistic. as a prince, i think getting easily jealous is part of his character considering he always get what he wants as a prince but he’s learning okay?
yongqi is too much. he only care about angering xiao jian and venting his anger. he didnt care about xiao yan zi, that whip is her almost her everything. how could he do that! i tot love is letting the person happy. not sad..:(
Exactly my sentiments..!
this is fiction, so why can’t she write a good story for Yong Qi and XYZ? It has been fiction all along so why the sudden conscience to make this into a non-fiction ..?
love it thus far, but the part abt emperor finding out zw is his daughter meaning he’ll go pick them up real soon, so it means the series is very very close to end. ahhhhhhh!!!!
and i didnt expect the gong gong to be the one whos bribed… i thought he was really honest and the dowager’s trusted man. how could he help the empress!!! but well, at least theres ling fei. the prettiest and kindest woman in the whole series!!
yeah!!! i think shes really the one with love and truly cares for othhers even if they’re not really her daughter.
@lily its near end, theres only 1x ep left, qing er and xiao jian story, yq and xr [thou i hate to admit] part, and then their wedding, yq left the palace. heh.
its not close ending, i mean ya the emperor is going to pick them up soon, but there is still qing er and xiao jian i mean is 老佛爷 gonna except their marriage and that entire revenge that he has to do.
It’s sad the Empress Dowager didn’t even mention Xiao Yan Zi’s name for being cruel to everyone. Is she that horrible that she doesn’t even get a chance?
the only things that matter to the dowager is class. and xyz is not even her granddaughter. shes not nice and sadly she think she is nice. she wants to be 慈悲 but she is showing the opposite
ya he has a right to get mad i mean he is loves xyz. wife? he doesn’t have a wife anymore if he left the palace and even if he did marry her so what, its not like he wanted too and don’t forget under what kind of circumstances he had to get married.
FINALLY!! He confessed to being her brother! xD And YongQi! LOL! He’s sooo cute when he’s jealous! And it’s about time the Emperor found out the truth about the empress! ugh, I know what’s coming and I’m not looking forward to the bed scene >.> (QY & XYZ forever!!!) The wedding scene, I’m looking forward too <3
好討厭小燕子啊!! 什麼都不懂只會添麻煩 !已經到白目的地步了!
people have different ways of expressing their love okay? I admit yong qi gets jealous easily and all but that’s just part of his character in the show. if not, I don’t know when xiao jian would tell everyone that xyz is his sister anyways. his jealous all leads to something, it just completes his characters. there’s no way people don’t get jealous, that would just make it unrealistic. as a prince, i think getting easily jealous is part of his character considering he always get what he wants as a prince but he’s learning okay?
yongqi is too much. he only care about angering xiao jian and venting his anger. he didnt care about xiao yan zi, that whip is her almost her everything. how could he do that! i tot love is letting the person happy. not sad..:(
I hope I have a brother like Xiaojian 🙁
Yongqi, can’t he just stop all those jealousy. At first, I thought all those jealousy was cute but it’s going to far.
Banju’s face is super epic.
有提到啦= =
i like hai lu’s voice.
蕭風 … 蕭峰 … 天龍八部!!
i dont hate rong momo, i think tht she looks really comical!
小燕子好讨厌 一点都不体贴
小燕子比較適合叫”蕭婆” 比較符合他個性 蕭劍可以叫”蕭郎”
因為生活中無法實現的事太多 所以才需要童話來撫慰我們就是因為在現實 現實不美好 才想在電視找美好
香妃喝毒藥都可以復活 愉妃上吊都可以活每個人都是醫龍 紫葳眼睛失明又恢復了那麼神奇的劇情都出現了
為何就不能安排永燕一個也很神奇的劇情 讓大家都開心呢?
寫小說本來就是可以很神 為何到結局突然follow史實 為何要執著綿憶 傷了觀眾的心呢?
為何其他人愛情都很完美 永燕卻有一個第三者跟一個孩子 然後再讓永琪便拋家棄子的男人
觀眾希望的是 永燕能夠跟康紫 蕭晴一樣受到大家祝福的結婚 這才是觀眾要的圓滿
Exactly my sentiments..!
this is fiction, so why can’t she write a good story for Yong Qi and XYZ? It has been fiction all along so why the sudden conscience to make this into a non-fiction ..?
瓊瑤婆婆 改編的漏洞吧
薪小燕子 瓊瑤婆婆讓她有所成長進步 卻有時會”卡到陰” 退步比原來還更瘋癲…
可能用本性使然來帶過吧(?) 畢竟燕子就是比較衝動
但是她本身很可愛 天真自由的個性還是讓人喜歡 還可以苦中作樂…- . -… 佩服佩服
而且編劇也需要她來闖禍 想薪梗編吧 (自己想像…)
蕭劍晴兒 爾康紫薇 改的都跟原本是不一樣的感覺
加晴劍的戲 是超級對的選擇!
可是減少香妃戲份 安插”餘”妃.欣榮 真是多餘多餘多餘…
當然每部戲 主角們要長相廝守都需要”磨難的過程”
可是可以不用這麼…灑狗血…吧 (有冒犯的話!抱歉><…
雖然打這麼多沒有用 不會改變劇情
但是替紫薇爾康 蕭劍晴兒感到開心!
看著他們 沒有第三者 感覺就開心多了…:)
這版香妃的故事也好無聊 香妃不好看 感覺香妃的愛情故事不深刻
如果不想認親 只想跟小燕子她們當朋友 就至少要避嫌吧 蕭劍真的動作太親密了 路人都會懷疑吧= =”
yes it was chapter 36/37 in the original version and later Xiao Jian actually makes the instrument from the horse tail for Zi Wei instead of buying it
i wish they had that part in cus i want to watch more ziwei part~ai
I like that name 😀 xiao yun(or however you spell) 😛 it sounds cool(: but I like xiao yan zi too 😀
love it thus far, but the part abt emperor finding out zw is his daughter meaning he’ll go pick them up real soon, so it means the series is very very close to end. ahhhhhhh!!!!
and i didnt expect the gong gong to be the one whos bribed… i thought he was really honest and the dowager’s trusted man. how could he help the empress!!! but well, at least theres ling fei. the prettiest and kindest woman in the whole series!!
for realz lingfei should be huanghou instead becuz she is the one tht is totally 与世无争 and she is very 慈悲 and 心地善良
yeah!!! i think shes really the one with love and truly cares for othhers even if they’re not really her daughter.
@lily its near end, theres only 1x ep left, qing er and xiao jian story, yq and xr [thou i hate to admit] part, and then their wedding, yq left the palace. heh.
its not close ending, i mean ya the emperor is going to pick them up soon, but there is still qing er and xiao jian i mean is 老佛爷 gonna except their marriage and that entire revenge that he has to do.
It’s sad the Empress Dowager didn’t even mention Xiao Yan Zi’s name for being cruel to everyone. Is she that horrible that she doesn’t even get a chance?
the only things that matter to the dowager is class. and xyz is not even her granddaughter. shes not nice and sadly she think she is nice. she wants to be 慈悲 but she is showing the opposite
That’s why I prefer the original because the dowager was willing to accept Xiao Yan Zi as her grand daughter
XJ should just tell everyone earlier his relationship with XYZ to avoid so much misunderstanding with YQ.
or YQ should calm down first i get how hard it is to see another guy with XYZ but he should trust XYZ a lil more
YQ is in no position to get jealous..he has no right because he already has a wife..he should know himself..!!
ya he has a right to get mad i mean he is loves xyz. wife? he doesn’t have a wife anymore if he left the palace and even if he did marry her so what, its not like he wanted too and don’t forget under what kind of circumstances he had to get married.
agree with Mtcarnation, he get jealous so easily…xj helped them so many times he should feel greatful.
love it when yong qi’s jealous! awwwwwwwww, envy xiaoyanzi! such a handsome boyfriend, cool + smart brother, cute benjamin!! woowww
It been a long time since i last see the huang hou scene
FINALLY!! He confessed to being her brother! xD And YongQi! LOL! He’s sooo cute when he’s jealous! And it’s about time the Emperor found out the truth about the empress! ugh, I know what’s coming and I’m not looking forward to the bed scene >.> (QY & XYZ forever!!!) The wedding scene, I’m looking forward too <3
i think in the new one xyz and yq doesn’t have any wedding scene…. so sad
I love that scene 😀
How come its not always HD anymore? I always looked forward to HD videos. oh well thanks anyways. You are still the best!
it will become hd later.
姓蕭聽起來比較cool! 😀
吃醋的像疯子 老实的像傻瓜!! 哈哈!!
haha er kang is an audience like us, he is like i know what the audience must be thinking right now.
omgomgomg. xyz n xiao jian gonna xiang ren!!!!!