New My Fair Princess Episode 91 S3 Ep.17

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71 thoughts on “New My Fair Princess Episode 91 S3 Ep.17

  1. when xyz shouted at lao ye she didnt even say anything about the nineteen people of “xiao jia”. but lao ye said “what xiao jia nineteen people”…

  2. i understand it’s hard to take in tat the 阿玛 she love so much is her father’s killer. but her father’s killer is the father’s killer. the son isnt related. is just another generation, it wasnt the son’s fault… both yq n xyz r ke lian… yq had love xyz so much… did so much for xyz… this thing is really so strong n hateful enough to make u hit ur very loved one..

  3. gr.. why did xiaojian say it! XYZ cld’ve got back to the kindom… since he already hold it for so long why cant he just hold it a bit longer…. he cld just leave the room i mean it is 19 years ago another generation why cant he just put it down

    • think its to show that he is no longer using the role of king but of a father who is worried about the health of his daughter.

  4. So long since i cried for this drama~~~ last time i cried when yongqi married xinrong………
    XYZ’s “我不知道,我真的不知道…”
    so sad…

  5. 可憐的燕子…
    新版的永燕 真的多了很多戀愛的場景…(舊1.2版康薇比較悲傷 多戀愛的情節)
    我也感覺的燕子雖然有時任性過頭的白目  她卻真心愛著永琪
    不然她不可能會在宮中待著麼久  並且瑜妃上吊時 還救她…
    忍受永琪娶欣榮  忍受永琪和皇阿馬說的無可奈何…


    就算燕子在任性衝動  但是她也值得一個美好的愛情…


  6. omg!這集是繼永琪娶欣榮後哭得最慘的一集了,這血海深仇實在不該由下一代來背,每次看到小燕子不說話也不開心時就覺得好悲傷阿~幸好後來一切都真相大白了!不過我認為這次新版的這個部分改的比舊版好太多了呢!因為舊版小燕子的父母是因為文字獄被殺,這樣的她和永琪之間也沒有那麼完美,不過現在好啦~~他們還是可以繼續轟轟烈烈的在一起!只希望欣榮不要在有戲了,快閃吧~欣榮~不要再來搞破壞了!!

  7. 為什麼上一代的恩怨, 下一代要承受
    皇帝對小燕子很好啊, 小燕子有必要恨他喔? 如果他父母看到自己的女兒被人家這樣疼著, 很會很高興的吧

  8. 小燕子不是也在紫薇要回宮後,也說要回去,還跑去說服蕭劍說,即使大家分開 ,還是家人。找到真正殺父仇人又不回去了  = =真善變

    • why?? he did kill their parents … umm wont you like to know if you were in xyz stances? or dont tell her cause it will make her unhappy?? sometimes you have to face reality . no matter how harsh life is..

  9. 請問多次做了人肉沙包的班,這次又擋著燕撞樹,應該早已經内出血有内傷了吧? 

    又沒事? 哦,忘記這只是一部戲劇。做戲而已。哈哈。

  10. OMG!!! Has anyone watched 《呼叫大明星>> ? I just found out that 柏柔 in that show (the very artistic one who won a scholarship to Paris) was Li-sheng aka XYZ in this show!!! Li-sheng’s acting is so different (in a good way to portray different character personalities) in that show and in this one that I really didn’t realize it’s the same person!!!

  11. I understand How hurt she is, to betrayed by the people you love trust most.To feel like you weren’t good enough to have happiness

  12. Ever thought about why XYZ asked YQ to check for the birthmark and not Ziwei or Qing Er? I think that she really does love YQ and feels that YQ is like a husband to her. 

    • 當初是因為有靜慧師太…萬一真不是,也可以多一個這麼可愛的妹妹和家人阿!更何況這只是戲嘛~總是要有諸多巧合,看戲的人也才能跟著喜歡~

  13. I was all teary until Benjamin was like “God save this lost soul.” I couldn’t help but laugh at that, most ridiculous thing ever! Then when Er Kang is like “At least she’s moving around, so we don’t have to worry about her as much.” and then his face when Yong Qi asks “What if it was ZiWei doing chores all day and not speaking to them.” Guess it’s always good to have some comic relief in between really heavy scenes.

    • i love the scene when yong qi ask er kang if he’ll feel the heartache if it was zi wei who was doing all the chores too!!!! their faces was relaly funny. like trying to laugh bt too sad to laugh kind. HAHAHA

  14. But……..why does Benju have to be the one who stopped her from hitting the tree…
    oh I forgot it’s called Benjamin’s Life during the Qing Dynasty and Qiong Yao loves him to death.

  15. This episode was so emotional! [T_T] But I also felt annoyed by it [>.>] Shouldn’t the bond and relationship they’ve built be stronger than this? How can Xiao Yan Zi turn on Yong Qi and Zi Wei all becaues the father she never knew was “killed by the emperor”. It’s not like the emperor kills people personally…it was one of his greedy-subjects; over a misunderstanding I might add. I guess I’m annoyed and emotional becaues I know this fact…it’s seriously heartbreaking that she couldn’t think rationally about it all >.>

    •  how do you expect her to think rationally when she just heard that all the people she loved is related to her parent’s death? shes punishing herself because she loved zw and yq and emperor, and its not a little. she love them, alot alot alot. and shes punishing herself because shes not supposed to love them. she feels that she betrayed her parents. its really upsetting to see that shes bringing everything upon herself and punishing herself. its not because she cannot think rationally.. dont be annoyed by her, shes so pitiful already..

  16. i feel super sad and cried when the truth was revealed all the way to the time she confronted the king. its too much for her to take. her smiles will never be the same ever again. and marriage btwn yq and xyz before he returns to the palace is quite impossible now.. sigh… i feel so upset 🙁 

  17. I usually don’t cry watching a drama no matter how tragic and emotional it gets. I didn’t cry when YQ married XR.  I didn’t cry when ZW got stabbed. I didn’t cry when they left the palace. But not this time, I cried the whole episode!! This episode is a lot better than all the episodes combined in the original HZGG 3. It portrays the fury, the guilt, and actual “mu ku nai ho” in XYZ and YQ.  This is the first time I actually felt that.  

  18. the sad thing is….. none of these ppl were wrong
    keeping the law right, caring about family right, loving others right, caring about friends right

    • yeap i dislike her as well..i know she is the centre of this series but somehow when i watch the old one ..XYZ wasnt this annoying..somehow i think she overreacts over a lot of things..

    • from 1-90ep i dont hate her that much.. i thought she’s just toooooo naughty and silly. but in this ep, i feel that i start to hate her coz she keep making everyone feel worry about her, this is so irresponsible… she never concerns about the others’ feeling…

      • i know, she shouldn’t of pushed ziwei, its not ziwei’s or yq’s fault that their father is the emperor. She is seriously blinded by hatred! she needs to calm down!

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