New My Fair Princess Episode 92 S3 Ep.18

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87 thoughts on “New My Fair Princess Episode 92 S3 Ep.18

  1. 唷﹗這小五的圓房論可教壞了小燕子了呀XDD

  2. 新版這裡改的真好!
    蕭劍燕子的兄妹情 殺人之仇的誤會  
    讓燕子更成熟了  明白了自己的不適合當『宮裡的女人』
    雖然我很愛永燕  可是的確 永琪的保證 就是『無可奈何的不守信用』呀!
    可憐的永琪  但是一起回宮的話更痛苦的會是燕子
    沒有成親被指指點點  宮裡拘束多不適合自己  常常犯錯惹來麻煩..
    更痛苦的是要面對瑜妃 欣榮…

    其實我覺得紫薇為了爾康的前程 皇阿瑪 可以回宮  他們會是最幸福最不坎坷的
    並且有爾康善解人意的阿瑪額娘  老佛爺了解身世之謎後也不會為難紫薇了(嫁出去也不用住宮裡)

    晴兒麻… 就不要回去呀!蕭大俠不可能做官的
    雖然他飽讀詩書 又行俠仗義  可是他跟燕子一樣無拘無束的
    吃醋的時候很有女子的氣度  別人都怪他時 晴兒絕對會保護蕭劍

      • god, these people complaing can just shut up! whats wrong with ziwei, she was just touched by her father’s words and want to spend her time seeing him more as she went through a lot! i think xyz is someone how dosen’t care as much as she pushed ziwei earlier on, ziwei didn’t even say anything! she got the biggest and kindest heart out of all of them!

      • she doesnt want to go back to be a PRINCESS, she wants to go back to be her long-lost father’s DAUGHTER. Do you have any guilt in you to say that? Shame on u

  3. sun yao qi is DEFINITELY not the type of girl to be like you know, *head down looking up, being “girly”* know what i mean!?

  4. LOL!!!! love qing er’s unwavering determination to go with xiao jian, and ESPECIALLY LOVE THE LAST PART!!!! yong qi’s shy and blushing face when xyz say yuan fang!!!

  5. i really really loved the original & still do. i debated for so long before deciding to watch this remake but i do not regret it. the 1st was very good & touched my heart. it had a sad but touching edge to it. this new version is similar but has a funny side to it, which i feel takes away the touching side of the story. but this ep with the king had me in tears. there has been changes made & i feel so far it hasn’t been bad, but if what people say yq & xyz will separate for 2 yrs, then i guess the ending will be this a bit horrible & viewers will be upset as i will be. no matter how they write it, how can they make someone have a baby & not want their child? didn’t like it in the 1st story & can’t accept even if he was drug, but still hope true love wins out.
    as for people saying xyz is bipolar, she is not! she is just a very carefree gal filled with much love & emotion for all things in life. she has yet to mature which she is doing now. i just feel bad that they had to add Benjamen to the story & he made a good happy change to the story, but sad that he has no one or ends up with xyz. his love is more better for zyx. he is more understand & less selfish, but  love & feelings are hard to control so that i can understand.
    bottom line is i liked this new version very much but know i’ll hate the ending.

  6. 最偉大的是方家主人不在了,簫劍還能被當作少爺養大,房產沒被家僕A走,義薄雲天,我說瓊瑤阿嬤會不會太……太太浪@yahoo-QQHSXN4YSMN66KGQA6WLYVFPAQ:disqus 

    • 世上如真有如此行俠仗義且也讓身邊的人都純樸化(不A走任何東西)
      那麼江南第一俠還真的是江南第一俠啊! 佩服!!! 


  7. 我想如果當初小燕子的父母沒死,她的一生應該也會過得非常開心、無憂無慮吧~也不會這樣坎坷曲折離奇了…不過這樣就不會有還珠格格的精采故事了…

  8. 由衷的說:新環珠格格大部分在情感的描述都比以往來的細膩太多
    編劇  演員 走位 服裝 等等 都有獨到之處 ~
    當然 要挑錯或是美中不足之處一定有 
    但是  客觀的人一定會和我有同感 就是….好看!

  9. 說實在的 這樣的蕭劍不大喜歡 他好自私啊
    皇上的確是個好皇上嘛 感動是會的
    怎麼他都說他們動搖了呢 誰會不感動啊

    話說 五阿哥不留下一個兒子怎樣再找小燕子啊

    • 沒有一個人是完美的

  10. YQ did had a bit of bedroom scene with XYZ which it turned out to be a drugged YQ thinking it was XYZ. Not fair, he had bed scene with xr ..why not with XYZ !! cheh ! COMPENSATE lah …director !
    er kang and ziwei have, XQ and Qing Er ,cin suo and liu chin.. i think also have…why not YQ and XYZZZZZZZZZ !!! humph ! Q_Q

  11. 92集怎麼只演到part2呢 到part3就是環珠劇透社了 🙁
    如果永燕有演床戲就好了(祈禱) >_< 
    不然永琪跟欣榮圓房的這個部分 一想到就氣 ! ! ! !

  12. 小燕子不是也在紫薇要回宮後,也說要回去,還跑去說服蕭劍說,即使大家分開 ,還是家人。找到真正殺父仇人又不回去了  = =真善變 

    • 任何人接受到最愛的人可能是自己的仇人…都會震驚吧…
      看到燕子的傷痛 激動  就知道他有多愛永琪紫薇和皇上了

      或許這件事情讓她變成熟了一些些吧! MAYBE 0Q0

  13. since the whole truth is out….why does xyz still have to wait for xq for 2 yrs….why cant she just go bak with the king..she decided to go bak before she knew the truth anyway

    • yea i wonder that too. is it just a rumor that they will be separated, or is it really going to happen? because xiao jian seems pretty happy with huang shang now. i wish all of them can go back to beijing 🙂

    • no. in the old hzgg, XYZ’s birth mark is a red dot on her butt. And YQ confirmed it with XJ after marriage of the red dot’s existence. SO XYZ was XJ’s real sister in either hzgg.

    • XYZ being bipolar is exactly what I’ve been trying to say about the author..Qiong Yao..hehehe!!
      She has been writing romance books ever since she was sixteen and all of her romance stories always depict the kind of person she is in real life..She has always written the female heroine as strong and the males as weaklings..and often times the endings are not happily ever after..!
      The problems are always on the extreme and the beatings are violent and excessive for instance Romance in the Rain..
      Qiong Yao is known for this kind of melodrama romance stories…

  14. Actually looking at XYZ is pretty sad. She led a very harsh life in her childhood, worrying constantly about food, clothing and money.

    Yet XJ knew about his family, knew about his family’s properties, had relatives who cared for him and told him what happened. He also have masters to teach him martial arts and teachers to teach him knowledge. 

    If XYZ had the same care as XJ did, she would probably be way better than Ziwei or Qing-er. Know her martial arts as well or even better than Liu-hong, and also know her books/poems and how to behave properly at the right times.

    Yet, she’s so HAPPY-GO-LUCKY. She was thankful and happy to know that her family has a lot of properties and she’s RICH now, not having had to worry about money anymore. 

    • but if XYZ know her book/poems and how to act properly like Ziwei or Quing-er the king won’t like her. Actually the king like XYZ than any one else because of her happiness, her personality, and she is the only that not act properly in the palce, the first one who answer back the king.  

      • Of cos. If XYZ led a sheltered life like XJ, then what we’ll have is another Ziwei/Qing-er and 5 wouldn’t fall for XYZ and the Emperor would just have another “typical daughter”. 

        BUT my point was that it’s sad for XYZ to lead a sad childhood when she has the potential to have a much sheltered/comfortable childhood like that of XJ. XYZ could have lived way better.

        And for those who keep picking at XYZ for her manners (Empress Dowager and Empress) and kept saying that she’s a wild child, XYZ also has the potential to be well-mannered if not because of family circumstances. 

  15. XYZ 好大牌啊。誰餵葯都不吃,只有皇上親手餵才喝葯。哈哈。耍大牌耍到皇上身上去了。不能不給皇上面子吧。


    • i agree with you, shouldn’t hv 2 years apart so depressing ….anyway, they should have got married first before they go seperate ways.hoping hoping alas not the author ! they hv their own conclusion !!

  16. omg i loveeeeeeee the whole series. thou xyz recover abit abnormally, but im really happy the smile is back on her face!!!! and i cant wait to see the wedding btwn qing er and xiao jian.
     i love the emperor. hes a really really, kind, caring and most of all, sincere father!!!! he cares for every single one, no matter what they did to him, [the whip was, woah.]

    but really, if xiao jian didnt reveal the secret, the series wont be complete. cause afterall, they have to clear their parent’s name to regain the smile in them, so im really happy!!! the series, to me, is complete this way. i really cant bear for it to end!! awww!!

  17. This emperor is WAAAAY better than the old ones. The old ones are too self-absorbed to even try to think in the youngsters’ shoes. In HZGG 1 & 2 the emperor is too concerned about his face and women. The one in HZGG 3 can’t even be taken into consideration, he doesn’t even seem a little emperor-ish.

    • I like the one in 1 and 2. the 3rd one is such a fail. but this one is the best. I love him, the scene with him and xyz is so touchy, I never cry that hard before. I think he is more like a caring father than king! He is my favorite character in the whole show.

  18. omg at the start I was like whyyyy did they have to tell her she was so friggin sad, but then that moment with the king and I was balling my eyes out

  19. For a moment, I think that the story should just end here, it’s such a happy ending. Why the hell do they have to go back to the freaking palace. 

    • from 1st episode, the king is my favorite character!!!!! 2nd qing er~~~ cry so much coz of the fatherly love of king n xyz… T_T

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