New My Fair Princess Episode 97 S3 Ep.23

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105 thoughts on “New My Fair Princess Episode 97 S3 Ep.23

  1. I’m not sure what to think

    I really like YQ but will his love and future with XYZ be tainted by
    the reflection that he abandoned his son?

    He can decide to dispose of everything…his
    past, his comfortable life, his fortune and even the throne for the sake of
    love… But can he really dispose of his own flesh? I can understand that in
    some unfortunate situation life can force you to take this type of decision…
    however in YQ case his action was planed and that only to free his conscience
    toward his mother? Can you admire and love someone with that type of value and
    thinking? I don’t know…

    My second disappointment toward YQ
    was when he asked Benji to look after XYZ… As a friend he knows Benji feeling
    toward XYZ so his request was out of place. Benji sacrificed so much for YQ friendship…
    he never declare his feeling to the woman he love… he always encourage XYZ to
    keep faith in her love for YQ… he always support YQ… all that out of
    friendship.  When YQ asked Benji to be
    close to XYZ as a backup while he is away and give her back in 2 years (IF he comes
    back) did YQ ever thought of Benji devastation when he will come back? Is this a true friend? I don’t know…

    Benji is a good person however I
    think his loyalty should go to his heart first… If he has the courage to declare
    himself and to be as passionate as his music… the conclusion could be very
    different.  But will we love him as much
    if he was that selfish? I don’t know…

    XYZ most happy moments were the
    ones witn YQ and Benji by her side. She was not fully happy when QY was away…
    Will she be happy and complete when she realized that Benji is gone at the end?
    I believe both personalities complete her heart… YQ in a more traditional, obvious and passionate ways… Benji in a more light-hearted,
    emotional and supportive ways…  Can she really be FULLY happy to have part of her FULL love? I
    don’t know…

    • YQ in season 3 of the older series also left that wife with a son, so she’ll keeps her hopes up waiting and having a hope/dream. YQ also feel tormented leaving his own child, but this is all he can do when his heart doesn’t belongs to anyone in the palace. Till the and he stayed true to his heart.

      Benji originally didn’t appeared but was introduced in the new one. but I wonder his his story will be.

      XYZ will miss benji, but more as a friend and “brother”

  2. ㄏㄏ

  3. how i wish they filmed xin rongs expression when she find out yongqi left the palace after she gave birth to a boy. that would make me happy even thou she have his baby. 
    i’ll be like HOLY SHET, LOOK AT THAT WITCH’S FACE. but oh well~ hahaha

  4. Yongqi is SO IRRESPONSIBLE. Give xinrong a son and then leave to find xiaoyanzi? What about his son? Isn’t it gonna be another sad story? I rather he just say with xiaoyanzi from the very beginning or NEVER go back to xiaoyanzi and be a RESPONSIBLE FATHER. 

    • thats why i hope that there will be continue story about XYZ’s daughter, ZW’s son and YQ’s son. how wonderful is that, man.

  5. 永琪知道杏仁有了而開心的原因並不是真的因杏仁有喜,而是因為他又跟小燕子的距離拉近了…….這感覺真的好怪…….

  6. 看到杏仁主動端酒給永琪喝,就很ㄡˋ!討厭杏仁蓮蓉!!!!!!


    感覺永琪下次應該要用什麼心情去見小燕子? 不會很怪嗎?

    • 我同意你的想法!我们应该为斑鸠打抱不平!尤其最后一集的最后一小段真让人生气,小燕子竟然在斑鸠的面前和永齐搂搂抱抱的。我看了就气!:(

  7. erm..yongqi was saying tat if xinrong gave birth to a boy,then he can leave the palace & go find it means tat if its a girl, he will continue to do it with xinrong till they get a boy lahz??? OH MY. Btw, i think tat XYZ should be with benji! he will be such a caring boyfriend & good husband! 

  8. the whole benjamin part finding xyz was such a waste of time. why can’t they show more of xyz and yongqi? ah this show upsets me so much.

    • 那段我也哭得唏哩嘩啦的~  斑鳩找到小燕子的時候,班鳩還飛奔的跑過去擁抱小燕子,小燕子哭得我都替斑鳩疼了!

  9. LOL.

    Look at what XR is wearing and what ZW is wearing. XR 還有廉恥嗎? ZW 新婚都沒有她穿得暴露! 以前還批評紫薇知不知道羞恥。應該是她自己吧。

    XR知道只要5喝了睡前酒就可以跟她那個。所以每晚都服侍5喝睡前酒,根本就是她自己要翻云覆雨的吧! 真的是跟青樓女子沒什麽兩樣。

    XR 如果知道真相— 5 只是聼從娘的話回來添子嗣,並非真的愛她對她好,而他從來沒有忘過小燕子,應該會被氣死吧。因爲雖然有名分,可是其實是生孩子的工具而已,連感情都沒有。可悲的是她自己,誰叫她每晚都讓他喝迷魂酒。

  10. LOL.

    Look at what XR is wearing and what ZW is wearing. XR 還有廉恥嗎? ZW 新婚都沒有她穿得暴露! 以前還批評紫薇知不知道羞恥。應該是她自己吧。

    XR知道只要5喝了睡前酒就可以跟她那個。所以每晚都服侍5喝睡前酒,根本就是她自己要翻云覆雨的吧! 真的是跟青樓女子沒什麽兩樣。

    XR 如果知道真相— 5 只是聼從娘的話回來添子嗣,並非真的愛她對她好,而他從來沒有忘過小燕子,應該會被氣死吧。因爲雖然有名分,可是其實是生孩子的工具而已,連感情都沒有。可悲的是她自己,誰叫她每晚都讓他喝迷魂酒。

    • Yes they do… ZW is pregnant when they sent YQ off… In the older version we got to see Dong Er (the son) a bit more in Season 3. H was sooo cute!!

  11. OMG, i always always believed that xyz should be with yong qi.. but after this scene, right now my heart pines for her to be with benjamin. the director and script writers just wont a single audience member get away, they just have to pull us over to the benjamin side… after this scene where benju ran toward xyz, i believe that they should be together. i know that wont happen, but give benjamin a happy ending please!!

  12. HAHA did anyone else notice that funny moment when er kang brought ziwei closer to him she sorta panicked and then relaxed again and placed  her head on him LOLLL

    • OMG, i was think’n the same! :O cuz ik for certain dat Benji have always liked XYZ, and he always enjoyed her company and all…y can’t he just b with her during the frigg’n 2 yrs. time frame? D: UGH…diz is make’n me sad…:(

    • yep! Its symbolism was actually mentioned in the original version of HZGG but I guess they removed it here. The first wedding scene in the original version was hilarious, and ZW and XYZ got to marry at the same time. I’m quite sad they skipped that part here 🙁 

  13. waaaa finally ZW and EK is now marry!!! So happy!!! 1 more couple! Now we have 3 couples, wait for XYZ and YQ marry and finally happy ending!

    • not only that.. ziwei and erkang scene is more of romantic… not so explicit… but the almond scene is realli like watching those x-rated film.. if u get wad i mean.. haha…

  14. 每部戲 最後的 end 往往 和我們 所想像的不同
    至少他們 努力 盡力 的拍完這部戲
    我對於這部戲 只有 4個字 「感動萬分」

  15. It’s so sad for Xiao Yan Zi, Yong Qi should be there when she needs him the most especially lost in the cave 🙁 Just horrible

  16. 看到斑鳩上山去找燕子,互相看到的那一瞬間,雨蝶一播我就飆淚了~該怎麼說好呢…我確實好糾結阿~希望班杰明最後的結局不會是黯然神傷的!

  17.  李翊君   雨蝶   超級好聽~

     愛到心破碎也別去怪誰只因為相遇太美就算流乾淚傷到底心成灰也無所謂我破繭成蝶願和你雙飛最怕你會一去不回雖然愛過我給過我想過我就是安慰我向你飛雨溫柔地墜像你的擁抱把我包圍我向你飛多遠都不累雖然旅途中有過痛和淚我向你追風溫柔地吹只要你無怨我也無悔愛是那麼美我心陶醉被愛的感覺 爱到心破碎也别去怪谁只因为相遇太美就算流干泪伤到底心成灰也无所谓我破茧成蝶愿和你双飞最怕你会一去不回我向你飞雨温柔地坠像你的拥抱把我包围我向你飞多远都不累虽然旅途中有过痛和泪我向你追风温柔地吹只要你无怨我也无悔爱是那么美我心陶醉被爱的感觉虽然爱过我给过我想过我就是安慰我向你飞雨温柔地坠像你的拥抱把我包围我向你飞多远都不累虽然旅途中有过痛和泪我向你追风温柔地吹只要你无怨我也无悔爱是那么美我心陶醉被爱的感觉愛到心破碎也別去怪誰只因為相遇太美就算流乾淚傷到底心成灰也無所謂我破繭成蝶願和你雙飛最怕你會一去不回我向你飛雨溫柔地墜像你的擁抱把我包圍我向你飛多遠都不累雖然旅途中有過痛和淚我向你追風溫柔地吹只要你無怨我也無悔愛是那麼美我心陶醉被愛的感覺雖然愛過我給過我想過我就是安慰我向你飛雨溫柔地墜像你的擁抱把我包圍我向你飛多遠都不累雖然旅途中有過痛和淚我向你追風溫柔地吹只要你無怨我也無悔愛是那麼美我心陶醉被愛的感覺

  18. why benji is everywhere it’s so disturbing ;he should go back to his country and makes his own life
    he can stay with xyz but xyz doesn’t love him and it will never change

    • lol i think it’s qquite likely that they did it several times. it would be too lucky if they were to do it only once and he actually impregnates her o.o it’s disturbing….but, oh well. tragedies happen in the palace. he should never have returned. I don’t even think his mother and his wife (bleah!) deserves him. Even if he felt guilty for leaving and wanted to exercise his last act of fillial piety or whatever, I think he already made up for it by marrying XR.

      •  ewwwwwwwl. i was hoping that he only did it with her once, which was the night he called xr xyz instead. and he married xr to give his mom a daughter in law to accompany her, it shld be enough. the baby is a lil redundant. but its just the mother. she know she can make yq feel guilty and go back to her side. tts y all these happened. sigh

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