New My Fair Princess on Behind the Story 2011-09-04

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54 thoughts on “New My Fair Princess on Behind the Story 2011-09-04

  1. is there the continuation for this ‘behind the scenes’? like the part 2 or something? there were snippets of it at the ending. thnx! (:

  2. Excuse me but where is the episode for the Behind the story interview ??
    I really would apprieciate it if you anyone  could load it !! thks!!!

  3. 可惜, 趙麗穎不是瓊瑤公司的藝人, 她只能出現在第一次宣傳片發布會. 李晟, 張睿, 李佳航, 海陸, 高芷琪, 孫耀琦, 王今鐸, 路宏, 麥迪娜, 邱心志 and Benjamin 與瓊瑤簽訂合同. 晴兒趙麗穎和柳紅周放有自己的簽約公司, 所以他們不能參加這麼多節目.

  4. i feel really touched. they are like one big family, going through so much together… and caring for each other etc… im so touched. im sure they’ll never forget the whole filimg process for their whole life. 

  5. can someone translate what that audience (guy) say about XZY and YQ? Li Sheng and Zhangrui was smile and laughing.

    And is there any good story , bts tidbits that are worth mentioning?

    • the audience said that his fav characters are XYZ and YQ . that he and his cousin had a nearly ‘bloodshed’ as he put , quarelling over a poster of them and tore the poster in half.
      NHZGG really brings back childhood memories for him.

  6. why is it that there is never qing er in any of the shows or interviews?? i’d like to get to know that actress too!.. if anything her character is more than han xiang’s and yet the girl that plays han xiang is on more live shows… 

    • agree! qing er is my favourite in the show! and it is not like she is playing a small role. even jin suo is here, qing er’s role isnt it bigger than jin suo? i want to see qinger on the variety shows!

    • Qing er (Zhao Liyin) is not signed under Qiong Yao’s company. Most of the cast members are signed under Qiong Yao. Qing Er could only show up at the first promo.

  7. 大家稍安勿躁 或许班杰明是因为中国的visa过期之类的问题所以不能播他的画面(之前韩庚也是一样)..也或许是因为其他的什么幕后的原因 肯定和racism无关。中国人那么崇洋媚外怎么肯能故意把班杰明剪了呢

  8. “我们应该秉着快乐的心态去去面对每件事情,大家自己都会变得快乐了。” — 张睿 (这句话怎么跟我以前曾说的一句话一摸一样呢?喜欢死你了张睿!)

  9. Why they cut off benjamin’s part? then whats the point of asking him to be there in the first place? so annoying this people

  10. 新版舊版都很好看
    不過,比起來,新版的演員: 爾康,五阿哥,都比舊版的帥氣,也比較高大。

  11. Well, here’s what I think:
    1) racism goes both ways. It’s a two way street. How often do Asians get emperor like treatment in European countries? It’s always going to be a gray area. What goes around comes around.

    2) If Qiong Yao’s company knew before hand that Benji’s part would be cut off, then she wouldn’t let him attend so many shows……

    3) Benji already shows up way too much in this drama. No offense to his fans, but I am being realistic here. 

  12. 13年來我依然還是會反覆看舊版的還珠格格,怎麼看就是不膩,但是新版的,我目前沒有衝動想要去再反覆看~因為裡面沒有我感動的部分。或許是我太喜歡張鐵林演的皇上、周杰演的爾康,劇裡勾起的感動橋段太多太多了;而新版,我只喜歡班傑明與四大才子而已,對於班傑明實在心疼與不捨。


  13. OMG! 原來那首插曲是張睿唱的! 根本料想不到吧! 那個插曲唱得有點滄桑感,根本不知道是萌帝唱的啊!

    • ya, too much. How would Benji felt?.  Being there and not an intro. Really insulting.  I think he is doing very well.. his character was refreshing, heart warming & taught us about moral, honesty & his selfless love.  His part brought HZGG drama more interesting.

      He speaks Mandarin right, why no mention of him of any part when Jin suo has something to say but not given him any opportunity.  Disgusting arrangement!

    • 怎嚜可能分不出來0.0? 舊版的裝比較濃阿!!

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