New My Fair Princess Episode 55 S2 Ep.19

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130 thoughts on “New My Fair Princess Episode 55 S2 Ep.19

  1. 有時候看著.會覺得小燕子不該那麼多事.

  2. 欣榮漲的很像狒狒= =說真的!
    怎麼每次[客人]來都會拐走一個男人呀= =
    真希望欣榮拐的是那個蒲公公= =!
    這兩人比較配= =

  3. don’t like xyz… she was the one who kicked the ball, but always want to blame it on other (don’t hold me, blah blah blah…) always want to butt into other ppl’s business… it gets annoying after a while

  4. 每次小燕子都一定要那麼激動嗎?
    可以冷靜點嗎? 沒錯! 皇阿瑪是不對
    更何況是一個皇上 也太沒有禮貌了吧
    皇阿瑪真的會很沒有面子耶 真是討打!
    就像上次講出真相那一集 小燕子也是這樣
    衝動的跑去講了 我看到真的氣死
    尤其是她被塞婭狂打的時候 也太丟臉了吧 還有一大群人看著
    瓊瑤阿姨寫得不太好啦! 其實這個小燕子演得不錯 像哭戲啊 搞笑啊

  5. disaster coming ahead, love affairs and rivals. XXYZ no matter what we know you’ll always win yong qi’s heart

  6. Er Kang is right….. You can go into Zong Ren Fu and come back alive, but you can’t stand a stupid slap?????? (I put it into my own words.:)

    • its more than a slap, imagine you are adopted and ur dad is super nice he forgive all the errors u made but alll of a sudden he is getting pissed off at ur mom and use u as a plush bag

  7. OMG….. why is Xin Rong already appearing… HOW LAME… whats the point anyway… xyz kicked the ball by accident and she was like ” Oh no my precious forehead is now ruined by that ball” and  she went calling for her mommy and daddy….. how babyish… i am staring not to like this movie because yq is going to her that xing rong first instead of xyz….. 

  8. XYZ is soo stupid, why would she go lecture the emperor like that? It’s like she’s ASKING to be punished. Later they even help xiang fei run away with her lover?? It’s like the ultimate betrayal to their DAD! They betrayed their dad to help out someone they’ve only recently met, wtf? Despite what their “ideals” are, that’s not the way they should handle things. There’s a saying that a friend’s wife is not to be messed with. If even a friend’s wife can’t be messed with, then your dad’s wife can absolutely NOT be messed with!

    Not to mention this is the ancient times, where having multiple wives is accepted as the norm, and not to mention is he is the fcking EMPEROR, ffs.

    Long story short, I can totally sympathize with the emperor on this one. Not even your own daughters should/are allowed to steal your wife away from you.

    • true, but this script is making her seem sooooo dumb. 
      You saw the old hzgg right??? If you did, did you ever think that she was a bit exaggerating? Well, I didn’t!

      • Ya, i saw it. Ofcc <3.
        You're right Cathy, here they make her very childish and selfish and a bit exaggerated in her actions but you know it, she's new actress and she did her best to act this character (Sorry, my english sucks).
        Oh well, i think i like this actress, haha (And the way she
        acts XYZ) that's why can't see ppl hating her D:

  9. Cant stand it.. How come all Princesses must be Weak? Girls arent weak at all! Just because they grew up in palace or wealthy family (rather rare nowadays..) but still.. its kinda annoying to see them acting so weak! Especially a hit by a soccer ball. Its not like there’s needles on it.. Kind of annoying really.. Anyway, when is the new episode coming up?
    Another *Zhihua* ah.. Its suppose to be after Yongqi marry XiaoYanzi before he got tangled with that bitch. Dislike men being flirts eg the Emperors of all countries!

    • yes, u are so right!!!!!!
      in the old time, girls were too weak! why? they can be equal to man. everyone is a treasure for every parents. men are not more valuable than women. that old rule and thought is so ridiculous. I think YQ geting married with another one is so bad. he betrayed his promise for XYZ.

    • i agree, girls aren’t weak! But hey! xyz isn’t that weak! plus, it’s their character (i say for the thousandth time) Qiong Yao made them like that (sounds funny, lol). 
      I know eh? The soccer ball thing. Exaggerating for the MILLIONTH time in this tv show! It’s amazing! the script is the worst! grrrrr it does make me kinda mad. 

  10. 說小燕子白慕的人  撇開皇帝地位不說 大家都人生父母養 你們就能接受自己另一半有別人嗎?   不分時代年齡 每個人都希望愛人的眼裡只有自己吧! 縱使是妃子也是 只是古代的女人受到傳統約束 好像男人就多了不起     我並不覺得燕子有什麼錯 她每次都是有理由的 撇開皇宮不說 她的觀念真有錯嗎? 錯的是規矩多又束縛人吧 沒有她的善良熱誠 哪還會後來又幫忙香妃呢!?   如果5他們沒有遇見XYZ ZW  他們會替香妃作那些事情嗎? 他們會情有獨鍾嗎? -.-      反正~~~我覺得看XYZ很開心 都會受她感染:D

  11. 8:35, the white ‘scarf’ around ziwei’s neck is there, but at 8:38, the white ‘scarf’ suddenly disappeared..but at 8:52, it suddenly went back around her neck again! wat happened?? the error is rather obvious.

  12. Omg why she so fast come out!!! Hate her TTM!! lao fuo ye still say she become more and more pretty!! *pui*! I saw the YouTube preview also they went to bed tgt… If this plot will followthe old one whereby they got a son?!?!?! If I am xiao Yan zi I will go and kill myself! The new plot sux!! Xyz become second wife?!?!

    • Actually, in the old HZGG 3, Xiao Yan Zi did become the second wife. Lao Fuo Ye said in order for her to release Xiao Jian, Yong Qi must marry Zhi Hua and she’ll become his lawfully wife, then Xiao Yan Zi will become his concubine. Only in this remake, that ass married Xin Rong first.

  13. omg… xin rong’s out already. GONNA RUIN THE HAPPINESS 🙁

    i saw a scene on youtube that yongqi is goin to marry xin rong first and one time yongqi went to bed with xin rong without any force. i kno yongqi only love xiao yan zi but wat makes him go to bed with that girl without any force. xiao yan zi bein second wife is really not fair for her cuz they are true loves and fell in love like quite long. that meant she will not have a chance to be 皇后 cuz shes the second wife 🙁 。 i bet xiao yan zi will be a better empress and makes the palace a happy place with all people laughing like everyday lol. but too bad. she wont have a chance to be 皇后 only xin rong got a chance ): AWWWWW

    • don’t like xin rong…she’s so bad….HATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      xiao yan zi is good……….LIKE LIKE…
      xiao yan zi n yong qi must be together….they love each other…LOVE LOVE

    • 她每次都闖禍? 我到覺得常常是宮裡規矩太多 燕子是個熱心善良天真可愛的人 不然她怎能征服那麼多人? 又讓別人(妳)忌妒呢?  塞亞跟燕子個性很像 為何她就沒事? 因為古代時的中國人 對女性要求更多更嚴苛  今天要是沒有小燕子 紫薇不可能認到爹不會認識爾康 沒有燕子的不打不相識 那不怕死 不會有那麼多被她幫助的人 看清楚劇情再來罵人好嗎

  14. 想到辛榮以後會嫁給五阿哥…對她印象就很不好
    還好還好她長得很不正 不漂亮 XD

  15. Why the xin rong so weak one. Ball hit a bit only the make up on the forehead need so obvious not. Didn’t watch how she appear in the old series. First time knowing/seeing her in hzgg, she kinda pissing me off for first impression. Should i watch the old 3rd series? I didn’t watch because diff ppl act..

    • In the original series the xin rong is called zhi hua. That woman is a cunning old fox. she say must act for lao fo ye to see,then they end up doing the real thing. They even had a son.
      Stupid lor.I hate both xin rong and zhi hua.

  16. I don’t get it. I mean if XYZ was already busted for being a fake princess, HOW COULD SHE STILL HAVE THE FACE to stay in the palace? Especially when she knows she has a lot of enemies and the Old Empress doesn’t like her much. I mean given the CAREFREE her, she should’ve left the palace, live with the other orphans, do whatever she wants BUT still get permission to come in/out the palace at her wish because of ZW and others.

  17. Sigh. Why can’t they make Benju with Xinrong (then everyone will be couples)? BENJU NEEDS SOMEBODY!!!! *shoutout to Granny QiongYao*

  18. Even though I hate to say this but I think we need to look at Xinrong objectively. We haven’t seen much drama between Xinrong and the others and she’s already HATED to the bones and personal attacks to the actress not the character.

    And I think 5 was willing to have done it with Xinrong (he can’t resist at some point) resulting in kid(s).

    (lol, that being said, I still hate the character Xinrong BUT I will give it a chance to the actress)

  19. disgusting xin rong is out. i hate how they like to have third parties in such nice shows. the show can do just well without xin rong!!!!!!!! shldnt it be kept for part 3/season 3 in this case? why is she out so early? i hate her!!! shes not even pretty!!!!!!!!!!

    • xyz deserves it. In this new version, xyz is just plain irritating and dumb and only knows how to create trouble. and because of her, ziwei is always drag down. as someone who loves ziwei, of coz he will be pissed off with xyz coz she’s indirectly hurting ziwei. it is obvious that without xyz, ziwei wouldn’t be creating much problems at all.

  20. xyz is getting more and more out of hand, just because every1 give in to her does not mean she can do what she like… she have to think of others instead of keep giving trouble and let others to go and save her or solve the problem for her

  21. 哪儿蹦出来的欣荣格格啊?格格不是皇上的女儿吗?老佛爷好像很喜欢这个欣荣欸,而且她好像常常在针对紫薇和小燕子欸,不过小燕子比较多.

    • 我記得,不只皇上的女兒,親王等(皇上的兄弟姐妹)的女兒也是格格,就像晴格格也不是皇上的女兒喔

    • He looks like a WOLF who’s gonna GOBBLE HER UP IMMEDIATELY!!! The way he looks at her  feels like a pedo (pedo as a loose term for people who have large age gap)

  22. WTFFF!!!! WHY IS XING RONG HERE ALREADY!!!ohhhh myyy god >< xyz and yong qi and zw and er kong aren't married yet which means xyz is going to be the 2nd wife! this is not rightnow liking this at all.

    Hopefully yong qi will always stay faithful and not do anything that would upset xyz-_-
    wondering how bitchy and sneaky xing rong will be compared to the old version

  23. 最近中這部劇的毒,還到都變得情緒不穩定了! 前幾天看到有人的名字是永欣,無名火就上來了! 燕好慘哦。

  24. 欣榮要來了!!! Omg, XYZ is gonna face a MAJOR heartbreak. Hopefully, the heartbreak happens WAY LATER, like after helping Hanxiang & Merdan escape. 

  25. God! xyz is so obnoxious! is it that big of a deal that u dont go somewhere??? literally she makes all this trouble becuase she can! it is getting so ridiculous!!!! l

    • haha, i’m laughing too! i felt bad when the old xyz got slapped, but when this one got slapped, i was like, it’s about time someone did that -____-

  26. I am okay with all those troubles(actually nonsense) said or caused by XYZ, however, this time is really preposterous. Shouldn’t they know an Emperor could have >3000 wives. And in those time, polygamy is acceptable and in fact COMMON. Not to add, ZW’s mom was also one of the many lovers(worse, nt even wife) of the emperor, and that they could accept!!

  27. DANGGG!!
    Everyone came already!!
    Xin Rong, Han Xiang, Meng Dan, Xiao Jian, Lao Fu Ye, Qing Er

    Lots of Drama….. All at once, lol….
    How are they going to make this work??

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