New My Fair Princess Episode 59 S2 Ep.23

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100 thoughts on “New My Fair Princess Episode 59 S2 Ep.23

  1. 那麼欣榮也高攀不起永琪搂

  2. I swear Yongqi’s Mum always smile like a crazy woman and behave like one too. Being way too over protective. It’s not like Yongqi is a kid anymore! Dont you guys agreeee!?!?!?!

  3. 欣荣,你这个狐狸精痕刀夺爱,去死啦,祝你孤独终老,早点死了算了,反正没人要你,去跟皇后还有愉妃做好姐妹算了,真是绝配啊。。。

  4. yu fei is only concerned about YQ’s wife cause she wants him to be the emperor and her to be the emperor mother next time and believe that xin rong can “gurantee” her position.. stupid. 

  5. yu fei is fugly -.- breaking up 2 thats in love, you’re so happy abt it? never consider your son’s feelings, what a mom.

  6. Stupid stupid stupid YQ mother! So annoying! XYZ, sometimes, you really… please listen to YQ… I know your love is overflowing, k? But that XR is really EXTRA! I’d rather they not add these annoying characters.

  7. 愉妃應該改成餘妃!多餘的餘!!剩餘的餘~~雖說她也沒有完全不對,但是她就真的願意永琪這麼可憐,變成夾心餅嗎??

  8. 那個愉妃真的很想揍她欸!

  9. i’m thinking that in this new series of hzgg, xyz is going to suffer a lot of pain more than zw because yq is going to married xr… witch xyz is going to be even more heart breaking and as for zw and ek… they have no problem because no one is going to be in their way….  

  10. 12:46 爾康:「我跟紫薇的婚事 誰都沒辦法改變」,為什麼出場的那麼奇怪(害我在半夜大笑)
     然後為什麼要停在12:49的嘴….. 剪輯是跟他有仇嗎?(又笑)

  11. arghhhh 5th prince is so cruel… making ban jiu look at them happy, smile together and even help him say out what they discussed. how cruel. he must be very heart brokened.

    and really… the additional yu fei is just useless. its not like we dont hate xin rong enough. why the additional person for us to hate? so we can spread our hatred between the two? no, we’ll only hate xr and yufei more n more, and we blame the writer for all these additional spoilers. sigh

  12. I find that this new hzgg have a thing i always watch and always think. The actors all do not have enough sleep. they all have very deep panda eyes. is it because of stress or because of the make-up

  13. I really can’t take it anymore! The add in of Yu Fei is just so unnecesary…everyone loved the first and second season of the old one cause the couples relationship werent interfered with! Despite how evil huang hou was, it was still happy cause of their bond. yufei has no rights to look down upon xyz cause she’s a shit person. and why is there a need for xinrong?! if 80% of the plots changed…clearly cut her out…as everyone hated zhihua in the third season! so angryyy :(:( poor xyz 好委屈…:(

  14. 愉妃笑的 好淫蕩喔!!真的看不下去!!皇上說的對!!你真的能承受拆散YQ跟XYZ的震撼與後果嗎??還說什麼這個小燕子的格格畢竟只是說說的不是真的那幹嘛還用格格的標準去苛求人家??

    • 對阿~那個愉妃應該改叫蠢妃才是…真是的…太后在那邊亂也就算了…愉妃還不懂自己兒子的心…那他就是注定要失去這個兒子了…這個後果她能接受嗎??真是蠢到家了~真希望永琪、小燕子、紫薇和爾康都能順利的度過這關,不要再有什麼擾人的磨難了!!

  15. 當紫薇回老佛爺嘴的時候 (when they talk about their marriages) 帥的! 本來覺得她還好, 越來越欣賞她了!

  16. 真的討厭這樣的母親和祖母. 總是用長輩的身份來迫孩子們按照他們的意思去做. 誰說賴蝦毛不許吃天鵝肉? 燕棋紫康加油!!!


  17. poor XYZ and ZW
    但是我想紫薇較幸運一些 晴兒理解他和爾康 並且能幫助他們
    燕子卻不是這麼好運 欣容骨子裡絕對和太后皇后是一路子的 嫁一個早知道不愛自己的丈夫 還說是別人的錯(預告說燕子搶她丈夫)
    欣榮不是另一個晴兒 而是另一個太后皇后 
    POOR~XYZ  大家會一起陪妳走過傷心的時光的
    希望你跟斑鳩也能來一段 才能平復我對YQ先娶別人的怨唸呀XDDDD”
    不一定是要跟斑鳩怎樣  反正就來一段吧  也讓斑鳩留留紀念

  18. In my opinion Yu fei is just selfish, she just wants to be the future empress dowager, regardless of her sons’ happiness.  

  19. yu fei’s laugh sounds just like umbridge’s… at first, i thought she was just a fragile mother, but after she laugh, i cant help but associate her with umbridge…

  20. King !!! when u understood your son and daughter`s feelings, u protect them. it`s so kind and tender of u!!! great king~~~~
    and stupid YQ`s mom didn`t know YQ`s heart at all. it`s so ridiculous. if I were YQ , maybe I will say that “If u force me to marry with the woman I don`t love, I will never forgive u and suicide in your front!!!”

  21. xin rong is like so evil.. looks like she is not only snatching xyz’s husband.. she is also trying to snatch qing er’s position…

  22. everything is just yu fei and tai hou fault , anyhow 乱点鸳鸯谱 . cant they just keep quiet no comments fer the marriage part . -.- emperor was right yufei sure cannot withstand the consequences of forcing yq married w xr she will totally lost a son , why cant she tink that his son happiness is more important then a future , its not like xyz and yq married yq cant be future emperor anymore , since emperor like xyz and yq so much -.-

    • ZW said the right things ” it isn`t that man look down woman, is woman deprise own status, let other people look down them.”  
      Why isn`t XYZ good enough for YQ? I think XYZ and ZW are the best women, they fight for themself, women don`t need to be depreciated!!!! they both have the purest heart. that`s what the palace doesn`t have.

  23. awwww lao 5 really love xiao yan zi <3 but too bad that he is going to have to marry xin rong 🙁 will she choose to marry him and he is not going to love her anyway… and er kang and zi wei (no problem!) because qing er and just tell empoer's mother that she dont like him anymore! 

  24. This is bad. They are really torturing us, aren’t they? I can’t believe YongQi will really marry that stupid woman…I think I am not the only one who feels terrible for our loving characters…But applause for ZiWei’s response to the Empress!!

  25. i wonder what xyz is going to do during yq’s wedding…. awwww i just hope that she doesn’t cry that much because i know for sure that she can’t bare to see the person she love getting marring to someone that is not her….   

  26. 接下來該不會是蕭劍聯合班把燕和晴帶到別人找不到她們的地方吧 (maybe living with Murdan and Hanxiang?)。

    <3 Benju!!

  27. For those ppl who were looking at this drama seriously. It wouldn’t make sense because XYZ was said to be around 18 but she acts literally like a 12 year old (ZW behaves more like 18)! A round of applause for the XYZ actress who’s really 28 in real life (and she has to act like 12!)  

    AND both XYZ and ZW went through so much sufferings and beatings, given reality, they would have scars all over (especially XYZ’s butt) regardless of how miraculous the medicine were.

  28. Can’t believe the Empress said that. 皇上要的女人,女子能拒絕嗎,她們能/敢違背“聖旨”嗎? And Empress was saying ZW’s mom was a “bad woman”. WTH.

  29. Awwww…. Benju!!! i think he suffered MAJOR heartbreak (see XYZ daily yet not her lover, see her cry, see her smiles) compared to the other 2 couples!

    • more like, poor xyz! SHE probably IS suffering a major heartbreak because she probably will get to see yq daily, but he’d be married already.. :(((( T_T

  30. 紫薇这几句为女人说的话,太佩服了!!别看紫薇那么大家闺秀,传统的一个姑娘,其实思想是那么的现代的!太为女孩子争气了!!

      • 燕子也是呀! 他們兩個都是 情有獨鍾 燕子覺得女人不會輸給男人  紫薇懂得女人的尊嚴 他們都是古代女人的驕傲~~ 雖然是戲 我還是非常的愛他們兩個 😀
        可是相較之下 我覺得紫薇還是比較幸運 至少晴兒是董她和爾康 並且明裡的  而欣容卻不是 她和皇后太后是一路子的 注定燕子會痛苦一陣子><(我們也是)

      • they are both pity. but I think ZW is luckier than XYZ. because QR understood EK and ZW, and she can help them. But XR is not kind, she is the same with king`s mom and queen. XYZ is going to cry and be sad soon. but I believe XJ , B and we will protect XYZ to go through that bad part. any way… I think if YQ surrendered to his mom and married XR, he would not be good enough for XYZ.  Plz let B and XYZ have sometning happened, that will be fairer for XYZ. and I will accept that YQ comes back with XYZ.

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