New My Fair Princess Episode 63 S2 Ep.27

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136 thoughts on “New My Fair Princess Episode 63 S2 Ep.27

  1. 根本就不是永琪變了 是你根本就沒用心去瞭解你兒子
    你安排一個永琪不愛的女人 難道還會開心快樂嗎?
    是你對小燕子有偏見 小燕子才會那麼生氣

  2. why arent there any people talking abt the chang tai yi, i think he’s really funny and cute. like he doesnt give a shit about others, but deep inside he cares.. his attitude is so hilarious man

  3. 真的好討厭杏仁跟愚妃!!    一個心機重一個太愚蠢
    比起杏仁我還比較喜歡~~~知畫     至少他不會向杏仁一樣

  4. My God, i really hope XYZ and YQ can get married at the end, not someone elas….
    How sad if they miss each other…
    Oh.. no no no…

  5. applemay~~ 妳說的太棒了!
    欣容這種人只是陽奉陰違 說套作一套 現在早知道別人不愛妳 卻還是故做好人 硬要嫁給YQ
    從這點就看的出來 跟太后皇后一樣 活在那白痴的想法裡
    而且雖說小情小愛無傷大雅 我想欣榮是自以為YQ娶她 就會喜歡她吧
    拜託別說小情小愛了 連小打小踹 都攬了= =+
    之後三八得到地位 邊裝哭(好像都不知道YQ從不愛妳一樣)  又要別人憐惜妳???
    太可笑了  都要吐了~~~

    餘妃娘娘  妳這角色真是多餘到爆炸了
    與世無爭? 我呸  照照鏡子吧

  6. I know everyone knows who’s heart belongs to who’s and is pity for Benjimen, but having him protect XYZ like a knight makes him so cute :”)  Maybe there is someone special in the future just for him, but for now, I enjoy this more than friend but not lover relationship between him and XYZ 😀

    愉妃… 哪來的與世無爭??? 應該是XYZ與世無爭吧~
    欣榮可以去撞牆一下~ 又不美又心機又假又機車 馬的 

    • 對呀! “餘”妃哪裡與世無爭阿?  跟老佛爺一樣自以為是
      不想爭  還要求兒子前途?  前途說穿了不就是爭皇上嗎

      沒有像晴兒一樣有想法 美麗又大方善良 它是一項都沒有
      最可笑的是 假如她嫁了YQ 早知道對方不愛她 那就不要哭天喊帝了
      不想倘著混水 參加別人的感情世界
      幹麻整天陽奉陰違的 以後她自己的不快樂 都是她自己造成的
      ~~想到燕子受苦 就好生氣

  7. lol the BTS was pretty funny, xD kinda almost like bloopers XD there was this funny part where the actress who plays XYZ got her lines mixed up..hahaha XXDD then RMM was behind da camera like “o_O :O” her expression was so priceless! lmfao! funny how the bruises were so fake, but they made it look *real* while film’n it..XD plus the actress herself acted so cute whenever she messed up on her lines and/act’n, its so funny lol i luv BTS in some movies/tv series ^_^

  8. 皇宮裡的女人真是悲哀……

    • 永琪是小燕子ㄉ!!! >”<
      永琪那樣堅定ㄉ眼神  那樣堅決ㄉ語氣  難道她還不懂拆散永琪和小燕子會有什麼後果ㄇ?
      她不是把兒子當盆栽養!!  是把兒子當她做太后的墊腳石!!!

    • 着卫冕事件好事啊! 
      虽然有了孩子, 但是永琪会和小燕子一起离开皇宫啊!!要是孩子问起他爹, 那该着么办呢?

    • 舊版還珠大結局是永琪小燕子簫劍晴兒四個人去雲南過著幸福快樂的日子,知畫(永琪小燕子的第三者)抱著和永琪生的兒子自HI,希望新版換個地方,或者到大不列顛國就很讚,我愛瓊瑤阿嬤^^

  9. since when people on that danasty wearing contact lense? or maybe in xing rong’s family tree have someone from benjamin country?

  10. SO….are there anyone else wondering WHEN IS XJ EVER GONNA TEACH XYZ MARTIAL ARTS!!!!!!!!!!!! They keep saying that but THAT NEVER HAPPENED!!!!! 

    The part where XYZ misunderstood that the rest were talking about skin, suddenly missed Tai!!! Cos if Tai was there, he would’ve laughed and said her mistake was really funny! 

  11. 燕的胎記不是應該在她屁股上的嗎 (from the old series)? LOL. And the old series said it was just a red dot, not a birthmark in the shape of a swallow/bird!!! 

  12. XR 裝什麽大方,根本是要騙婚而編的詞讓愚妃太后喜歡她罷了。如果這麽大方的話,那爲什麽預告裏她跟小燕子說不要搶別人的丈夫!!!! 

  13. 愉妃说忍耐是有限度的, 我们观众和五啊哥对她的忍耐也有限度的. 她不知道吗? 她是越来越烦哦..

  14. 永琪做得好阿!!該硬的時候就該拿出魄力來!!!
    >\\\<  好害羞喔~~

  15. 這個愉妃也真是的!好話壞話都說盡了!!也事先告訴你若不接受小燕子就會失去這個兒子!!她卻依然執迷不悟??!!難道當不當皇上真的比自己兒的幸福還重要嗎??
    還有那個杏仁格格!!說到好聽!!我呸!!!如果妳真的如妳自己所說得這樣!!又怎麼會有後來跟小燕子放話的事ㄋ??都明明白白的告訴你不可能接受你.愛妳!!妳還要一腳踏進人家連一根針都插不進去  牢不可破的感情世界!!想要取代!!想要破壞!收起妳做戲般的眼淚吧!!妳一點也不值得人家同情!!可憐之人必有可恨之處!!妳的心機與所作所為比舊版的知畫還可惡!!還敢惡人先告狀的說人家破壞你的婚姻!!!不要臉!!!

  16. they never have episodes on friday i have no idea why, though its fucked up, and i am starting to hate 五阿哥‘s mom sooo much, what a bitch. So fucking nice to the other girl just because she is pretty and soooo “princess like” big woop. I was soo happy what 五阿哥 said to his mom and just walked away like a real man. That is how he should’ve had done 2 episodes ago, he finally man-ed up 

    • cuz hntv has happy girls on friday…the singing competition
      yeahhhh i guess yufei used to love 5 a lot cuz he’s her only son and the king doesnt rly like her…5 is her only hope to bring up her status in the palace….i thought she was kinda 可怜 in the beginning but now she’s all effed up = =

      • 可怜, lool i never thought so. ever since she started to be mean to 小燕子,i started hating her and she is just a plain old bitch. She doesn’t know shit about her son, because if she didn’t she wouldn’t care what ppl would think of her.

  17. 小燕子是好朋友,很講義氣,也沒心眼

    • ……..of course they are digital enhancements………wat did u expect? they cant film the scene w/ real butterflies & expect them to stay there that long….plus one has to land on Han Xiang’s hand…….its impossible……

    • duh!!!! they are digital i mean like where the hell are they gonna get that many real butterflies and fly around them, i mean COME ON!!!!  all the actors have to do is pretend its sooo fucking easy. Anyone can pretend.

    • lol yes, they are digital ones. The old series also used digital ones. I don’t think they can get that many real butterflies to do what they want them to do.

          • ling fei and yu fei looked fine cuz i don’t think han xiang is speaking mandarin in the drama…

          • she’s speaking mando.. but why did they dub?? o.O does the ling fei and yu fei speak mando naturally??? why dub then? lol

          • no she can speak mando but she’s speaking the language of her own ethnic group in the drama (the turks…) i guess the reason why lf and yf’s voices are dubbed is that their natural voices are not rly suitable for their roles…like in the drama 新一帘幽梦, ziling’s voice was dubbed too. mando is her first language and she doesnt have too much accent, but qiongyao thought her voice was a bit childish/bubbly for the role…guess qiongyao wants everything to be “perfect”…in her way

        • it’s dubbed cause then her voice can be all “wen rou” and stuff. that’s why zw’s voice was dubbed in the other one. it helps

    • In a recent episode of 快樂大本營, the episode with 鄭爽 and 張翰, they say the characters in Chinese dramas are mostly dubbed. They introduced the person who dubbed 爾泰’s voice. 我真不懂。Why hire a second batch of people to dub their voices when they can speak the language themselves…這樣效果會比較好嗎? 好想沒有人這樣覺得吧!

      • If you recall the original HZGG with Vicki, she and Zhou Jie (Erkang) were not dubbed. But Alec Su (Yongqi) and Ruby Lin (Ziwei) are from Taiwan and were dubbed. I think the idea is to keep the accent and pronunciation consistent. The actors may speak mandarin, but depending on which country or region of China they are from, they all have different ways of speaking the language. Now it seems they just dub everyone regardless. It may be easier than just dubbing a few.

  18. 虽然我能理解愉妃的心情, 不过你当然管不住他, 我最受不了的就是愉妃认不清她的儿子已经长大了, 不是她的小男孩了. 就算愉妃对永琪的耐性有限制的, 永琪想做孝子却做不成也有限制的….哎…太矛盾了.

    • yea i think they’re my favorite couple right now 🙂
      never watched their original relationship in part 3 tho… is it similar?

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