New My Fair Princess Episode 65 S2 Ep.29

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83 thoughts on “New My Fair Princess Episode 65 S2 Ep.29

  1. 小燕子真的好吵喔嘰嘰喳喳的
    雖然有她的哀傷在 但有必要這樣吼嗎

  2. ㄍㄢˋ   樓上那些罵小燕子的給我閉嘴 他還不是愛著5才那麼說的 耖 你們就不會這樣嗎?!

    • 再怎麼愛怎能這樣吼皇上?

  3. 小燕子,你成熟了。欣荣,你还活着呀?真令人讨厌。不过,他们『逃亡』时幸好没你这份,不然我要投诉这『新还珠格格』是个失败品!

  4. 怎麼會有那麼白目的女人 好言相勸還不聽 == 滿人血統個屁 小燕子也有滿人血統阿
    欣榮那賤人 最後把永琪搞到離開皇宮也是他自找的

  5. did anyone else think that it was hilarious when yong qi and xin rong was arguing and yong qi said, “omg, are you even a normal person?” i laughed out loud. HAHAHA

  6. This ep really changed my mind about XYZ, she was used to be so childish n a troublemaker (fullstop) but when it comes to love relationship, she is more mature than anyone!! Such a shame that things can’t be easy for them…

  7. 受不了耶  雖然燕子會闖禍
    煎藥敖湯 紫薇也都有去 也都贊成
    為什麼找不到對象 都一直攻擊XYZ >…<…

  8. 容磨磨 我拜託妳快去給小燕子掌嘴 或者拿針扎她 皇上都那麼袒護她了 居然還敢這麼沒大沒小 

    • 皇上袒護是蠻感人 但是你不得不說他們還是看不起女人   橋你這話  我才看不起你= =

      小燕子說的有什麼錯? 皇帝的愛的確珍貴 但是隨時都可以收回
      在深宮之中 說錯一句話 做錯一件事情 說不定就沒命了 說不定就被殺了

      如果燕子不愛皇上 不愛5 以她的個性 她又何必留在宮裡呢

  9. omg what is xingrong thinking?!?! yq clearly told her that the only one he will always love is xyz, so please get out of their relationship!! 

  10. Tat xinrong is such a damn bitch! totally cannot stand her bahaviours! She is nothing but a dumb puppet! No life no feelings! Someone pls knock some senses into her brain! ARGH!

    • 新版爾康,紫微 小燕子和五阿哥的感情好真實,變得更緊密。

  11. 俞妃和太后都太不了解五阿哥了!

  12. 看到愉妃念佛就噁心   虛偽 

    還有可憐的小燕子和紫薇  一片真心真情換來的卻是如此


    • 還有那個杏仁 讓人厭惡的要死


      瓊瑤阿姨真是厲害   !!  

  13. 不用想也知道,肯定是皇后的养心丸作怪
    Xinrong is shameless ~ After that , she’ll ask for Yongqi’s love too ~ =_=
    Yongqi can divorce with Xinrong what !

  14. I like this new hzgg.. Although i dislike xin rong, but her existence make the show focus more on xyz n yq. their love have obstacle which is better than laz hzgg. hope they can make it through.. huhu..

  15. you know for some reason i feel that xin rong doesn’t have any feelings or emotions about what people think of her because when yong qi told her that he doesn’t love her and he will never love her because the only person he love is xyz, she was like ” ohhhhh it doesn’t mater if you love me or not because no matter what you and i are going to get married any way,and i am doing my so call ” good girl ” duties too… and if i don’t do that, i won’t be a goood girl for my parents…. and no matter how hard it is i am going to put an end to xyz and you….. so no matter what you say… i won’t  end this marriage” and some how i have a feeling that xr isn’t going to let yq and xyz go that easily witch i’m guessing that she won’t even let them get their happiness too.

    oh yeah if you compare yu fei and xin rong….. they are soooo much alike because yu fei never have a happy life with the king because maybe the king was force to married her just as how yq is about to get force to married xr too……. and now look maybe xr is going to take yu fei’s place by living an unhappy life with yq…… 

  16. LOLz! XD i luv the BTS at da end, these could totally fit in as funny bloopers! xD and, omg YQ was not even ride’n on a “horse”, when in *reals*, he was ride’n on da truck, and they made it “look” like he was ride’n on a *real horse* when they had da camera in front..hahaha XD 

    then da pole climb’n BTS scene was kinda funny lol da actors had to use those clinger things (4got wats it called ^^;; ) to get all da way up there xD

    da other thing dat i thought was funny was how, da director was yell’n “backwards!” during da bathe scene, when someone accidentally had da head rest backwards..lmfao! XXDD

    • 说得对,相比其欣荣,她知书达理,高贵大方,只有这种有能力的女人才不会为了情情爱爱这种事而误自己和别人的前程。如果小燕子当了皇后,后宫才会不得安宁。在小燕子还没进宫,皇上和皇后的感情多好,来了之后,只有增加事端。

  17. 這集沒有XYZ的笑聲跟活潑, 只有很多眼淚… 看了真不習慣
    杏仁格格最好記住你對五阿哥說得每字每句, 到時後就都別後悔

  18. 叫小燕子1哭2鬧3上吊吧

  19. Xin Rong is just dumb! I remember everyone hating Zhi Hua from HZGG 3, but I always felt bad for Zhi Hua because she was really young and didn’t have much of a choice but to marry Yong Qi if that’s what her parents and the Empress Dowager wanted. Then Zhi Hua did some manipulative things, but that was only because Yong Qi and Xiao Yan Zi neglected her, I’m sure if Yong Qi had given her some attention, so she could keep up her appearances and felt like she at least had some friends, they could have got along with Zhi Hua okay. I can completely understand Zhi Hua becoming a manipulative person, not being loved, being alone in the world, and all of that can really destroy a person and drive them to do things they wouldn’t normally do. Xin Rong on the other hand is just dumb and manipulative from the start and she knows what she’s getting herself into, I was actually rooting for Zhi Hua a little in HZGG 3, but with Xin Rong it’s hard to feel sorry for her at all. I’m actually looking forward to seeing her little scheme crumble, and it better not be like “Oh we forgive you”, but knowing these characters it probably will be like that!

  20. 討厭!!討厭!!討厭!!
    還有那個杏仁格格真的很機車!!說的話都好假總歸一句就是他不相信這世上有堅定不移的愛  他就是要當定皇后!!

  21. what did xin rong and yong qi talked about….. i don’t really understand what they are talking about and what did xin rong say to yong qi that made him kinda mad or something like that… sorry i don’t really know Chinese so can any one tell what they are saying to each other…..

    • basically he’s telling her that they should protest to end the wedding and he doesn’t love her at all. She told him she doesn’t care if he loves her or not. She would not protest against the wedding because she’s performing her daughter duties by participating the wedding. and he can’t believe that she is willing to put herself in a loveless marriage and also frustrated because she’s not helping him in getting out of the wedding. 

    • yong qi talk xin rong that he don’t and will never love love but  xi rong don’t care, she say that she just want to be prund and to be a good children for her parent and make a good  wife but she  don’t care about yong qi will feel for her, because she thank that she could make change yong qi heart  and yong qi and  xiao yen zi  will soon be end …. 

      ( sorry my english it’s not so good ^^ but I try my best to tell you ) 

      friendly … ling’er 

  22. 皇上根本就不理解。他的心可以分成那麽多份怎麽可能理解一對一的感情呢。他可能覺得福晉人選不應該是摯愛吧 (小老婆才應該是摯愛,因爲不用管東管西的) 。


    一指婚了,真不知道燕還要留在皇宮裏幹嗎。皇上的父愛被這一閙沒了,5的愛只能像班一樣遠遠地守候。蕭劍啊,救救你可憐的妹子吧! 香妃能喚來蝴蝶,那把燕子也帶走吧! 苦了大家了。

  23. So so… Queen Dowager’s health was the reason why 5 had to marry XR!

    XR 現在說得好聽,說5愛的是別人也沒關係,她能像榆妃一樣忍耐寂寞什麽的。到時候就不要嚷嚷埋怨5都不在永和宮!!! 可是我覺得5應該到時候不忍心讓另一個女子步俞妃的後塵,孤獨寂寞吧。怎麽突然香妃的事就不急了?

  24. 旧版还珠的小燕子是古灵精怪,大而化之,脑筋转很快的姑娘, 也因此又特别又搞笑… 
    这新版的小燕子完全相反, 太过冲动, 笨手笨脚, 感情用事… 

  25. honestly, i really think 小燕子 deserves it. she deserves no sympathy at all this time. it was like her shoutings at her huang ah ma are not necessary at all. i miss the old 小燕子 by vicky zhao…. what’s wrong with qiong yao changing 小燕子 into such an unreasonable and immature character? sigh…

  26. okay. i think first of all this was sooo emotional. i think xyz grew up a lot, it’s just that people don’t recognize it.

    I don’t understand why people don’t understand xyz, espcially zi wei. her being there, she gave up her freedom and her right to be herself. Honestly, everything she has been doing has always been for someone else. I am kind of disappointed at zi wei and er kang for not understanding that main point. they might understand but they def don’t show it. 

    xyz and yq’s acting has improved and also this was soo sad….. I really feel like this couple is now carrying the whole drama..

    • 是阿!!這也是我最喜歡的一點!

      • 不過,舊版沒有那麼深刻和悲愛的場面。。是因為所有的傷心難過的事情在第三部演的。如過小燕子是由趙薇來演和五阿哥是由蘇有朋來演,可能會有新版的永琪和小燕子那麼的感人。

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