New My Fair Princess Episode 66 S2 Ep.30

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132 thoughts on “New My Fair Princess Episode 66 S2 Ep.30

  1. + i also really hate yong qi’s mother ;s
    i never met such a no use mother ….own son heart also dun know :< 
    just know what is her own heart only…what she like she can do whatever things to her own son…
    A REALLY CRUEL MOM!!!!! stupid heck!!!  

  2. 你真的以为你很有教养吗,有教养的人才懂得爱情呢,笨蛋吗?如果你是有教养的青楼女子那吗你就跟五阿哥那个懂得爱情的人不配!

  3. 拜託~有時候也要給5一些刺激才好看ㄇ~該死的爛新榮我這一生都沒有見過這麼87的女人!你們說對不對?拜託第一天遇見那個杏仁的時候為啥不多踢幾下啊?唉~

  4. 搞不好是因為從來沒有一個男人想娶欣榮.就打著老佛爺喜歡他的名號.攀榮附鳳~更何況..這支鳳凰(五阿哥)是多麼高貴啊…攀上去了人當然不會想下來了啊~!!!!!真是混帳!!!!!((套曼爾丹說的一句話…

  5. 这个死欣荣,她比妖精还更恶毒,读那样多书有什么用,连简简单单的"情"都不了解,简直比小小燕子还笨几千万倍。。。

  6. 永琪那時候就不該跟她額娘攤牌阿
    應該就這樣走掉  不然就走不掉了
    博取別人的同情心  真是愚蠢

  7. 永琪,别心软啊!!!是我求求您啊,五阿哥!!!!!!!!!你是什么妈啊,不让自己的儿子得到幸福!?小燕子,你也要坚强啊……我求求你们,求求你们啊……

  8. 令妃娘娘,我求求您!阻止老佛爷和那个死皇后吧!那年是太后瞎了眼,才让他变皇后。皇后应该是您啊!!!那么的仁慈!您去当小燕子和紫薇的额娘和皇阿玛吧!!!

  9. HOLY SHAT, these last few episodes made me cry so so so so much. i don’t think i have ever cried so much for a drama. once one scene stops and the tears stop, another heartbreaking scene comes right on and the tears start flowing again…. i commend the actors on their wonderful performance, the script writers and the directors of the nhzgg. i don’t remember ever crying this much for the old hzgg, but then again i was a young kid. haha 

  10. 希望欣荣能好好的过生活。她的世界不该被局限。如果她能像武则天一样就好了。把她认为的博爱放在黎明百姓身上,她将会是一个内柔外刚的好领导。

  11. & seriously if XYZ really loves 5 that muchh, then she should have just let go! instead of making 5 abonden his royal, his mom, dad, &the place he grew up in! pluz xyz can still be with 5, it’s just that she has to share him with another girl. && 5 doesnt even love xinron, so it wont even matter!
    butt yes i did like to slap xin ron, she doesnt take love seriously

  12. 欣容是標準的 “拜託你快打我”被打之後反過來咬別人一口 說都是別人欺負她 裝可憐
    可悲又可恥  一點都不可憐!


    希望紫薇她們日後能笑她 早知如此何必當初 現在說的多厲害 以後都是自打嘴巴

    P.S:紫薇跟我想的一樣 欣容是太后餘妃皇后的翻版= . =
    當初誰還說令一個晴兒 讓小燕子那麼開心…

  13. 真受不了餘妃滿嘴的藉口  與世無爭 卻整個壓力都投注在YQ身上  不顧別人的開心難過  只求自己爽…
    更受不了欣容納自以為是  那不叫識大體 是瞧不起女人 自是清高不要臉  以後是最可悲的!!!!!
    說小情小愛 吶請她結婚之後不要跑來嗆聲 不是看不起愛情 不在意永燕 那就不要拿地位拿來押別人 可悲的女人最後只得到地位 反而開始在意起自己瞧不起的東西啦?

    XYZ 我們會替妳加油的!!!

    還有皇上 餘妃這樣 怎能說都是永琪
    餘妃這麼病態 也都是你的錯吧
    後宮有多少女人 說不定更變態的都有

  14. 真受不了餘妃滿嘴的藉口  與世無爭 卻整個壓力都投注在YQ身上  不顧別人的開心難過  只求自己爽…
    更受不了欣容納自以為是  那不叫識大體 是瞧不起女人 自是清高不要臉  以後是最可悲的!!!!!
    說小情小愛 吶請她結婚之後不要跑來嗆聲 不是看不起愛情 不在意永燕 那就不要拿地位拿來押別人 可悲的女人最後只得到地位 反而開始在意起自己瞧不起的東西啦?

    XYZ 我們會替妳加油的!!!

    還有皇上 餘妃這樣 怎能說都是永琪
    餘妃這麼病態 也都是你的錯吧
    後宮有多少女人 說不定更變態的都有

  15. 一句「失去的乾乾淨淨」又一句「悔知已晚」在加上「生我者是你‧毀我者是你‧說不定殺我者也是你」都這麼說了愚妃還不懂嗎??

  16. so much spoilers in the comments! LOL.
    oh well~ xingrong is pretty much a robot woman, made for making babies. There existence brings shame upon all the women in the world. I feel shamed that she is the same gender as me.

    • You have to understand that the roles of women in that era, and especially in ancient China, are as such. Gender inequality was the norm then. Even more so in the palace, where traditions and rules are serious business.

  17. 竟然有人說XR說的是對的 氣瘋了我…
    她根本是腦子有問題的女人 YQ說瑜妃沒救了  我想XR更沒救
    1.雖然她也飽讀詩書 但是那又如何? 一肚子墨水有啥用  只要有書讀的人都行 有什麼好囂張的
    2.明知到對方不愛她 還硬要嫁
    3.婚前講一堆狗屁不通的話 自以為是聰明清高  明明是什麼都不懂
    5.她說她拿瑜妃當榜樣  YQ都說了皇上至少愛過瑜妃 但是他是絕對不會愛她的  又何來生下永期的孩子?
    6.罵人家之前 不先照照鏡子   既然說不計較 後面就不要在那放馬後砲
    7.同為女人卻看不起女人  可悲

  18. 杏仁真是話裡有話有夠X的神人級 =  =




  19. 依永琪聰明才智,有他愛的人在身邊,才能定下心來,為前程努力阿!欣榮真的不知道,等到她真的愛上永琪,就會開始嚐到痛苦。當深宮怨婦是痛苦一輩子的事情,欣榮還傻傻以為那是幸福。就像愉妃那樣她會哭一輩子的!大人們教育失敗阿 。這場婚姻讓三個晚輩都痛苦。

    • 就像永琪說的  至少皇帝還喜歡過瑜妃一陣子
      所以XR是最可悲最可笑的  自以為是識大體  其實只是想攀地位
      自以為看不起燕子  事實上 她連XYZ的一根毛都比不上!

  20. omfg what XR said is driving me crazy! is she fu×king hearing herself. I think she is looking down at all the women in this world! as a women and watching this, i feel offended, i mean seriously, am I the only crazy one that feel offended by what she said?

    • RIGHT!!!  I thought XR is too self-confident to think herself be right, and she looks down all the women. XR is not really smart, she just knows the things of the books, but she has no thought about woman`s right. she is a idot. 自以為是識大體 之後還不是忌妒燕子  WHAT is “小情小愛”?she didn`t know but she just look down. XR will “REGRET” !!!!

      • exactly!!!!! I don’t know why still some people will support her? but what she said is so ridiculous, even if you understand the women in that era or whatever. I think it’s very offensive to women, and really? love is prostitute, what the hell is she thinking? then what is her then? throwing herself to a guy  that doesn’t even like her, and that make her a ‘good women? call me crazy. She is too low for that era!!!!

  21. maybe im very evil, bt i feel a slight relief that yong qi’s mum is dead now. when qiong yao put her into this new remake i thought she’d be a nice mother, like ling fei, who knows shes so closed minded and ridiculous.

    • I mean i wasn’t happy when she died even though she was being a total bitch to her son, i felt bad for yong qi because after all it is his mom. I just think his mom is stupid and stubborn bitch. I mean why the fuck would hang urself? oh, just because ur son wanna marry a girl that u don’t approve? I mean that is such a tiny issue, COME ON ur gonna hang urself over that? Not the fucking end of the world. She is such an idiot and well she is basically murdering her son because he is gonna be soooo fucking miserable and when his mom wants to take it back, which i am sure she will. I will laugh at her because she is such a idiot, doesn’t know shit about her son. Only cares about her fucking image around the palace.

      • guess what… my mom was so upset when she saw this but i think a lesson learn from this is that i have an awesome mother that doesn’t force me to do shit. I mean i am so damn pissed now, so i try to look at the bright side: with yu fei and XR, we can see how nice and caring xyz zw qing er and ling fei is. so it’s like a foil. although i still hate her but, knowing that she will regret at the end makes me feel better… cuz she got what she want (them marrying) but she also lost the only thing she have… her son 

  22. 欣榮再是沒教養的人,全天下的人都知道五阿哥喜歡小燕子,卻還介入。全天下的第三者。

  23. i hate xin rong sooo much 100% and i also mean it too…. my gosh i wish i can slap the hell out of her  freaking face 

        • and slut!! she think she is some kind of royal or something, but REALLY? hearing what she said to zw, she is total slut bitch and the said part she doesn’t realize it and think she is better than all the other women. WTF

          •  this is her plan to whoever is watching it turn ppl to feel pity for her (i meant in there series)

          • yeah i agree with you 100% that xr makes me and maybe other women feel very very pity…

          • and yes a she is also a SLUT too….she thinks that she is the only women who should be the future queen… well think again lady because….ITS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN… and beside if you compare zw,qr and xr… i would say that zw and qr is smarter than xr….for sure 

  24. 虽然我们都讨厌俞妃, 可是看到她自杀, 心里面却有点点不想她死..应该是因为我们和小燕子一样… 都是善良的观众

    • i really don understand. instead of committing suicide, alternatively she can jus ACCEPT xiao yan zi and gain a nice daughter-in-law. pffft.

    • If i am Yu Fei, and xiao yan zi did managed to saved my life (because she remembered the pill that han xiang have), i will be super grateful that she saved my life and will agree to their marriage. But i saw the preview, it seems like YQ did marry XR. Hais..poor thing

  25. Oh man, ended with a clifthanger!! Though yu fei is really irritating, wu ah ge must be feeling really really terrible when she committed suicide~~~~

  26. 虽然大家都好讨厌欣荣,可是我觉得她说的一点很对,就是男女之情只不过是小情小爱。很多人没了爱情还是可以活得好好的。我觉得欣荣是个有智慧的人,不过用错地方罢了。

    • 如果她真的都是這麼想的 那也不錯 她只是想當福晉 做好自己的事 不用介入永琪和小燕子 更“不屑于”永琪的愛 (就像她說的) 那她就沒那麼討厭了 做個活標本 當好她的正宮娘娘 永琪和小燕子還是可以不受打擾的幸福一輩子 只不過 紫薇都說她現在年紀還小了 只是從小被調教的觀念 沒有喜歡過一個人 一旦她以後喜歡上永琪 真正的風暴就開始了 而且有一點很矛盾 她說女人只要相夫教子 不在乎丈夫對她有沒有愛 可是永琪不愛她不跟她行房 哪來的子啊 = =如果是有智慧的人會不想想這個嗎 還是她覺得只要結婚了 不管愛不愛都必須行房…

      • 感覺欣榮是死心眼女孩  願意終身在丈夫旁邊 等他真的愛上永琦  卻發現老公不愛他 他會很痛苦的

        • 哪裡是死心眼呀? 我呸 聽聽她說的話  就知道她是那時代下可悲的慘物 自己身為女人 卻扁低女人
          明知道對方不愛自己 卻硬要嫁  她沒有一開始就愛上永琪了 一開始相中的也是身分地位
          父母只是藉口 孝順更是  如果今天皇上把她指給宮外的人  我就不相信她還死命要嫁

          哪裡說的對? 小情小愛  她是在橋不起愛情耶  她是說愛情不持久
          雖然我們不用為了愛情放棄一切  但是也沒資格瞧不起感情
          他們在那時代除了官路  請問他們還剩下什麼?  我想欣榮才識真正井底之蛙 沒有見識 她有的只是課本上的東西  無聊的價值觀  不懂什麼叫人的自主義識…   自以為是自己是孝順 事實上一切都是藉口 到最後比深宮怨婦還不如  因為沒有男人真正愛過她

  27. All I can say is that XIN RONG is a robot.. -_____- she is coded by her parents or by some dumb ppl.. 
    She better chew her words when 5 doesn’t even look at her in the future!

    • i agree, i don’t know why some people are supporting her, i mean really? i found that what she said is very offensive to women 

      • YES! what she say was crap, she said talking about those love stuff is what hookers will do. and she is not those 清樓女子. What The crap sia. she insulted alot of women!!!

  28. OMG! ER KANG WAS CRYING!!!!!!!
    (i know this is really bad, she commited suicide but i still find it funny that ek was crying… heh heh)


  30. woww this ep is so intense & refreshing.. this storyline wasn’t in the old huanzhu series.. aunty qiongyao made it again!

  31. tat bitch xinrong is driving me crazy! someone pls slap her tight! She is indirectly saying tat xyz & zw are prostitutes when she says tat  为爱情活着的女人…是青楼女子! OFF TO HELL U BITCH!

    • hmmmm.. I wonder how would she describe somebody (like her) that throws herself to a guy that doesn’t even like her…. haha which is more prostitute?

  32. this is so freaken intense..
    it sucks because what ever happens people are going to blame xyz and she is going to feel horrible… sigh.. she should just leave the palace and forget all this!

  33. 对欣荣来讲, 我看全天下的女子都是妓女, 就数她最高清, 最有教养了…抢人家的男人, 动不动就讲的像她是全天下女子的代表, 你是怎样啊, 还没当福晋就怎么嚣张, 还骂紫薇没教养…Seriously, is marrying a man who wouldn’t even take a look at you just that much to be proud of? Just because you’re a monster with no feelings, does it mean that every other girl in this world who care about their own happiness is a prostitute? What kind of messed up logic is that?

    • 还有, 是观保的女儿有怎样啊? 人家还是真正的格格呢,那杏仁莲容嚣张个屁, 还骂人家是妓女. 到了最后, 是谁动不动就向一个不爱你的男子脱衣服…

  34. I guess it’s the result of era. Can’t help the times you are living in.  The men and women of that time were seriously ingrained with thoughts and beliefs not about love but only of how a woman should support whomever they marry whether or not they even knew each other before the day of marriage..

  35. Jeez, xin rong thinks she soooooo smart, she thinks she’s smarter than zw. and she also thinks she’s the queen of the world, just because… because…. I DON’T KNOW WHY! hmf.


  37. i fee like yongqi’s acting is like being crazy already when he talk to yufei. anyway, why dont have ep 67? now only 1 ep a day?

  38. OMFG…i seriously rly frigg’n HATE..HATE…TOTALLY HATE XR SO MUCH! D:😛 i’m so pissed off at these two stupid dimwits! >_< i mean seriously…even tho YQ don't even luv XR one bit, she acts like as if she don't even care weather he luvs her not, and shes still go'n along with this whole process! its like WTF?! DX UGH…XR rly pisses me off right now…-_-

    • I love that scene too, 像他那样才叫做男子汉大丈夫,那像其他人那样说句话,做个事都怕东怕西的。

  39. 看了好想哭, 他们有太多的无可奈何. 琼瑶不是说要打造一个以快乐主题的还珠格格吗? 怎么比还珠格格 1,2,3 更加悲哀.

  40. 看到欣容就火大,什么谈爱情就是妓女,没有爱情就和人同床共枕的是什么?自己没教养便算了

  41. 真的是可憐了小燕子…….
    欣榮真的討厭…..俞妃更誇張 一哭二鬧三上吊……

    • 最讨厌一哭二闹三上吊了,即使我是女人,我也绝对不会用这种方法来逼我身边的人的。。。

      • 通常一哭二鬧三上吊都是來假的 要挾達到自己的目的罷了 但是看來俞妃是真的沒有永琪活不下去…差點就死掉了 也太嚴重了 而且皇上怎麼好意思說俞妃這一生就是為了永琪而活 = =那是因為他有那麼多女人 根本不理俞妃 她傷心寂寞了一輩子才會這麼偏激 這麼想要獨佔兒子 不過俞妃的一生都沒有明白她之所以那麼痛苦就是沒辦法讓自己愛的人對自己情有獨鍾 還希望兒子重蹈她的覆轍

        • 妳說了一句太對的話!  如果沒有皇上 變沒有夏雨荷的悲劇 也不會造就可怕的餘妃了
          皇上自己是罪孽深重  是禍延子孫  卻不知省悟

        • 妳說了一句太對的話!  如果沒有皇上 變沒有夏雨荷的悲劇 也不會造就可怕的餘妃了
          皇上自己是罪孽深重  是禍延子孫  卻不知省悟

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