New My Fair Princess Episode 81 S3 Ep.07

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83 thoughts on “New My Fair Princess Episode 81 S3 Ep.07

  1. So many people that make my blood boil kept sayin that zw and ek’s part are too long. What about yufei and xinrong, the queen all these ppl, i practically skip the whole thing. They are a waste of the video time

    • 不!我覺得既然黃上說要毫髮無傷的帶回去,他應該想要把他們帶回來之後告訴他們他已經原諒他們ㄌ!

  2. 愉妃和欣榮不知道在哭些什麼!!
    永琪也說了不想和欣榮結婚 結果盡然跑去自殺 有沒有搞錯????
    也等於是含香和小燕子救了他的命  這樣就算了竟還罵他們是妖魔!!!!!!

  3. i feel bad for benji . hes always the butt of everything , cleaning the horse poop thing, being a scarecrow getting punched, running with xian yan zi #2… dont like the script for benji … too unfair!!!

  4. i feel bad for benji . hes always the butt of everything , cleaning the horse poop thing, being a scarecrow getting punched, running with xian yan zi #2… dont like the script for benji … too unfair!!!

  5. haha, xiao yan zi said 小case again. zi wei said it before in the palace. haha, they use all the modern expressions. hahahahah, so funny~~~

  6. 真希望不要回宮內~ 雖然我很愛皇上 慈愛和燕子紫薇的父女戲  可是我不想看到YF XR 太后的戲 看到就反胃…

    我剛剛看到有人留言說 片頭抱的小孩 有可能是 永燕的? 真的假的? 我會超超超超超開心的!
    那就代表永燕先圓房A_A… 雖然還是會生氣永琪回宮內被XR污辱了… 可是至少有撫平一點內心不平衡

    AND 超喜歡晴兒的 好漂亮噢 聲音又好好好聽  令妃也是!
    紫薇越演越好噢! 😀 漸漸的也越來越喜歡海陸了

  7. omg showing too much of xinrong and yufei crying.. even a minute is too much. GAHH..
    wat a waste of time!! D:  would be better without them. i dont like to watch them. i am skipping the part that is showing them 

    • u said totally right!!!
      how can they never think they could get married out of palace?
      “先斬後奏”why can`t they do?
      king`s mom did that for YQ and XYZ!!  it`s damn thing!

      OMG! I can`t but hate XR and YF no more!!!

    • In the Original Yu Fei is actually dead , she died when YongQi was a kid (or maybe after he was born) But the author regretted the fact that she killed her off too early… D: So she re-wrote it.

    • i skipped that part i totaly think they are just two big fat bitches XR is such a ugly 狐狸精 and yufei is wasting medicine XYZ you shldnt go…. she still told YQ to marry that ugly stupid bitch ass fox

  8. for people who skipped Yu Fei and Xing Ron’s part.. you didn’t miss anything.  All I got to say in regards to Yu Fei’s ” Yong Qi, when are you going to think about me and your new wife.” .. then when did you ever think about Yong Qi’s happiness?!?!  Who made YQ and XYZ cried for sooo many episodes? I dont pity them, they deserve YQ to leave them. Thank goodness YQ left them! … *now i feel better* hehe 

  9. 但很有可能是燕子生了雙胞胎,一個送去皇宮,一個留給自己啊。因為歷史上,綿億是雙胞胎,一個死了,剩了綿億。尊重歷史的話,就是一個送給皇宮,一個養在身邊,這樣也符合了歷史。

    • 綿億不是小燕子生的

  10. Wah if now XYZ confirm get arrested by SPCA, lol, look at how she whips the horse! haha, lucky it’s not a whip but just some hay..

  11. 對於那個讓永燕黨糾結的孩子至今還是和小燕子的身世一樣未知所以我很公平的對此進行猜測我想大概有四種可能嗯第一種令妃的注意他們是站的院子裡也許是為了迎接誰誰誰的(誰好心發一張圖啊)而小五的表情完全是因為被這個孩子帶入了思緒而欣榮在一旁可能說也想要一個孩子第二種康薇的也很有可能是爾康和紫薇登門拜訪還帶了他們的孩子然後紫薇向永琪提起小燕子小五又陷入了回憶和思戀了嘛至於欣榮嘛又再那裡發春罷了第三種永欣的我很不想解釋不過說好了要公平的說吧他們站在自家門口小五表情又那樣欣榮笑得又那麼賊奸笑奸笑的受不了第四種永燕的或許是某人(可能是紫薇)將小燕子的孩子帶進了宮交給皇上後立刻給了小五小五眼中充滿了愧疚和無奈而欣榮以為小燕子把孩子給他們就意味著放棄那麼永琪就會事她的了第五種導演故意叫剪輯師剪出這段來忽悠兒人的賺收視率滴孩紙們不要相信這種片花啊如果是第一種我對令妃說:不要抱著孩紙到處轉悠啊害死人啦如果是第二種我對紫薇說:你還要更加的善解人意的話露個臉行不如果是第三種我對雞爪是無話可說滴如果是第四種我對永燕說:你們會幸福的!終於真相了糾結死我了你們不要這樣欺騙最信任你們的我們 – 永燕黨如果是第五種我對導演說:你太缺德了可能性令妃的25%康薇的15%永欣的25%永燕的35%

  12. 以前她还表现的很端正,很淑女,很孝顺呢,“我一切只是听从父母之命”,呵呵,现在终于露出真实的面目,欣荣就是假牙!
    And yes, I despise her so……

    • 欣容比旧版的知画更讨人厌!幸亏小燕子和永琪出宫了!现在不用看到讨人厌的欣容和愉妃老是缠着永琪!好喜欢新版里晴儿和箫箭的爱情。琼瑶写这个新版最棒的就是让晴儿加上这个逃难里!

  13. 那个年代有野心的女子才是赢家…. 才是真实~~所以说她就是个有心机的女人.我想她肯定也不愿意小燕子嫁给永琪,就算是当侧的她肯定也不愿意.万一永琪真的当了皇帝.她怕小燕子被宠她被冷落.或者来点更劲爆的.永琪要她让贤,把皇后的位置给小燕子…..我完全是猜的.

  14. sigh…欣荣一听说皇上准备把江山留给永琪的时候,那个激动啊!仿佛皇后就是她了,呵呵,原来这就是不要爱情的女人啊,她要的是那虚荣的皇后之位,要的是永享不尽的富贵,根本不是永琪这个人,她要的只是永琪的地位,永琪的身份。。。

  15. i dont really like this jin suo 🙁 why end up like shes confessing instead of liu qing. booo. maybe liu hong and benji shld be together xD liu hong is really pretty too!

  16. 愉妃巫婆你活该,哭死你,还装晕!好几天没看到她们突然出来吓死人了,哭的太丑了!

  17. 为什么要塑造瑜妃这个人物,最初我还以为瑜妃是用来帮着对付皇后容嬷嬷的结果她自己才是最烦那个

  18. HOLY COW, THEY HAVE SOOOOOOOOO MUCH MONEY!!!!!!! Did they say that they were poor because i don’t think they are….
    anyway, in the other they were soo much more poor than these guys!!! Big difference, epople. 

  19. LOL!!!!!!!! QING ER IS “PREGNANT” THAT IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I liked how she said, “… da du zi” *pat pat* lol! i love that part XD

  20. i don’t think tai hou is worried enough when she learned that qing er got stabbed. i was thinking that she’d faint or at least be like, O_O *falls on chair* or something like that. 

  21. i swear i dislike this xr . she dont own yq at all . this director dont knw knw or anyhw just direct this show , !!!! i seriously dont understand why must include what xr and yq have baby scene!

  22. This XJ is kinda weird to the original one that we’ve known…. sth like trying to woo QE with sweetest words… I don’t think XJ is the person who can say some words like: “You’re my wife”, “You’re mine”… at anytime like that

  23. muhahaah xiao jian so lucky, gotta change qian er clothes all the time!!! he is like “i have no choice!” but deep in his heart he is like yea baby! your are mine forever!!! hahahaah

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