New My Fair Princess Episode 86 S3 Ep.12

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119 thoughts on “New My Fair Princess Episode 86 S3 Ep.12

  1. @cdd5edf648aa4f991b314f2c0a2ffc8f:disqus  你要針對人 我沒意見 不過基本上我自己也有批評過薪還珠 不重要@@” 還是麻煩你自己不喜歡看”我”的留言 你可以不要來留  感恩! PEACE~

    AND…  我看網友說瓊瑤婆婆真的說欣榮讓5更完美嗎= =”? 那真是太可怕了啦!!! 怎麼會更完美啦 ?..  5真的那麼愛小燕子 怎麼會這麼糊塗 圓房阿>”<…  不合理…

    還有5到底生了幾個小孩阿= " =…
    怎麼有人說2個  有人說1個…(囧)      如果是跟燕生的就完美了~-.-

    希望蕭劍能讓燕子越來越成熟= . =…
    我想多看點蕭劍晴兒的戲份! 宮外的~~~

      • 人身攻擊是包含毀謗,侮辱,諸如此類!我並沒有惡意中傷你,我會成熟點的!謝謝!希望你能搞清楚人身功擊的定義再來評論我吧!如果一個人連別人的建議都聽不下去,那根本沒有改進的空間!謝謝你這番指教!我虛心接受!如果你還是覺得我是人身攻擊,而你忿忿不平,我們私下聊吧!這裡是愛環珠格格的地方!不是我們筆戰的地方。

        • 好噢! 謝謝你
          沒有要筆戰 只是你看不慣”評論”可以不留 我說過了  感謝配合^^
          你也看不慣我對你的評論 我也沒去回你 請你就就到此為止 你也沒有必要來採我的留言  感恩 🙂
          Be mature!  Peace♥

  2. @cdd5edf648aa4f991b314f2c0a2ffc8f:disqus  你要針對人 我沒意見 不過基本上我自己也有批評過薪還珠 不重要@@” 還是麻煩你自己不喜歡看”我”的留言 你可以不要來留  感恩! PEACE~

    AND…  我看網友說瓊瑤婆婆真的說欣榮讓5更完美嗎= =”? 那真是太可怕了啦!!! 怎麼會更完美啦 ?..  5真的那麼愛小燕子 怎麼會這麼糊塗 圓房阿>”<…  不合理…

    還有5到底生了幾個小孩阿= " =…
    怎麼有人說2個  有人說1個…(囧)      如果是跟燕生的就完美了~-.-

    希望蕭劍能讓燕子越來越成熟= . =…
    我想多看點蕭劍晴兒的戲份! 宮外的~~~

  3. 我也覺得說新版本  到不如說新的劇情大部分都是斑鳩而已

    也不知道瓊瑤婆婆年紀太大 還是太瘋狂? 我覺得大概瓊瑤是個太獨特的人吧… 斑鳩 就是很瘋狂的部分 不合乎常理的部分  但是她卻要把欣榮.綿億說成是永琪責任孝順來要我們接納 這部分又感覺固執不通…

    畢竟她是作者 我們怎麼說也都沒有用…唉…

    試問  燕子如果沒有深愛永琪 難道他那自由的個性會願意留在宮中這麼久? 新版的永燕戀 談戀愛的場景我覺得已經增加了  而且我覺得燕子真的很愛他  可是劇情卻是要比天上人間更殘忍 不合乎情理…

  4. lol, xyz looks so intent on telling them about “the time when yq cooked for her” that’s so cute. 🙂 “their little secret”

  5. 所以是永琪和乾隆等人回宮.而小燕子.斑鳩.簫劍一起到大理嗎?那晴兒呢?

  6. 所以是永琪和乾隆等人回宮.而小燕子.斑鳩.簫劍一起到大理嗎?那晴兒呢?

  7. 還珠格格超級好看~~~我一把鼻涕一把淚ㄉ看超好看ㄉ!!超期待明天ㄉ~~~那討厭ㄉ杏仁是什麼時候下要害五跟他圓房~還害他跟她生ㄌ一ㄍ小孩!!!ˋˊˋˊ那燕子怎辦呢??   那杏仁超級討厭ㄉ啦~!!ˋˊˋˊ

  8. The irony is that the main characters of the series do not have a smooth is marred with turbulence….hahaha..maybe that’s the erratic emotions of Qiong Yao as she rewrote the whole story based on her own perceptions..!
    Even the servant maid of Zi Wei is better off than XYZ..she got to marry her friend and be the only respected wife, like ZW & QE..whereas for XYZ, she ended up empty-handed..neither a wife nor a concubine..nada, zero..! Just someone hanging on for crumbs..! So pitiful! What kind of love is that?

  9. “小燕子苦守与永琪的两年约定,班杰明同样苦守着落单的小燕子,直到永琪和小燕子重逢的那一天,班杰明留下祝福,悄然的离开。”
     –> 班從第一集開始的每一集都有他的份(遠比爾康,永琪更是男主角/男一號),可是竟然到最後是孤獨地離開?! 這個對男主角的劇情結束有點不可想象。Can anyone believe it’ll end JUST LIKE THAT for Benju???

     班悄然的離開,燕會很傷心,到天涯海角都要找到他的(maybe not all the way to Britain though)。

    • 別急~那個只是大綱阿!!不可能把所有細節都說出來吧!!就像上一部的大綱也沒有把永琪娶杏仁的事說出來一樣阿~
      斑鳩就像晴兒一樣值得有一個完整的愛與幸福!!不是嗎? ^O^

  10. Can someone please tell me what is Auntie’s point of view for benjamin’s purpose/character in 5 and xyz relationship!? I really like ben’s character, but I think it is showing way too much of his affectionate toward xyz.  I am a huge fan for both HZGG, they are awesome drama in their own way, but for me who love the first one, I would like more scenes between 5 and xyz.  I am expecting scenes that they had from the old one and some more….but I realize ben replaces some of the scene….and it is just confusing with who xyz loves more…!! And i dont think the drama portrays 5 and xyz relationship well…its like an imbalance between ben and 5.  It makes me think, do 5 and xyz end up together because thats how it gotta be cuz of part one? or its trying to create more drama between those two? but its going no where!? Especially if 5 sleeps with XR and XYZ doesnt return back to palace? where is the happy ending?

    • I think Benjamin is someone that provides his affection and care to XYZ without expecting anything in return, we call them Romantic Farmers. Benjamin is similar to Knight in Absolute boyfriend, where Benjamin is a Foreigner and Knight was a robot, therefore unable to have to full affection in return from the one he loves.

  11. 為何被下藥的永琪會把欣榮看成小燕子呢 ??   小燕子後來不是沒有跟皇帝回宮跑去大理嗎??  那怎麼可能還會回來跟他”圓房”呢?? 似乎有點不太合邏輯 “=.=

      • 那他也太”迷糊”了吧    五阿哥一直給人很聰明的感覺還會犯下此等”錯誤”?!     該不會他心裡也是想不如將錯就錯   留個種下來以後離開也不至於會那麼愧疚吧 “=.=

  12. does anybody knows if XYZ and YQ got married in this drama ? kinda upset he got married with the other girl …needs to compensate us by showing their marriage lah  or else really not fair !!!
    want to see XYZ get married with YQ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. 我喜歡蕭劍寵愛小燕子的感覺~但是我不得不說…蕭劍表現的太不像是一個兄長該有的行為!!要不是我知道他們本來是親兄妹…看了都覺得小燕子跟蕭劍好像有什麼曖昧!!何況是永琪??

    • 5 那時候暗戀燕的時候,燕被罰抄禮運大同篇,5就抓著燕的手一筆一划地寫著,自己就在暗爽。


      拜托,罰抄寫的時候,每個人都抓過燕的手了(爾康,爾泰),哪有曖昧? 在練武功哪來的曖昧(劍抓著她的手很大力耶,要不然就在掐她脖子),曖昧什麽啦。不避嫌是對的,可是除了擠羊奶那一幕挺曖昧之外,其他的都還好。


      • 別氣別氣~~你不也說永琪是這樣接近小燕子的所以他當然也會覺得蕭劍這樣是對小燕子有意思阿

  14. 比較喜歡蕭劍這個名字!!
    蕭風好像沒那麽好聽。 蕭云好像也沒那麽好聽。 叱吒宮中風雲的兩兄妹- 一個搶走了宮裏的女人,一個虜獲宮裏阿哥的心的女人。可是怎麽感覺他們真的姓蕭覺得很勉強。因爲那時候剛踫到蕭劍的時候,蕭劍強調他是姓簫 (樂器) 而不是蕭(姓氏),而他的名字跟他身上的簫和劍一樣所以是簫劍(假名) 。現在卻説他真姓蕭。哎。

    舊還珠,燕本名是方慈, 劍本名是方嚴還比較合理的說。

  15. 我才剛想說他們十全十美那麽親同家人了,什麽秘密都沒有隱瞞,爲什麽還沒有人問說蕭劍的真名。即使其他人不問,晴兒也該問吧?晴劍都什麽關係了。 
    而且蕭劍怎能就以靜慧師太收養過來確認她就是妹妹? 至少要說有胎記之類的吧(況且她的胎記那麽特別). 還說一眼就知道她極有可能是他妹妹。而且燕在白雲觀住了7年都不知道尼姑庵的名字,怎麽會知道師太的名字(就好像我們幼稚園知道念的那一所可是不記得某老師的名字一樣).故事根本不合邏輯。劍說在皇上祭天民間格格昭告天下的時候就懷疑她是妹妹。跟蹤她到南巡。南巡中竟然不好好跟著,卻到了森林,剛好路過救了晴兒? 除非他當時跟蹤的時候知道他們當中有人不見了才去看看能否找到人。可是當下小燕子才是他要跟蹤的目標啊!!!


    • And i mean XJ last saw his baby sister when she was 6 months old and 所謂女大十八變 just HOW CAN HE BE SURE XYZ’s his sister just by the big eyes and the eyebrows? Even if the nun said XYZ was very active and playful, that was when she was YOUNG (less than 7 yrs old), and now she’s alr. 19 so could be very mature and not playful (XYZ retained her playfulness/very child-like behavior was a very rare case i guess, lol).

      I think it would made more sense for XJ to say that she looks just like their mother or one look and he has an unexplainable gut feeling that she IS his sister (just as if their parents’ spirits are giving him hints/prompt) is much more convincing than the explanation he said. 

      • actually i thought they would use the revelation of xyz’s birthmark (that looks like a swallow on her shoulder) as a final confirmation. Like he could have asked if she has a birthmark after confirming the nun’s name~ or something – and then zw can go: yah! she has one (cause they helped her bath before @_@;;;; 

        • maybe the birthmark thing will appear soon because I saw scenes in the song that there will be flashbacks to XYZ’s mum killing herself, so maybe around that time the birthmark topic will come up..

    • 你說的前面我都覺得很對,況且在泡花辦澡時還特別提到了胎記,以為一定會在相認時有帶到這段。
      況且女大18變,這證據實在太薄弱了。但是南巡的那個我卻有所解釋,假設劍在暗處觀看小燕子他們在騎馬,聰明的他可以知道當時的人數,還有他一定看到小燕子跟永琪他們回去住處了並且觀察到爾泰匆忙的回告說晴兒還沒回來的消息。或許有一點點確定小燕子就是他妹妹的他看到小燕子很慌張,也或許是劍本身就是個行俠仗義的人,所以當時有點愛妹心切的他或是善良俠客的他馬上趕去白天監視小燕子他們等人騎馬的森林附近找尋人跡。 才發現了晴兒。這也是我推測,不過也是好玩猜猜啦 🙂

    • 有種地位是紅顔知己/藍顏知己。就像燕以前說的,她的心裏有很多人,可是每個人都是哥兒們。後來5升格為戀人,在她心裏有了另一種地位。而班也升格為比哥兒們還要重要的藍顔知己的地位。

      • 因為當蕭劍問他”為什麼你選擇了永其,而沒有選擇班杰明?”



  16. 蕭劍真的很厲害  (誤會)認為皇上是殺父仇人
    卻為了小燕子的心情  一直忍在心裡
    並且對燕子說  復仇從來就不是最重要的事情

    畢竟5阿哥是真的先娶了別人  委屈了燕子

    如果後來在跟欣榮怎樣  還帶孩子來給燕子養
    而且爾康紫薇晴兒斑鳩這些好朋友  能接受嗎?
    瓊瑤婆婆要是這樣編  真是太不合理了
    薪還珠的大家  每一集感情都變的更緊密了
    連爾康也都很愛護小燕子  怎麼能接受 這樣委屈她呢?

    • 我觉得改编得不合理。 如果说永琪和欣容结婚后,斑鸠带走了小燕子然后和小燕子在一起那还比较合理,如果b是那干嘛加斑鸠的角色呢?阿姨难道不知道为什么大家不喜欢还珠3吗?(知画)看了阿姨的部落格她说加了欣容是为了让永琪的角色更完美,可是为什么我觉得是毁了永琪和小燕子的爱。

    • 你們到哪裏道聽途説說5會帶孩子給燕養啊。5有跟欣生孩子的事情隱瞞著燕都來不及了,還會去跟她說。帶孩子更是荒謬。

      • 5即使要帶走小孩,欣肯讓她十月懷胎的兒子被抱走嗎。俞妃能讓她寶貝孫子在民間長大學民間不三不四的東西,讓妖女又沒教養沒學問沒這個沒那個的小燕子養嗎?

  17. 如果不想認親 只想跟小燕子她們當朋友 就至少要避嫌吧 蕭劍真的動作太親密了 路人都會懷疑吧= =”

  18. 我最不喜歡永棋吃醋!!感覺好小孩子氣!!
    原來陷害紫微 蒲公公也有分!!!我還認為他是個忠心的奴才呢!!!怎麼幾個銀子就被賣收了ㄋ???
    真是把所有的氣氛都破壞掉了!!  ~”~

    • 剛剛得知有親人  又知道被”仇人”所殺
      當然會想問呀  人之常情吧

      她不會破壞氣氛阿  超喜歡燕子和蕭劍在一起
      蕭劍的寵愛和教導  小燕子會更進步的

      • 每次看到布小美*的流言,只要有人說還珠格格不好,她都會辯駁,老實說我希望她各觀一點,不要因為喜歡還珠格格而是非不分,有些劇情也明顯不合理,我自己也超愛還珠格格,卻不會盲目的認為他什麼都好!

        • 對阿!!如果是我我會一直追問蕭劍真的確定小燕子是他的親妹妹嗎?從哪確定??!!

        • 不好意思  我沒有要辯駁  我也比較喜歡蕭劍阿@@”

          並沒有不客觀啦  你不喜歡可以不看真的= =”
          哪裡是非不分? 也希望你說話客觀點噢

          燕子有時候真的挺白幕是真的呀= =”

        • but from the brother point of view, he have a point to not like yq. let alone the fact that yq’s father (the king) was the one killed their family. xiaojian sees that when yq got marry, xyz was really sad, he is just trying to protect his sister 

          • so true and the description and opening gives spoilers. YQ goes back without xyz while Benju stays with her for 2 yrs. XYZ waits for YQ for two years while he goes and has a baby with that evil wife of his…cant help but feel bad for Benju he does so much for xyz cares so much about her and ends up single….cant blame xiaojian for not liking YQ. The scrip for this version makes it that way atleast in the old version YG and XYZ get married first 🙁

          • what?! 0.o YQ is going to hav baby wiv that darn women?!!! and XYZ hav to wait…!!!

          • i agree! i had hope they had changed this stupid part of the drama, but i guess not from preview! so hating to see that. now it kind of killed it for me to finish watching this cos this was what i hated about the whole drama even though xyz & prince ends up together. -.-

          • exactly, doesn’t they get why that people hate the 3rd season of the original one? it’s because zihua, now that xr is worst than zhihua… sigh 

          • lol, i guess not, thus leading to the same mistake! it was bad enough they change the actors, but no matter how i look at it it’s still cheating & can’t forgive a guy to get a gal pregnant & then leave, reason or not, especially the reason they use in the original.  here, by people’s comments, now they are going to make him leave xyz for 2yrs & then use drugs? god, for crying out loud, it’s only few more eps, why do they have to drag it out & make cheating seemly even more worse!!!

          • i agree! i had hope they had changed this stupid part of the drama, but i guess not from preview! so hating to see that. now it kind of killed it for me to finish watching this cos this was what i hated about the whole drama even though xyz & prince ends up together. -.-

          • i agree. i think the ending would be better if xyz end up with benju (sorry, I can’t accept that qy and that evil women have a baby). I mean if benju didn’t ‘give up’ and tell xyz that he love her first, xyz will probably end up with benju. I think xiaojian sees a point there, that even xyz loves yq, but benju is always the one there to protect her and make her happy. If I am in xiaojian’s position, i would want my sister to choose benju, even that xyz loves yq. IDK, I just feel that in this version, adding benju to the plot make yq’s love for xyz minor, because i feel that in a way benju loves xyz more thatn yq.  

          • Benji is in love with xyz but xyz doesn’t like him more than a friend. All of u ppl who says that xyz likes Benji u guys are totally wrong, i have never seen xyz get jealous and cry over him, but for yong qi xyz cried i don’t even know how many times. If i was xiao jian ya sure i would want my sister to end up with Benji as well, but yong qi cares about xyz through out the entire show, u gotta give him credit. Also you guys have to stop accusing yong qi just because he is going to have a baby with xing rong. I mean we’re not even at that part yet, u guys don’t even know what’s going to happen. I mean remember when yong qi had to get married to xing rong, remember why he had to do it? Maybe this time he had to because of some good reason, so u guys should watch before judging someone. I mean ya i hate that mother fucking bitch too, but i am not accusing yong qi yet because i dunno what’s going to happen. 

          • honestly know – xyz is very childlike in thought – she has never considered anyone as a love target before yq’s confession. That was when i think her heart has stirred towards him. Remember when yq confessed, xyz was like: but what about benju? 

            i think that was what “guest” has meant if benju had confess first instead of yq. Personally i think the director focus so much on developing benju’s character in the plot, for like practically the first “season”, that yq’s character interactions with xyz pales into the bg. 

            I bet if they choose another asian actor and create the benju character (like instead of the whole italian renaissance input thing) alot of viewers would be rooting for benju and xyz. Course sadly everyone knows how the couple pairing goes (the book and past show and all).

            I still like Alec Su better as 5 ah ge ~ he’s actually alot more expressive too. First season of this show i have been enjoying more of benju’s scenes as well as whenever Er tai shows up. Yq’s character was just..there for the sake of storyline. Glad they improved his role later on near the end of season/part 1.. which was like 30 eps too slow for character development. sighs.(yes. i know im getting off topic >_<;;)

          • I agree that we should judge so fast. because i was with you and think that they didn’t have a baby. but let’s just face it, from watching the ‘behind the scene’ and the season3 opening song, they did have a baby. i don’t get why adding banju’s character if he didn’t end up with xyz. 

  19. WOOHOOO!!! Way to be evidence kid! FINALLY, some justice for the gang 😀 And 1:03 in part 2 was adorable! xD lol, YQ and XYZ make such a cute and amazing couple! I don’t want the drama to end >.<

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