New My Fair Princess Episode 90 S3 Ep.16

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138 thoughts on “New My Fair Princess Episode 90 S3 Ep.16

  1. 為什麼大家不能一起同進退
    可是不管去哪裡 能在一起都好啊

  2. 哈哈,我最喜歡就是看到有常太醫還有郎畫師。他們兩個都好有趣,每次都是笑場的!


  3. Who says Xiaojian is selfish? I think Huangshang is more selfish, in that sense that all of them has already made their stand on not going back to the palace, but he still did not give up on persuading them..
    As for Xiaojian, he doesn’t want them to go back because he thinks everyone as his family. His only family 十全十美. But once again, his family is going to split. and it’s once again because of Huangshang.

    • I think both of them are not selfish. Huang shang simply wants his family to go back. I said the exact thing as you in episode 89. Xiaojian simply doesnt want his family to split. hes not selfish

  4. 果然會是紫薇先投降! 但是永琪的心理早就投降了吧= =…
    只是燕子那麼在乎哥哥 說過不想分開 連永琪說信的事情時 她也是說”不然你一個人回宮裡…”
    不然我看他超想他娘…(-.-)  可是他沒想過帶燕子回去 還要她跟自己一起面對xr嗎…

    我有看到20集的留言 好像YQ XYZ分開了…
    唉 XYZ傷心的日子又要來了

    她們回宮  他們倆個也就回宮
    金鎖我覺得她希望ZW回宮裡 繼續當格格

    雖然擔心老佛爺  不過她看蕭劍的眼神 真的好溫柔呀…>ˊˊ<

  5. oh my… the girl that plays zhi hua (xiao yan zi’s mom) aged very well!.. she is so pretty in here… way prettier than when she was zhi hua

  6. their mother (xiao yan zi and xiao jian’s) shouldnt kill herself like that because she made xiao jian and yan zi dont have any parent. that makes their life sad. i understand her husband got killed by cutting head off which is really hurt but shouldnt kill herself. 😛 that wont show how much she love her husband

  7. 就知道紫薇會是第一個人投降自願回宮的!!! I KNEW IT!!!

    BUT BUT… how could XYZ follow suit?? She promised her brother!! That was sorta unexpected.

  8. 以前常常批評高梓棋不夠風度翩翩,覺得比較適合演盡忠職守的禦前侍衛爾康,演大俠好像差了點氣質感覺。現在我收回!!!1 演蕭父真的有大俠風範哦,帥 (難道一片鬍子就能變大俠?那也對,之前的高亮高明也是不可無須的)!!! 蕭父讚啦!!

    看過 高梓棋的現代照 (有頭髮)就知道爲什麽瓊瑤婆婆選了他當蕭劍。有頭髮真有點俠氣feel的說。有頭髮的時候帥10倍吧。如果光頭的時候是帥的,那有頭髮的時候更帥!!!

  9. 以前的知畫變成了蕭娘了! 還好沒有太多的臺詞,不然又勾起對知畫的仇恨! 成了蕭娘挺美的,至少比當年的知畫美多了。怎麽10年過後還是保養得那麽好啊!!!!

  10. 嘖嘖…永棋憑什麼跟蕭劍說要是小燕子肯跟他回宮, 他肯定會給她幸福?
    excuse me…
    一個已婚了的男人, 面對強勢的老婆和一哭二鬧三上吊的老娘
    憑什麼說回宮之後, 肯定會給小燕子幸福?
    我看來看去實在看不懂, 永棋是要拿什麼來保證小燕子的幸福
    永祺啊永棋, 難道你不知道你早已信用破產了嗎?!

    • I was about to say the same thing! YQ actually looked worried when the others say let’s go back to the palace (we all know why). But then when XJ wants to bring XYZ away with him, YQ suddenly said all the stuff just to keep XYZ with him. 

      燕在宮裏為了5受了多少委屈他也不是不知道,在大難臨頭要被迫分手的時候才說讓她跟他回宮,會給她幸福。我呸。凴什麽能保證? 他連自己的自由權都是老佛爺和自己額娘在控制的。他自己是監牢裏的小鳥,飛不出去,就要拐帶另一只燕子來陪著他?!?! 什麽啊!

      Seriously YQ doesn’t know what he wants. He keeps changing his stands in just 2 eps. He would be like I’ll go to Da-li with XYZ because she’s not happy in the palace. And then the next ep, he would be like XYZ let’s go back to palace and he would guarantee her happiness when he doesn’t have any confidence at all. AND YET THE NEXT EP, he would be like, “I’m willing to give up everything and be with you in Da-li”. WHAT?!?!

    • 說的好 ! 雖然永琪也可憐 可是他真的不是那個可以說他”一定”能給燕子幸福的人  畢竟他控制的了自己的心 卻有餘妃 還有欣榮 這都事實擺在眼前

  11. Xiao Jian is rather unreasonable.. 他不是應該將心比心嗎?這樣的他太衝動了。。。他們還不是因為父母。。

    • Have you watched the old HZGG? XJ & XYZ’s parents were killed by the Emperor. In HZGG part 3, XYZ knew of this, which is one of the main reasons all of them lived away from the Palace.

  12. OMG!!! Has anyone watched 《呼叫大明星>> ? I just found out that 柏柔 in that show (the very artistic one who won a scholarship to Paris) was Li-sheng aka XYZ in this show!!! 

  13. 完全無法同意!!!!!
    我可以接受愚妃不喜歡小燕子!!我可以接受永琪是個孝子!!我也沒讓永琪不管她娘的死活!!!但是!!今天不是愚妃病危!!而是愚妃不愛惜生命!!又拿上吊的事情威脅永琪回宮!!!這種是有一就有二…有二就有三!!!難保永琪離宮後 她不會在一張家書 說要上吊!!又把永琪召回宮去??!!這是最討厭的地方!!!

    • 1) Yu-fei doesnt understand love cos she never had any from her husband so she thought 5 wasn’t serious about it.

      2) Yu-fei is probably from some great noble family background who was sent to the palace to be a concubine just like XR. That’s why she see herself in XR and of cos like XR to be her daughter-in-law. Knowledgeable and has good manners that XYZ doesn’t have. XYZ has no background and Yu-fei who comes from a noble family of cos won’t even like 老百姓 like XYZ.3) Yu-fei was so neglected in the palace and when she knows her son has a great chance to become the future Emperor, and her as future Empress Dowager HOW CAN SHE JUST LET THE CHANCE GO JUST LIKE THAT? If she became Empress Dowager, she doesn’t need to be humble to anyone or be careful of her speech and everyone has to respect and honour her! Of cos she has to grab on to this opportunity!

      • or maybe she’s just jealous because someone like XYZ can get so much love from her friends and the emperor and her precious son and she from a noble background can’t get any. 

        Life’s fair.

    • she’s a real piece of work. didn’t she practice buddhism with the old empress? why haven’t they learned to let go? practicing buddhism is just all talk. at least Huang Hou and Rou Mo Mo don’t hide it.

  14. 各位永燕迷︰你们那条「再续前缘」的呼吁,冲过了一万四千条转发,我只好想故事去。戏到尾声,我想提醒永燕迷,不要恨愉妃,她是个可怜的母亲,望子成龙是她的本能。不能接受燕子是无解习题。永琪是个孝子,如果他不顾母亲的死活,他还值得燕子去爱吗?深思深思,转转转!–琼瑶–

    COPY from 新还珠格格官方微博

  15. “皇上驾到!” 今夜 @郭德纲 摇身一变成“皇阿玛”,坐镇今夜有戏。两位“情敌”五阿哥与宫廷画师班杰明,现场你争我夺“小燕子”。尔康更是不“电”紫薇“电”皇上,现场电眼四射。香妃的婀娜舞姿更是惹得皇上好生羞涩。新还珠,新精彩,今晚21:30 @天津卫视 @今夜有戏 让我们拭目以待!

    *****看來版主會~很忙~很忙~很忙~******如果有機會,麻煩版主囉!!!   THANKS!

  16. OMG!!! This show is gonna end THIS WEEK if nothing goes wrong (for example, excessive cutting of episodes to make additional eps). Rumour has it that the final ep’s gonna be Thurs.
    We will find out about the conclusion THIS WEEK!!! (by the looks of it, almost everyone wanted to return to Beijing except XYZ, Qing-er, XJ and Benju and we all know YQ went back to the palace and the dreaded scene of YQ & XR doing the job).

  17. 唯一让我们明白的有两点
    全剧玩 本文完

  18. 唯一让我们明白的有两点
    全剧玩 本文完

    • 一開始看會有新意 因為加入一些英文蠻有趣的
      比如說在狗頭那邊(good morning)



    • 本來就是了阿!

  19. 怎麼看瓊瑤,把五阿哥寫成了個不負責任的男人/爸爸,從他奉命結婚的那一天起。這樣不是在教育我們,愛情/責任,可以是兩回事。我可以結了婚,再去跟我的舊(原)情人,糾纏不清,還可以去浪跡天涯咧。大家如果都同情小燕子,這樣我們也就不要在責備”小三”,根本就沒有所謂的先來後到。


    • 那是古代耶 = =如果要具有教育意義那那種君臣的東西不就是教會我們奴性嗎 時代都變了 以前可以逼婚 現在大部份都是自由意志了 就算不是 結婚之後也差不多安定了

    • That’s one possible ending. The best conclusion for this story. I would celebrate with fire crackers and red wine if that’s the case. XR lets go and remarries and YQ finds XYZ. I am praying….but I do think that the baby is Ling Fei’s………she hasn’t given birth yet……..been a while…..

  20. 這版的香妃故事真的好弱 可以刪掉 改換成其他的情結也不錯 反正小燕子愛犯錯 寫其他的叫色給她救也不錯 
    班傑明的戲太多了 可以改成”班傑明&刁蠻格格”

  21. 如果兩年後跟燕子重逢後,愉妃又寫了家書,那永琪不是又要回宮好多次。生小孩確定只是給個交代就可以閃了?這只是有讓永琪多的一個牽掛,擔心他老母九已經夠煩了,又多一個小的。舊還珠一二部之所以完滿就是因為永燕,康紫又在一起,又結婚,皆大婚喜。而這部呢?永燕分開沒結婚,兩大女主角小燕子跟紫薇又分開,我怎麼看都像是殘缺的結局。

  22. XYZ and YQ, ZW and EK, Qing Er and XJ should totally get married while the emperor is with them. I really enjoyed the wedding scene in the classic version of HZGG and I can’t believe it’s going to be taken out :/ A lot of scenes which I really liked were removed in this remake like the horse riding scene/meadow scene with XYZ and YQ in season 1, XYZ getting kidnapped in the chess place in season 2, and the wedding scene where ZW and XYZ were mixed up. Xiang Fei’s story also wasn’t really well-developed in this remake. The remake has its refreshing twists and new scenes, but they should have at least retained the memorable scenes from the classic version.

  23. You guys should compare the behind bed scenes between YQ + XYZ and YQ+XR…..a huge difference…..When it comes to kissing scenes between YQ and XYZ, 1) Yongqi NGed so many times when kissing XYZ (this was confirmed by the director and fellow cast mates)  2) with XR, he went through it just once, and was even annoyed when the director didn’t yell “cut.”  3) He was protective of XYZ and didn’t care for XR. Maybe some may think that it’s for ratings and for show, but something about his actions and facial expressions are just so doesn’t look like he was acting at all…..

  24.  I have nothing against the actor. If he was a minor character and stayed in the palace as an artist, I have NO objections. BUT HE is everywhere! In every episode! I said so before: it’s called Princess Pearl NOT Benjamin’s Life during the Qing Dynasty. I want to see XYZ’s growth, not his. Besides, why didn’t Qiong Yao add a Chinese dude just as good as Yong qi, moral wise and look wise? That would be more challenging and fun, wouldn’t it? Yong Qi had to marry XR, why can’t XYZ have someone? XYZ did say that Benji was a foreigner to her brother……….it sounded like the only reason she picked YQ was because he is Chinese!

    • I agree, although that i like benji, but he appears too much and it doesn’t make sense adding him because xyz didn’t end up with him. I just think it will make more sense that since he have so many scenes, xyz should end up with him 

  25. I am so for them not going back to the palace, the only thing that piss me off so much was yq marrying that xy omg xy will have to like face her again and xyz have to bear through it, that’s so stupid. I hate his mom! 🙁 She’s the selfish one, not xj. xj have every reason to be selfish, that emperor took everything from him, the emperor already have enough happiness living in the palace, xj will be alone again if they all go back to the palace…that’s just sad…

  26. the emperor is trying all his might to get them to go back, while they get touched and all, they didnt consider what xiao jian went through for them too. yes i know many hate xj for being selfish and wants them to stay as a big family, but put urself in that actor’s role’s shoes. his family got killed, every single one, by the emperor, who later realize it was a mistake and cleared his family name [go read the synopsis. im not making it up] imagine, your sister who u get seperated from bcuz their parents are trying to save their life, end up the sister is calling her family’s murderer father. of cuz he’ll get very angry! but i believe there’ll be a happy ending, i hope.

    lastly, i cant wait for xyz and yq’s wedding!!

      • they did mention that yq and xyz will have a bed scene before yq returns, but wedding or not, im not sure. yq will go back to the palace while xyz will not, and yq will have a baby with xr, cause he mistook her as xyz, and they did it. 

    • agreed!! 🙂 n I love XJ n QE. I like that at least XJ has QE by his side in all this mess 🙂 I believe there’ll be a happy ending as well. 

  27. please help post 因故延迟的《背后的故事》之《的时光礼物》上集终于将在9月4日晚12点闪亮登场咯,请大家到时一定要HOLD住哟!节目精彩不断,笑点连连!!!

  28. 因故延迟的《背后的故事》之《的时光礼物》上集终于将在9月4日晚12点闪亮登场咯,请大家到时一定要HOLD住哟!节目精彩不断,笑点连连!!!

  29. 瓊瑤婆婆之前說不會虧待班,會讓他有一個好結局。

    之前一直支持燕琪戀,可是因爲有胡攪蠻纏不明白事理又一哭二閙三上吊的愚妃,還有那個討厭又沒完沒了地要思春圓房的杏仁,還有那個認定5是接班人的老佛爺,覺得5有太多別人加附給他的責任和壓力,根本是走不開。還有他所創造的生命– 綿憶 (他能放棄自己的親生骨肉而離去嗎?好歹是他的孩子是他第一個兒子)。5對於他要盡的孝心是絕對不能抛捨的,特別是他一生孤獨的母親和老佛爺(只能說他是個孝順的小孩)。




    • That’s why I mentioned that YQ should take care of everything first in the palace then go find XYZ in my comment. IF there was no big escape and Xiang Fei.

    • Exactly, we already know how much YQ respects that mother his. Like I said, Qiong Yao should have erased the big escape and added something different, like XYZ leaving the palace after YQ married XR. YQ will regret it and make a decision to leave to find her. It’s Princess Pearl and I wish there are more developments and growth in XYZ’s life. IT’S NOT CALLED Benjamin’s Life during the Qing Dynasty. I personally don’t care. I would have been more happier if she added a Chinese dude just as good as YQ to threaten his place in XYZ’s heart.

    • 我觉得阿姨把小燕子写了第二个夏雨荷,让我最无言的是阿姨主打轰轰烈烈的爱,可是轰轰烈烈却斗不过一哭二闹三上吊。

  30. 再者,老佛爺一直在推卸責任說都是別人慫恿她別人誤導她,讓她對香妃,燕和紫薇做出了太嚴重太錯誤的手段。

    呸! 老佛爺很愛做事後諸葛,事後發現讓皇上傷心痛心生氣了才找別人來怪罪,說不是她的本意,還虧她燒香拜佛呢! 老佛爺根本就是看皇上臉色做人,深怕失去皇上的孝心。惡毒歹毒地做了種種不對的事情(比如鶴頂紅伺候香妃是她下的命令),事後皇上龍顏大怒指責老佛爺,老佛爺才心裏怕怕,牽扯別人來幫她頂罪,說什麽自己老糊塗了信了身邊人的鬼話,身邊的人都心存歹意什麽的。

    現在才爲了討好皇上,不失去皇上對她的尊敬才假裝着急說要接她們回宮,一定會接受紫薇燕子,還牽扯什麽一定是她的燒香拜佛顯靈了。 呸! 她之前還不是一直一邊燒香念佛一邊在對紫薇燕香妃進行拷打,體罰?! 呸!!!!

    • 從沒看過這麼推卸責任之人!!
      她自己說的沒錯: 有時候活到這把年紀,才發現自己做的都是錯!



  31. 瓊瑤婆婆說她要重拍还珠格格為的是讓觀衆開心,讓觀衆用愉快的心情來看這部劇。

    • 不知道耶~看不到台灣的版本!  我覺得多少(1%)會有不一樣,因為廣告商的多寡,收看的人數….等等因素。不過目前台灣只演到五阿哥取欣榮這一段。

  32. 小美, 我同意你的看法. 當瓊瑤宣布她要重拍, 我以為她有了新的創意來描述幸福和愛情, 但我錯了. 


    如果瓊瑤是用歷史事實和人物寫一個愛情故事, 這是很無聊, 不會有戲劇性的! 這不是她的風格. 當涉及到皇室, 我不明白她為什麼會堅持要用歷史事實. 香妃也是一個半虛構半真實的人物. 小燕子是一個漢族人, 在清代,只有一個漢族的公主,她叫孔四貞. 本劇是還珠格格, 為什麼不能遵循它的戲劇的腳步? 瓊瑤的作品從一開始就是一個幻想! 



    小燕子是如何遇到了她的朋友, 她的情人,她的哥哥和她是如何逐漸成熟並了解愛情和友誼. 如果我寫這個故事,我會排除本傑明,香妃變成蝴蝶, 大逃亡因為這些是不符合邏輯, 多餘的, 和不必要的劇情!

    我會強調小燕子如何從一個女孩改變成一個女人. 小燕子會明白, 開始理解是什麼生活, 什麼是愛,什麼是現實. 我明白瓊瑤喜歡寫關於浪漫與愛情故事; 觀眾喜歡的童話故事和童話結局, 但是有時放手也是愛情哦! 她可以把它當作她難忘, 珍貴的回憶! 燕子可以以永琪娶欣榮作為原因回到江湖, 沒有什麼比她的自由和歡笑更寶貴!我也為燕子添加一個中國”藍顏知己,” 並與燕子前往大連和江南. 蕭劍和晴兒與乾隆在江南之旅時已經見到對方和墜入愛河, 所以燕子可以去南方找他們. 


    永琪是王子, 承擔的是皇室血脈,愉妃老佛爷甚至皇上會迫使永琪再娶第二個欣榮,第三個欣榮!

    如果他真的愛燕子,他首先應該給他的父母和欣榮一個交代, 然後離開皇宮去尋找她!

    會讓他痛不於生, 後悔不堪! 燕子皇宮以外會有一個全新的生活, 結識新朋友, 和遇到一個男人, 一個非常優秀的,
    不輸給永琪的男人, 讓他吃醋, 這使他更想要和愛燕子. 他需要打一場大的戰爭 

    才可完完全全擁有燕子. 而這個大戰爭和挑戰來自於: 這個新男人, 從燕子了解什麼是愛情, 友誼, 恩情,
    這個人已經在她的內心有位置, 不是她花心,
    而是她有一顆熱情和善良的心: 這就是小燕子!我認為這種變化和高潮會更好! 他們最終會在一起, 但他不得不先面對他的母親和皇宮壓力和外界壓力=燕子的新的崇拜者+她對愛情和生活新看法.That’s all folks. That’s how I would rewrite the story.

    • that’s exactly what i think too. because the title is 还珠格格。 the story should follow xyz’s character development. I think the first mistake in this new version is yq marry xr first, even if he doesn’t love her, but there is still responsibilities, no matter what happen it’s something that they can;t change. i think xyz should ‘let go’ after they marry and leave with banju. Because I think from this story line, yq is selfish, and he need to learn to accept his responsibilities and let go of xyz because she wont be herself if she is in the palace.

    • 阿姨写的是艺术。。让我们可以去梦and believe

      yours can be one version, but i think auntie rewrote this with her life’s experiences and its beautiful. She has a strong belief in the determination of love, so she is just writing her believes and wishes.

      so dont hate.

      • Besides, it’s not the end. Qiong Yao would surprise us in the end. She didn’t even like the 3rd one from the older version either. Because it was not a fairy tale ending. I am not really even sure if there is a child between YQ and XR. Let’s all wait and see. 

  33. 騙人!!什麼愚妃天天帶著小燕子送他的髮簪??!!
    再來應該是演他們回宮皇后被治罪 紫微救人‧永琪被下藥圓房‧紫薇爾康的婚禮吧

  34. NICE! Great enhancement as compared from the old ver of huan zhu ge ge. Thnks for remaking this whole drama and creating happiness for the audience watching it! Thumbs up!

  35. the imperor will know about killing xyz’s parents,the qing er&xiao jian’s wedding,the zi wei&er kang’s wedding,(maybe jin suo’s wedding too) yq will come back to the palace and will have baby with xr, xyz must wait yq for 2 years and all these in 8 episodes…how it would be?can’t understand…:(

  36. Haven’t even gone back to the palace, the emperor’s presence alone is RESTRICTIONS, OBEDIENCE, and RULES!!!.  Can’t stand it. 

  37. xiao jian is so selfish, just keep saying the emperor is trying to separate his family like he’s not trying to separate the emperor’s family, double standard much

    • Dude!  That freaking palace is not the place for them.  We all know that, Xian Jian is legit for being nervous.  He’s a man’s man, but his heart is soft and has emotions too.  After all they’ve been through, I would be mad if they end up going back to the palace with the Emperor.  The Emperor can come out when ever he desires to see them, but if they returned to the palace, there’s no guarantee that they can enjoy this kind of loving, carefree situation oh.  Not trying to argue, but just saying.

        • how did his family die, do you even know for sure what his dad has done to get himself into the situation? How are you certain it is the emperor’s fault and not their dad’s fault?

          • hi pple, just my 2 cents worth… anyway in the storyline is not their dad’s fault la. (u will find out as you watch + he is just a son who watched his dad died…) wells, i think to understand his feelings is to think from his point of view.. he has always been a cool guy, unwilling to be tied to any sort of relations, but he took so long to open up to these people… he really want to have a group of people as his family.. being an orphan since young.. it meant alot to him. I really sympathize his situation…

            while the emperor in this new hzgg is not very convincing.. somehow i feel like he is just using all sort of ways to achieve his goal.. hais.. although i know it should not be like this…

      • all i hear from him his family his family, has he considered the fact that the ppl he’s talking about are also the emperor’s family and he would be just as sad to be separated from “his” family. Xiao jian wants to separate the family by telling them to go to dali, the emperor wants to reunite the family by asking them to all to go back to beijing. I think i can tell who’s the more selfish person here, one is trying to separate while the other is trying to unite.

        • 🙂 I don’t think its Xiao Jian nor the King problem. They both have good intentions to protect their love ones. Yet for the king, it’s not that he is bad but there are other people in the palace that are not all loving, include the queen, yu fei n xin rong. Those people are most likely bring the unhappiness to the group and we all could guess that. Personally, i also don’t like that the king can just get all he wants (i guess this would apply to all kings), upset then kill them, miss them and want them back.
          As for Xiao Jian, since the moment he met the group, they got into so many mishaps including xyz & zw were sentenced to death. It’s all added to his already bad impression on the emperor. He lost his family as a boy, finally found his sister and has people he cares about, tried his best to protect them then now he can feel he’s losing them again, and to the emperor. Happiness is not easier found and when you have it, it’s traumatizing to let go of it. I feel bad for the guy since he can’t even give a good explanation to the group as to why he’s so upset (except for Qing Er). I think he already knows that he’s losing to the emperor (because he doesn’t stay with them that long, even with xyz) and there’s nothing he can do about it beside getting upset, just like how he was when xyz was miserable with yq’s marriage…

    • he is not selfish, because if he is, he will tell xyz to leave when yq marry that stupid girl. and if he is selfish, he will want xyz to get revenge… but instead he didn’t even tell xyz that the king is the person that kill their family 

    • Even if hes selfish, so what? Everyone in XJ family got killed and he witness everything. He and his only sister is the only ones alive but was separated since little. He spend so many years looking for his sister, then found her, but she called their family’s murderer father. He thinks the king trying to separate his only family from him (not to mention QE). He had kept everything bottle up inside him for so long, theres bound to be that stress and nervousness. Absolutely a normal reaction. I think hes already done the impossible by keeping his cool around the king. I won’t even mind if he had been more selfish by taking QE and XYZ to Dali right away and say she shouldn’t be with YQ.

  38. I really hate YQ’s mom, I hate her than any one else, she is the most hateful character in this drama. She so selfish, only think about herself. Don’t she think her son will not be happy to married that stupid girl. Before I watched this new version, I really think YQ’s mom is a kind woman and love her son, but when I watched this new version, every good things about his mom is gone.

    • Can’t agree more!  I hate characters like YQ’s mom.  Making other people’s life a living hell, and STILL THINK THEY are right and being a angel about it.  ARRRRRRRRRRR!!

    • first of all, why the hell does she have to write a freaking letter, ok if she doesn’t get why her son is running away, didn’t yq tell her clearly that she will lose him completely if she force him to marry that fucking girl. go get a brain women! and look at er kang’s mom or lingfei

    • in the old version, i thought the empress and rong mo mo are the most irritating people. but now over here, yq mum is fucking annoying. i cant even stand looking at her scene for even one minute. i hate it how she threatens to die. hello come on, she is the one at fault by forcing yong qi to marry xinrong! since she likes xinrong so much, okay she can get her xinrong. but she should let yongqi go back to xyz! by writing that letter to yongqi, obviously she wants to break them up again. did she ever thought of it when she force yongqi to marry xinrong she should know that during then, she has already pushed yongqi to a limit. yongqi is so poor thing having to have xinrong as a wife. it is yongqi that is sheng bu ru si, not stupid yu fei. 

  39. 可恨的愚妃又拿尋死當藉口!! 怎麼不去死一死!! 真該死的女人~~~可悲一生中最重要的2個男人都離他而去~~~活該!!  

  40. it’s sad that after all xiao jian goes through to tell them not to go back, they eventually do and then his own sister, xyz encounters her sad love story. At least, she married him in the older version and almost had a baby.

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